Site Map
Draft Small Water Craft Storage Strategy
North Sydney's Transport Future
Community Engagement Framework
St Leonards Park Landscape Masterplan
Redundant No Stopping and No Parking Zones
Local Area Traffic Management Action Plans (formerly Draft TAPAS Action Plans)
Traffic, Transport and Parking Surveys
Draft Memorials in Open Space Policy
Plans of Management
Renew and Extend NYE Alcohol Managed Areas
Biodegradable dog tidy bags?
Have you seen the Distracted campaign?
Transport and Parking Consultation - Stage 1
Ridge Street Active Transport Upgrade
Anzac Park Community Garden
Planning Proposal 2/17: North Sydney Centre & Draft DCP 2013 Amendment: North Sydney CBD Character Statement
Kesterton Park Playground Upgrading Proposal
Anderson Park Plan of Management/Masterplan
Tunks Park Plan of Management/Masterplan
Amended Encroachment Management Policy
Primrose Park Cricket Nets (extended)
Community Strategic Plan Review - Phase 1 submissions closed 25 March 2018
North Sydney CBD Laneways
Waste and Recycling Review
Planning Proposal 1/17: 617-621 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards Centre
Family and Children’s Services Strategy
May Gibbs' Nutcote - Joint Plan of Management
Brennan Park Playground Upgrading Proposal
Watt Park - Stairway Upgrade Options
Draft Older Persons Strategy
North Shore Cycleway and Streetscape Upgrade
Kesterton Park - Improvement Works
Planning Proposal 7/15: 575-583 Pacific Highway, St Leonards
Bradfield Park South Upgrade
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy
Innovation Focus Group - Discussion Forum
Customer Service Satisfaction Survey
Alfred Street Planning Study
St Peter's Park Sculpture Commission
Draft IPR Plans - submissions closed 7 June 2018
Kirribilli Village - Trading Hours & Small Bars
Hayes Street Foreshore (wharf) upgrading proposal
Grosvenor Lane Shared Zone
Military Road Corridor Planning Study - Stage 1
Draft Ward Street Precinct Masterplan - Stage 1
Ward Street Precinct Masterplan - Stage 2
Proposed NYE Ticketing across North Sydney LGA (from 2019/20)
Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability - Proposed Fees and Charges
Area 20 Internal Use Only
Renew Our Libraries
Disability Inclusion Action Plan Annual Report 2017-18
Proposal to make the North Sydney CBD smoke-free
Proposed SRV and Minimum Rate Increase
Urban Forest Strategy
Planning Proposal 6/16 - 100 Christie Street, St Leonards
Amended IPR Plans - Have your say
Financial Statements 2017/18
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Public Exhibition of Place Book
Warringa Park Playground Upgrading Proposal
Milson Park Boat Ramp Upgrade Proposal
Draft Motorbike & Scooter Parking Strategy and Action Plan
North Sydney Smart City Strategy
Draft Arts & Cultural Strategic Plan 2019
Stanton Library Customer Satisfaction
LEP Review
North Sydney Living Futures Sustainability Festival
Planning Proposal 1/18: 23-35 Atchison Street, St Leonards & Draft Amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013
North Sydney Men’s Shed Joint Strategic Plan
North Sydney Visitor Economy Strategy
Draft 2019/20 Fees and Charges Schedule
Draft 2019/20 Operational Plan and Budget
Proposed Young Street Plaza
Trailer Parking Restrictions
Draft 2019/20 Community Grants and Subsidies
Northern CBD Planning Study
Ex-Waverton Bowling Club site
Draft External Communications Strategy 2019-2021
Draft Events Strategy 2019-2021
North Sydney Seniors Festival 2020
Proposed Lease: Chandos Street Noise Wall Construction
Draft Bushland Rehabilitation Plans 2019-2029
Amended Community Engagement Protocol (incorporating the Community Participation Plan)
Ridge Street Active Transport Upgrade - Stage 2
Draft 40km/h and 10km/h Shared Zones Masterplan
Alcohol Managed Areas Renewal - 2019 to 2023
Spring Sounds on the Platform Event Feedback
Ward Boundaries Review
Financial Statements 2018/19
Planning Proposal 5/19 - 6 Hayes Street, Neutral Bay and NSDCP Amendment - 8 Hayes Street, Neutral Bay
Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
Past Engagements
Civic Precinct and Surrounds Planning Study (formerly Northern CBD Planning Study)
Sculpture by the Sea sculpture - proposed location
Sirius Street Reserve Playground Upgrading Proposal
Draft Taxi and Ride Sourcing Strategy and Action Plan
Sawmillers Reserve-Small Watercraft Storage Strategy Implementation
Under Review
Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40km/h
New Years Eve 2019 Feedback
St Thomas Rest Park Playground Refurbishment
Robertsons Point Upgrade, Cremorne Reserve
Plans of Management for Crown Land
Connecting with Council - 2020 Communications Survey
Waverton Alcohol Managed Areas Renewal - 2019 to 2023
Precinct System Review
Planning Proposal 8/19 - Small Bars in Kirribilli Village and NSDCP 2013 Amendment - Extended Trading Hours in Kirribilli Village
Street Play Pilot Program
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2
Planning Proposal 7/19 – North Sydney LEP Review 2019 &
Draft North Sydney DCP Review 2020
Draft 2020/21 Fees and Charges Schedule
Draft 2020/21 Operational Plan & Budget
Amended Resourcing Strategy
Draft 2020/21 Community Grants and Subsidies
Kirribilli Village Centre, Draft Public Domain Upgrade Masterplan
Blues Point Road Village Centre (McMahons Point), Draft Public Domain Upgrade Masterplan
Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability - Usage and Feedback
Draft North Sydney Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan
Recently Exhibited Planning Proposals
North Sydney Startup Survey
Road Pavement Rectification Works - Miller and Blue Streets
Proposed Intersection Improvements, Military Road
Information Sessions Program
New Draft Plan of Management for St Leonards Park
Financial Statements 2019/20
Planning Proposal 3/19 - 173-179 Walker Street & 11-17 Hampden Street, North Sydney
Smoothey Park Landscape Upgrade
Hodgson Lookout Landscape Upgrade
Grasmere Children's Park Playground Upgrading Proposal
Ernest Street Active Transport and Streetscape Works (Anzac Avenue to Warringah Freeway Overpass)
Spofforth Street - Proposed Intersection Improvements
Planning Proposal 6/19 - 27-57 Falcon Street, Crows Nest & Draft Amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013
Primrose Park Carpark Lights
Proposed Land Swap between Neutral Bay Club and North Sydney Council (Ilbery Park Reserve)
Young Street Cycling, Walking and Streetscape Upgrades
Crows Nest Over Station Development Voluntary Planning Agreement
Primrose Park Tennis Courts Refurbishment
2021 Liveability Census
Kirribilli Centre - Joint Strategic Plan Review 2021-25
Crows Nest Centre - Joint Strategic Plan Review 2020/25
Miller Street Pop-up
Draft Amendment to NSDCP 2013 - Ward Street Precinct Masterplan
Primrose Park Art and Craft Centre - Joint Strategic Plan Review 2021-23
Kirribilli to Cremorne Walking, Cycling and Streetscape Upgrades
Draft Fees & Charges Schedule 2021/22
Ben Boyd Road Renaming Survey
Draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Draft Community Grants & Subsidies 2021/22
Draft Operational Plan & Budget 2021/22 (and Amended Long Term Financial Plan)
Food Scraps Collection Trial: Post-trial survey
North Sydney Community Centre Joint Strategic Plan 2020-2025
Planning Proposal 3/18 - 50-56 Atchison Street, St Leonards and draft Voluntary Planning Agreement
Draft Amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013 - North Sydney CBD commercial tower setbacks and separation (exhibition extended)
Burton Street Temporary Road Closure & Plaza
Amendment to North Sydney Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan
Draft Development Control Plan: 173-179 Walker & 11-17 Hampden Streets, North Sydney and Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement
Draft Amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013 - North Sydney CBD commercial tower setbacks and separation (copy for redirect)
Draft Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocol Guidelines
Renew NYE Alcohol Managed Areas
Managing Council's Parks - New Booking Arrangements and Proposed Fees
New Draft Bushland Plan of Management
New Draft Plan of Management for Cremorne Reserve
New Draft Plan of Management for Neighbourhood Parks
Draft Community Strategic Plan
Events in the North Sydney LGA Review
North Sydney Walking Strategy
Financial Statements 2020/21
Impacts of COVID-19 on the North Sydney LGA Business Community
St Leonards Park Playground Refurbishment
Community Development Strategy
Library and Historical Services Strategy
Holtermann Street Park - Design Concepts Exhibition
Primrose Park Small Water Craft Storage
Fred Hutley Reserve Playground Upgrade
Proposed Changes to Council Meeting Schedule and Practice
Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)
Precincts 50 Years - Photo and Story Sharing Portal
New Draft Playgrounds Plan of Management (PoM)
Merrett Playground Upgrade
Draft North Sydney Men’s Shed Joint Strategic Plan 2022-2024
Draft Code of Meeting Practice
Arts & Cultural Strategic Plan Review
Draft Fees & Charges Schedule 2022/23
Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026
Draft Operational Plan & Budget 2022/23
Draft Grants & Subsidies 2022/23
Draft Resourcing Strategy 2022-2032
Draft Plan of Management (PoM) for Foreshore Parks & Reserves
May Gibbs' Nutcote - Joint Strategic Plan 2022-24
Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan (copy)
Family and Children’s Issues Survey
Car Share Applications
Burton Street and Bligh Street Kirribilli - Permanent Closure and Shared Zone Design Concepts
Neutral Bay Community Centre Joint Strategic Plan 2022-24
Planning Proposal 1/21 - 270-272 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest Draft VPA & Draft Amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013
Milson Park Kayak Storage
Draft NSDCP2013 Amendment - Car Parking Rates for new high-density developments in areas with high public transport access
Planning Proposal 4/22 - Prohibition of residential flat buildings in the R3 Medium Density Residential zone
Willoughby Road Streetscape Upgrade - Stage 2
Parraween Street - Free 30 minutes parking trial
West Street Cycling, Walking and Streetscape Upgrades - Stage 1
Draft NSDCP2013 Amendment - St Leonards/Crows Nest Planning Area
Draft Public Art Masterplan and amended Public Art Policy
Financial Statements 2021/22
Prior Avenue, Cremorne Playground Upgrade Proposal
Planning Proposal 6/20 - 45 McLaren Street, North Sydney, draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and draft Amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013
Mapping Queer North Sydney
East Crescent Street Shared Space Trial
Planning Proposal 253-267 Pacific Highway, North Sydney
Street Play 2023
Business Network Events - help shape the 2023 program
Nutcote Conservation Management Plan
Cremorne Plaza & Langley Place - Public Domain Upgrades
Don Bank Conservation Management Plan
External Communications Strategy
Planning Proposal 378-390 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest
2023 Liveability Census
Planning Proposal 12-14 Waters Road, Neutral Bay
Traffic & Parking Surveys
Homelessness Strategy Review
Sustainable Business Survey
Draft VPA 12-14 Waters Road, Neutral Bay
Planning Proposal 8/22 - 15 Allister St, Cremorne
Primrose Park Sports Fields Reconfiguration
Alcohol Free Zones & Alcohol Managed Areas - Signage Renewal
Public Pathway Lease Renewal
Coal Loader Future Direction Survey
Electric Vehicle Survey and Charging Location Map
North Sydney Sustainability Rebates
Community Centre for Neutral Bay
Draft Fees & Charges Schedule 2023/24
Draft Grants & Subsidies 2023/24
Draft Operational Plan & Budget 2023/24
Amended Design Excellence Panel and Charter
Planning Proposal & Associated Draft DCP for 52 Alfred Street South, Milsons Point
Planning Proposal for Five Ways Triangle site, Crows Nest
Planning Proposal for 360 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest
Draft Bush Fire Risk Management Plan
Neutral, Hayes and Kurraba Precincts merger proposal
Blues Point Reserve Lighting Upgrade
Young Street and Grosvenor Street Intersection - Cycling and Walking Upgrades
Willoughby Road Shade Structures
Lost Bird Found Project 2023
Planning Proposal (8/21) - North Sydney Centre
Planning Proposal (PP3/23) - Heritage listing on Parraween Street, Cremorne
Ridge St Window Gallery Feedback
Planning Proposal (5/22) - 71-89 Chandos Street, St Leonards
Moodie Street - footpath, parking and direction updates
Ridge Street - Short Term Parking Arrangement
Disability Inclusion Committee EOI
Planning Proposal PP5/23 – Heritage listing 115-125 Holt Avenue, Cremorne
Tunks Park Kayak Storage
Lodge Road Playground update
West Street Cycling, Walking and Streetscape Upgrades - Stage 2
Financial Statements 2022/23
Open Space and Recreation Strategy
Coal Loader Cafe Lease
Draft Administrative Amendment to NSDCP 2013
NSW Government Housing Reforms
Neutral Bay Village Planning Study
Integrated Transport Strategy
North Sydney Bike Action Plan
Draft Operational Plan & Budget 2024/25
Draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2024/2025
Social Inclusion Strategy
Economic Development Strategy
Culture and Creativity Strategy
Young Street Plaza Upgrade
Have your say on our next ten years
Draft Community Grants and Subsidies 2024/2025
Planning Proposal at 1-7 Rangers Road and 50 Yeo Street, Neutral Bay
Planning Proposal and Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement at 601 Pacific Highway, St Leonards
Amended Outdoor Dining and Goods on Footpath Policy
North Sydney News
Draft Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy
Social Media Policy
Draft DCP Amendment - Military & Rangers Road 2024
Installation of electric vehicle charging stations in Council car parks
North Sydney Festival
Community Transport Review
Grasmere Reserve Playground update
Financial Statements 2023/24
Planning Proposal 6/21 - 52 McLaren Street
North Sydney Council Special Rate Variation (SRV)
Environment Strategy
Housing Strategy Supplement
Governance Strategy
Draft Community Strategic Plan 2025-2035
Amended Compliance and Enforcement Policy