Precincts 50 Years - Photo and Story Sharing Portal

The North Sydney Precinct System has been in operation for 50 years!
We invite you to share your stories, memories and photos as part of the celebration and recognition of the Precinct Committees' contribution to the North Sydney community.
We want to hear from current and past members, including if you've moved out of the North Sydney local government area - tell us about when and why you first got involved? Was it the opportunity to meet people in your local area or because of a particular issue? We also want to hear about a significant moment or achievement of your Precinct Committee.
Note: all posts are moderated. Inappropriate or derogatory comments will not be published. Please also be mindful of privacy requirements.
Share stories, insights, photos and/or images
Add stories, insights, photos or images to share with others. To add an image, click on the text below that says 'start your story by providing a title' below this icons will appear, click on the icon that looks like a picture of mountains. You can also comment on posts that other people have made. Please note: You will be asked to add a screen name will appear online with any posts or comments that you make. If you feel more comfortable retaining your anonymity, you can choose a unique screen name that will not personally identify you.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes sharing photos to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Precinct System. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. It is not intended to make the details of individuals participating in the trial publicly available. We may however, quote details of comments provided and group together the demographics of trial participants in our reporting process. Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties may be released in line with Council policies. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to access Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
All submissions are open to public scrutiny under Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and in accordance with Council's Access to Information Policy.