Ward Boundaries Review
Consultation has concluded

Submissions closed 8 January 2020
Council at its Extraordinary Council Meeting held 20 January 2020 resolved:
1. That Council adopt the North/South two (2) Ward boundary proposal as exhibited and attached to this report.
2. That Council confirm that the proposed two new Wards be named St Leonards (North) and Cammeraygal (South).
View the report and submission summary in the document library.
The next local government ordinary elections are scheduled for Saturday 12 September 2020.
Under section 211 of the Local Government Act 1993, councils that are divided into Wards must keep Ward boundaries under review to ensure the difference in elector numbers between Wards does not exceed 10%. For information on how the variation is calculated, refer to Circular 19-24 available from the document library. Councils must notify the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) of any changes to Ward boundaries and/or names.
In September 2019, Council resolved to submit proposed Ward boundaries amendments to the NSWEC. Initially, the proposal was for 3 Wards however, in response NSWEC advised Council that due to the result of the 2017 referendum regarding the election of the Mayor by Councillors, Council will continue to have 10 councillor positions (including the Mayor) at the next election (not 9 as previously thought). As there must be an equal number of Councillors in each Ward and the Mayor is no longer to be popularly elected, it is necessary to alter the number of wards from 3 to 2.
At an Extraordinary Meeting on 18 November 2019, Council resolved to adopt a 2 Ward structure, dividing the North Sydney LGA into a northern and southern Ward. Council also resolved that the northern Ward be named St Leonards and the southern Ward be named Cammeraygal; refer to map in document library.
In accordance with section 210(A) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council sought public comment on the proposed Ward boundaries. Further, Council sought feedback on the names of the Wards.
For further information contact Ian Curry, Council's Manager Governance and Committee Services.