Holtermann Street Park - Design Concepts Exhibition

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At it's meeting of 26 April 2022, Council considered the post exhibition report and resolved:

1. THAT Council note the submissions received on the proposed Holtermann Street Park design options.
2. THAT Council adopt Option 1 as the preferred option with to proceed to Development Application Stage, with the inclusion of the minor additional/modified design elements as outlined in this report.
3. THAT Councillors be provided with the Business Case and revised drawings prior to the DA being lodged.

Feedback closed 11.59pm 28 February 2022.

The NSW Government’s 2036 Plan for Crows Nest/St Leonards includes a proposal to underground the existing Holtermann Street Carpark and create a new urban park at ground level. The new park will offset the increased demand for open space created by the additional residential growth allowed for in the 2036 Plan.

The NSW Government funded the development of three design options which were on exhibition from 30 November 2021 to 28 February 2022.

While this stage of feedback has closed, you can still sign up to the ‘Keep informed' eNews list.

Consultation regarding the project’s design will occur in three stages:

  1. Functional Needs Analysis - tenants of the Crows Nest Centre and car park as well as occupants of adjacent properties have been asked to advise their functional needs for the new facilities. This information informed the Consultant’s preparation of design concepts.

  2. Public Exhibition of Design Concepts - three concepts were exhibited, inviting feedback from all stakeholders as to the preferred option or preferred elements of each option. The feedback will be used to inform the final design. The draft concepts were endorsed by Council on 25 October 2021 (130MB). The post-exhibition engagement outcomes report was received by Council on 26 April 2022.

  3. Development Application (DA) - subject to a successful final business case and confirmation of construction funding a DA will be exhibited in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Protocol.

The design options can be viewed via the 3D Flythrough or Information sheets (see table below or the Document Library).

Information Sheet3D Flythrough
View the Option 1 information sheet
View the 3D flythrough for Option 1
OPTION 2View the Option 2 information sheetView the 3D flythrough for Option 2
OPTION 3View the Option 3 information sheetView the 3D flythrough for Option 3

An online information session was held on 8 February 2022, click here to view a recording of the session. The Q&A summary is available from the Document Library.

Project Overview

The redevelopment of the Carpark site, that adjoins the Crows Nest Community Centre, is to deliver a new contemporary multi-storey underground carpark accompanied by a new public park, located on top of the carpark.

The proposed elements to be included in the project design are:

  • new multi storey underground carpark (207 space minimum);
  • new public park (1,500m2 minimum);
  • new children’s (all abilities) playground;
  • new kiosk/café and outdoor dining area incorporated into the park;
  • new building interface and facade design to the north face of the Crows Nest Centre;
  • refreshed and upgraded public amenities within the Crows Nest Centre;
  • incorporation of the existing Crows Nest Centre’s community facilities, services and operations within the overall design;
  • new building interface to the northern façade of the Community Centre;
  • new pedestrian through site link between Holtermann Street, the new park and Ernest Plaza; and
  • new opportunity for a public art space and heritage/historical interpretive elements.


This project has been enabled through the St Leonards/Crows Nest 2036 Plan announced in August 2020, which included an initiative to underground the Holtermann Street Car Park, to create more public open space via a new at-grade urban park.

The Holtermann St car park is located at 13-25 Holtermann Street, Crows Nest, at the intersection of Holtermann Street and Willoughby Lane.

This car park was built in 1983 as part of the Crows Nest Community Centre development. An additional parking level and lift was installed in 2008. Since that time there has been no significant additions or alterations to the carpark.

Funded by the NSW Government, the proposed new urban park is an initiative that meets both Council and community open space requirements for the St Leonards/Crows Nest Precinct that is to accommodate in the order of 16,500 additional jobs and 6,700 new homes by 2036.

The potential opportunities for open space in Crows Nest is acknowledged in the 2036 Plan which identifies 12.7 hectares of public open space of various types in the precinct. The expected population within this precinct is approximately 30,000 people. This approximates to a relationship of 0.4ha per 1,000 people which is well below the standard ratio and provision for open space in Sydney, which is 2.83ha/1,000 people.

The precinct falls well short of this and needs more public open space given the significant growth planned.

For more information contact Council’s Engineering Project Manager, Robert Esdaile Engineering & Property Services Division on 9936 8100.

At it's meeting of 26 April 2022, Council considered the post exhibition report and resolved:

1. THAT Council note the submissions received on the proposed Holtermann Street Park design options.
2. THAT Council adopt Option 1 as the preferred option with to proceed to Development Application Stage, with the inclusion of the minor additional/modified design elements as outlined in this report.
3. THAT Councillors be provided with the Business Case and revised drawings prior to the DA being lodged.

Feedback closed 11.59pm 28 February 2022.

The NSW Government’s 2036 Plan for Crows Nest/St Leonards includes a proposal to underground the existing Holtermann Street Carpark and create a new urban park at ground level. The new park will offset the increased demand for open space created by the additional residential growth allowed for in the 2036 Plan.

The NSW Government funded the development of three design options which were on exhibition from 30 November 2021 to 28 February 2022.

While this stage of feedback has closed, you can still sign up to the ‘Keep informed' eNews list.

Consultation regarding the project’s design will occur in three stages:

  1. Functional Needs Analysis - tenants of the Crows Nest Centre and car park as well as occupants of adjacent properties have been asked to advise their functional needs for the new facilities. This information informed the Consultant’s preparation of design concepts.

  2. Public Exhibition of Design Concepts - three concepts were exhibited, inviting feedback from all stakeholders as to the preferred option or preferred elements of each option. The feedback will be used to inform the final design. The draft concepts were endorsed by Council on 25 October 2021 (130MB). The post-exhibition engagement outcomes report was received by Council on 26 April 2022.

  3. Development Application (DA) - subject to a successful final business case and confirmation of construction funding a DA will be exhibited in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Protocol.

The design options can be viewed via the 3D Flythrough or Information sheets (see table below or the Document Library).

Information Sheet3D Flythrough
View the Option 1 information sheet
View the 3D flythrough for Option 1
OPTION 2View the Option 2 information sheetView the 3D flythrough for Option 2
OPTION 3View the Option 3 information sheetView the 3D flythrough for Option 3

An online information session was held on 8 February 2022, click here to view a recording of the session. The Q&A summary is available from the Document Library.

Project Overview

The redevelopment of the Carpark site, that adjoins the Crows Nest Community Centre, is to deliver a new contemporary multi-storey underground carpark accompanied by a new public park, located on top of the carpark.

The proposed elements to be included in the project design are:

  • new multi storey underground carpark (207 space minimum);
  • new public park (1,500m2 minimum);
  • new children’s (all abilities) playground;
  • new kiosk/café and outdoor dining area incorporated into the park;
  • new building interface and facade design to the north face of the Crows Nest Centre;
  • refreshed and upgraded public amenities within the Crows Nest Centre;
  • incorporation of the existing Crows Nest Centre’s community facilities, services and operations within the overall design;
  • new building interface to the northern façade of the Community Centre;
  • new pedestrian through site link between Holtermann Street, the new park and Ernest Plaza; and
  • new opportunity for a public art space and heritage/historical interpretive elements.


This project has been enabled through the St Leonards/Crows Nest 2036 Plan announced in August 2020, which included an initiative to underground the Holtermann Street Car Park, to create more public open space via a new at-grade urban park.

The Holtermann St car park is located at 13-25 Holtermann Street, Crows Nest, at the intersection of Holtermann Street and Willoughby Lane.

This car park was built in 1983 as part of the Crows Nest Community Centre development. An additional parking level and lift was installed in 2008. Since that time there has been no significant additions or alterations to the carpark.

Funded by the NSW Government, the proposed new urban park is an initiative that meets both Council and community open space requirements for the St Leonards/Crows Nest Precinct that is to accommodate in the order of 16,500 additional jobs and 6,700 new homes by 2036.

The potential opportunities for open space in Crows Nest is acknowledged in the 2036 Plan which identifies 12.7 hectares of public open space of various types in the precinct. The expected population within this precinct is approximately 30,000 people. This approximates to a relationship of 0.4ha per 1,000 people which is well below the standard ratio and provision for open space in Sydney, which is 2.83ha/1,000 people.

The precinct falls well short of this and needs more public open space given the significant growth planned.

For more information contact Council’s Engineering Project Manager, Robert Esdaile Engineering & Property Services Division on 9936 8100.

Page last updated: 17 May 2024, 05:20 PM