Draft NSDCP2013 Amendment - St Leonards/Crows Nest Planning Area

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Consultation has concluded

Feedback closed 5pm Tuesday 15 November 2022 

Council sought feedback on the draft amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013. The amendment has been prepared to better manage the significant density and height uplift envisaged under State Government’s St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Plan. The draft amendment provides new design guidelines to:

Manage the impacts of tall towers by:

  1. protecting solar and daylight access to the public domain and surrounding areas  
  2. limiting tower width and providing adequate tower separation to allow sky views and reduce overshadowing impacts 

Create a human scale to the street and transition to lower density areas by: 

  1. providing consistent street wall heights that respond to the site context  
  2. ensuring sufficient above podium setbacks are preserved  
  3. providing building setbacks to the lot boundary where there is a major height transition to an adjoining residential zone  

Improve public spaces by:  

  1. providing footpath widening and outdoor dining opportunities through increased setbacks  
  2. ensuring street frontages are activated with retail uses  
  3. encouraging through site links with active frontages and landscape treatments 

More information 

The Council report of 12 September 2022 provides more detail and background to the proposal. We’ve also developed a fact sheet and glossary of terms to help explain the proposal (available in the Document Library).

Public Exhibition

The draft DCP amendment was on public exhibition from Tuesday 4 October to Tuesday 15 November 2022 (42 days). View the draft NSDCP 2013 amendment and associated background reports in the Document Library. Hard copies may be viewed at Council’s Customer Service Centre and Stanton Library during opening hours.

For further information contact Wendy Lam, Strategic Planner on (02) 9936 8100. 

Note: Submissions are considered open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In the interests of public transparency, your submission in its entirety may be made available via Council’s website. Submitters are encouraged to read Council’s Information Sheet: Making a Submission to Council prior to making a submission. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.

Feedback closed 5pm Tuesday 15 November 2022 

Council sought feedback on the draft amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013. The amendment has been prepared to better manage the significant density and height uplift envisaged under State Government’s St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Plan. The draft amendment provides new design guidelines to:

Manage the impacts of tall towers by:

  1. protecting solar and daylight access to the public domain and surrounding areas  
  2. limiting tower width and providing adequate tower separation to allow sky views and reduce overshadowing impacts 

Create a human scale to the street and transition to lower density areas by: 

  1. providing consistent street wall heights that respond to the site context  
  2. ensuring sufficient above podium setbacks are preserved  
  3. providing building setbacks to the lot boundary where there is a major height transition to an adjoining residential zone  

Improve public spaces by:  

  1. providing footpath widening and outdoor dining opportunities through increased setbacks  
  2. ensuring street frontages are activated with retail uses  
  3. encouraging through site links with active frontages and landscape treatments 

More information 

The Council report of 12 September 2022 provides more detail and background to the proposal. We’ve also developed a fact sheet and glossary of terms to help explain the proposal (available in the Document Library).

Public Exhibition

The draft DCP amendment was on public exhibition from Tuesday 4 October to Tuesday 15 November 2022 (42 days). View the draft NSDCP 2013 amendment and associated background reports in the Document Library. Hard copies may be viewed at Council’s Customer Service Centre and Stanton Library during opening hours.

For further information contact Wendy Lam, Strategic Planner on (02) 9936 8100. 

Note: Submissions are considered open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In the interests of public transparency, your submission in its entirety may be made available via Council’s website. Submitters are encouraged to read Council’s Information Sheet: Making a Submission to Council prior to making a submission. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.