Traffic, Transport and Parking Surveys

Council regularly reviews its traffic management and parking restrictions. We are also working to improve our transport infrastructure and connectivity including cycleways.
There are no surveys open at present. Visit the dedicated project pages to provide feedback on:
Miller Street Pop-up Plaza, feedback closes 2 November 2022
Redundant No Stopping and No Parking Zones, as part of Council’s commitment to improving parking in our area, members of the public are being encouraged to identify where they believe redundant “No Stopping” and “No Parking” zones exist.
Past survey updates
Note: Submissions are considered open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In the interests of public transparency, submission in its entirety may be made available via Council’s website. Submitters are encouraged to read Council’s Information Sheet: Making a Submission to Council prior to making a submission
Council regularly reviews its traffic management and parking restrictions. We are also working to improve our transport infrastructure and connectivity including cycleways.
There are no surveys open at present. Visit the dedicated project pages to provide feedback on:
Miller Street Pop-up Plaza, feedback closes 2 November 2022
Redundant No Stopping and No Parking Zones, as part of Council’s commitment to improving parking in our area, members of the public are being encouraged to identify where they believe redundant “No Stopping” and “No Parking” zones exist.
Past survey updates
Note: Submissions are considered open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In the interests of public transparency, submission in its entirety may be made available via Council’s website. Submitters are encouraged to read Council’s Information Sheet: Making a Submission to Council prior to making a submission
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes 28 September 2022
Council has received request from the Forty Winks Business Owner to covert the:
Existing: 1P Meter 10am-6pm Mon- Fri, 8:30am-12:30pm Sat (approx. 10 car spaces) on Pacific Highway between Albany Street and Oxley Street to:
Proposed: 1P Meter 10am-6pm Mon-Sun
A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library.
The results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee.
Note: The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the proposed pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Works have now been completed as per images below.
Council has received funding under the 2020/21 Australian Government Black Spot Program to redesigned the intersection of Morton Street and Hazelbank Road to include a raised pedestrian crossing on the northern and eastern legs of Morton Street and Hazelbank Road and refuge islands and kerb build outs to improve pedestrian safety . The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance.
Based on the survey results and submissions, most respondents (96.43%) supported the proposal and 3.57% objected to the proposal. The objections are mainly related to the concerns such as; poor motorist visibility or speed, Traffic jams at peak times on Morton North, Traffic speeds excessively at high revs in off peak up south Morton and east Hazelbank, Loss of 5 unrestricted places due to garden design.
The outcomes of the community consultation were considered by Council’s Traffic & Transport Engineer and reported to the North Sydney Traffic Committee under Traffic Delegated Authority on 5 May 2021 recommending:
THAT Council re-design the intersection to include raised pedestrian crossings on the northern and eastern legs of Hazelbank Road and Morton Street and refuge islands on the southern and western sides of intersection.
TfNSW requested for installation of pedestrian crossing signs and pedestrian crossing warning signs as well as lighting to be considered at this intersection. Council will include signage as per TfNSW recommendation and will consider lighting design and installation at the intersection.
In addition TfNSW suggested that pedestrian crossing in Morton Street be relocated further north to avoid any possible traffic congestion at the intersection. In response to TfNSW concerns, Council advised that if the proposed pedestrian crossing is in line with the pedestrian desire line. If pedestrian crossing is relocated further north, pedestrians (mainly school children) may continue traveling on the desire line to avoid additional walking distance to the crossing. In addition, the relocation of crossing will result in loss of additional parking spaces which may not be supported by community.
The recommendation was subsequently supported by the Traffic Committee, including TfNSW.
Works are expected to commence shortly and be completed by 30 June 2021 weather and other factors permitting. A construction notification will be issued to affected residents prior to commencement.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or
Feedback closed 11.59pm, Tuesday 20 April 2021.
The proposal to upgrade the intersection of Morton Street and Hazelbank Road with refuge islands and kerb build outs to improve pedestrian safety was raised at the Traffic Committee on 5 February and 19 March 2021. In response to feedback it was resolved that the intersection be redesigned to include a raised pedestrian crossings on the northern and eastern legs of Morton St and Hazelbank Rd; and further engagement occur on the revised plan with affected residents and previous submitters.
Raised pedestrian crossings are considered on the eastern leg of Hazelbank Road and one at the northern leg of Morton Street. A concept plan of the proposal available in the Document library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for the above proposal and subject to approval from Transport for NSW (TfNSW), it is intended that works will be completed by the end of June 2021, under the 2020/21 Australian Government Black Spot Funded Program.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share Morton Street at Hazelbank Road - Pedestrian Crossing, Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs on Facebook Share Morton Street at Hazelbank Road - Pedestrian Crossing, Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs on Twitter Share Morton Street at Hazelbank Road - Pedestrian Crossing, Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs on Linkedin Email Morton Street at Hazelbank Road - Pedestrian Crossing, Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 13 March 2022
Council was successful in gaining funding from the Federal Government Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure) to upgrade the existing marked foot pedestrian crossing on on Waters Road between Grosvenor Street and Grosvenor Lane to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions on both sides, which will increase the visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. The proposal will not result in any parking loss. The proposed concept is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed by the end of June 2022.
The results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Feedback Form: Waters Road Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Facebook Share Feedback Form: Waters Road Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Twitter Share Feedback Form: Waters Road Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Linkedin Email Feedback Form: Waters Road Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed Monday 14 March 2022
Council has received request from Milson Precinct Committee to convert the existing “Half Hour Parking 8:30am-10pm Mon-Fri, 8:30am-12:30pm Sat” (approx. 4 car spaces) on Clark Road, nearest the corner store at McDougall Street, to “Half Hour Parking 8:30am-10pm Mon-Sun”.
The proposed concept is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
The results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Feedback Form: Clark Road, Kirribilli - Proposed Parking Changes on Facebook Share Feedback Form: Clark Road, Kirribilli - Proposed Parking Changes on Twitter Share Feedback Form: Clark Road, Kirribilli - Proposed Parking Changes on Linkedin Email Feedback Form: Clark Road, Kirribilli - Proposed Parking Changes link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes 11.59pm, Sunday 20 March 2022
Council was successful in gaining funding from the Federal Government Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure) to upgrade the existing painted median island on Crows Nest Road between Morton Street and McHatton Street to a refuge island.
The proposed refuge island incorporates a raised median with a crossing gap and kerb extensions on both sides, which will increase the safety for pedestrians, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. The loss in parking space in McHatton Street will be offset by an additional parking space proposed in front of 39 Crows Nest Road. Hence, the proposal will not result in any net parking loss. The proposed concept is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed by the end of June 2022.
The results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Feedback Form: Crows Nest Road, Waverton - Proposed Refuge Island on Facebook Share Feedback Form: Crows Nest Road, Waverton - Proposed Refuge Island on Twitter Share Feedback Form: Crows Nest Road, Waverton - Proposed Refuge Island on Linkedin Email Feedback Form: Crows Nest Road, Waverton - Proposed Refuge Island link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Clarke St Cnr Willoughby Road, Crows Nest New Raised Pedestrian Crossing - Council’s contractors have scheduled to commence works on the new raised pedestrian crossing on Clarke St Cnr Willoughby Road, Crows Nest. The purpose of the works is to improve the safety of all road users and pedestrians throughout the local area. It is anticipated that the works will commence on: Monday 24th of October 2022 and will be completed within 3 weeks, weather permitting. Working hours will be between 7:00am-5:00pm. During the works, traffic will be managed by traffic controllers to maintain access and avoid any obstructions. A notification of the works has been distributed to residents within the vicinity of the site.
Feedback closed 13 March 2022
Council was successful in gaining funding from the Federal Government Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure) to upgrade the existing marked foot pedestrian crossing on Clarke Street between Willoughby Road and Hume Lane to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions on both sides, which will increase the visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. The proposal will not result in any parking loss. The proposed concept is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed by the end of June 2022.
The results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Feedback Form: Clarke Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Facebook Share Feedback Form: Clarke Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Twitter Share Feedback Form: Clarke Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Linkedin Email Feedback Form: Clarke Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The outcomes of the community engagement will be considered at the Traffic Committee meeting on 4 February 2022. Click here to access the reports/minutes.
Feedback closed 11.59pm Sunday 7 November 2021
Council has received representations from local businesses in McMahons Point to increase parking time limits in Princes Street to enable customers to park for longer to assist businesses impacted by COVID-19. At the Traffic Committee meeting on 30 April 2021 (Item 4.02), it was recommended that Council survey the local community with regard to increasing the time limits in Princes Street from 1/2 Hour Parking to 1 Hour Parking.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies may provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and businesses and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or increase the parking time limits. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE 31 JANUARY 2022
The outcomes of the community consultation were reported to the Traffic Committee on 5 February 2021 where the Committee resolved to defer the matter. The outcomes will be reconsidered at the Traffic Committee meeting on 4 February 2022. Click here to access the reports/minutes.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 10 January 2021Council is currently reviewing the existing parking restrictions in the southern end of Kurraba Point Residential Parking Area 32 specifically south of Shellcove Road on Kurraba Road and Baden Road.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, building development, commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies may provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. On average, streets with timed parking have 1.4 times more vacant parking spaces, and streets with metered parking have 2.4 times more vacant parking spaces than streets with unrestricted parking.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Section on 9936 8100 or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Update 18 June 2021:
The original request to install No Parking in front of No. 8 Webb Street was withdrawn, as such Council is no longer proceeding with any changes and no further action will be taken with regard to this matter.
Feedback closes 11.59pm Tuesday 8 June 2021 (extended)Council has been approached by residents in Webb Street, McMahons Point raising concerns over the existing parking arrangements in the street and difficulty accessing their properties due to parked vehicles at this location.
Site investigation and using a vehicle’s turning path as per the Australian Standard AS 2891.1: 2004, shows vehicles parked south of No 8’s driveway impedes the access to the driveway to No.8 and No.5-7 Webb Street.
Therefore, Council proposes to install “No Parking” restrictions from the south side of No 8’s driveway to the north side of No 10’s driveway, as shown in the concept plan of the proposal available in the Document Library.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information (including progress updates) visit the webpage above or contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Privacy Statement: The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with its policies. Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The community consultation outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 23 July 2021. The recommendations of the Traffic Committee were considered at the Council meeting on 23 August 2021 where Council resolved (view Council report):
- THAT the matter concerning Moodie Street, Cammeray – Footpath design and Parking Rearrangement, Community Consultation be deferred to until after the September Local Government election and until such time that residents can attend in person to address the Committee.
- THAT the submitters be notified of the deferral of this matter.
- THAT the Committee thank the staff involved in the report for the efforts in ameliorating the traffic in Moodie Street.
Important: Please note that due to new COVID restrictions there will be no public attendance at the 23 July Traffic Committee meeting. Minutes and a recording of the meeting will be uploaded to Council's website.
Find out more about the North Sydney Traffic Committee here or click here to access the reports/minutes.
Feedback closed 11.59pm Sunday 6 June 2021Pedestrian safety in Moodie Street was raised at the Traffic Committee on 5 February 2021. It was resolved that residents of Moodie Street be consulted on the proposed footpath and re-arranging parking in Moodie Street and the result of survey is reported back to Traffic Committee.
It is proposed to install a 1.2metre wide footpath along the western side of Moodie Street, from Ernest Street to the middle section at the boundary of property No.3 and 11 Moodie Street, and re-arranging parking in the middle section. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library.
If there is general community support for the above proposal and subject to approval from Transport for NSW (TfNSW), the proposal priority will be determined based on funding availability and respective priorities of projects within the 7 Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Zones in the LATM Action Plan Zone 2.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information (including progress updates) visit the webpage above or contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes midnight Sunday 19 December 2021
The construction of the Northern Beaches B-line project resulted in a loss of parking on Military Road. In response to community feedback, Council is providing 15 minutes free on-street metered parking on Parraween Street, Cremorne for a 12-month trial, as per the decision of Council at its meeting on Monday 26 August 2019.
What you need to know
- To obtain free parking, park at a metered bay on Parraween St, Cremorne. Select your bay number at the parking meter and press F1 to activate the free parking.
- After activating the free parking, you can check when it expires by selecting your bay number on the parking meter.
- Note that your 15 minutes free parking time starts when your vehicle enters the space, not when you go to the parking meter.
- If you intend to stay longer, the 15 minutes free parking will be forfeited when you pay for the time you need.
- Note these parking meters do not dispense tickets. Parking is electronically monitored.
Refer to Frequently Asked Questions for further information.
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy
- understand that the submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing your submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Update SEPTEMBER 2021
The community consultation outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 23 July 2021. The recommendations of the Traffic Committee were considered at the Council meeting on 23 August 2021 where Council resolved (view Council report):
- THAT that Council apply to TfNSW for a 40km/h speed zone on Blues Point Road between Lavender Street and Blues Point Reserve. The scheme should incorporate the traffic and pedestrian upgrades identified in the McMahons Point (Blues Point Road) Public Doman Upgrade Masterplan, and as minimal use of raised flat top thresholds as possible between Princes Street and Blues Point Reserve to address the TfNSW criteria for the proposed 40km/h speed zone.
- THAT the raised flat top threshold be used instead of speed cushions.
- THAT if the scheme cannot be implemented with a maximum of two raised flat top thresholds, then the matter be brought back to the Committee.
- THAT following discussions with TfNSW on the proposed scheme, a report be brought back to Council outlining the proposed scheme, the cost implications of the proposed scheme, potential funding, proposed schedule and details of further community engagement if required.
- THAT Council notes a preferred position for full width concrete or asphalt raised thresholds rather than rubber speed cushions for any speed humps proposed on Council roads, where it is practical and feasible to do so
- THAT Council be included in the consultation process for the beautification works in Blues Point Reserve following the completion of the Metro works.
- THAT Council seeks clarification on the timeline and status of the Metro works in the North Sydney LGA.
- THAT the application for Blues Point Road 40km/h speed zone ensures that there is no loss of parking.
- THAT the previous resolution of the 30th April Traffic Committee (Item 5.4) regarding line marking and signage on Blues Point Road be prioritised (subject to Public Health Orders).
The community engagement outcomes will be reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 23 July 2021.
Please note that due to new COVID restrictions there was no public attendance at the 23 July Traffic Committee meeting. Minutes and a recording of the meeting will be uploaded to Council's website.
Find out more about the North Sydney Traffic Committee here or click here to access the reports/minutes.
Feedback closed 11.59pm Sunday 6 June 2021 (extended)In response to community concerns about speeding and general traffic issues in Blues Point Road, and as part of Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, Council resolved to consult the affected community on a proposal for speed cushions along Blues Point Road between Princes Street and Henry Lawson Avenue.
A series of seven (7) sets of speed cushions are proposed at approximately 70-80 metre spacings are proposed along Blues Point Road. A speed cushion is similar to a speed hump but does not extend the full width of the roadway. The proposed speed cushions are approximately 75mm high.
A concept plan of the proposal and PDF of the survey form are available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
The purpose of the survey is to gauge the community’s opinion regarding the proposal and to assist Council’s decision making. It is not a voting form as such. Any comments you may have regarding the proposal will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Blues Point Road. It is expected that the outcomes of the community consultation will be reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 23 July 2021.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE 19/2/21:
Following community consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has approved the following parking changes in Bent Street Resident Parking Area 30:
- Two (2) spaces of unrestricted parking in front of 16-20 Bent Street will be changed to “2 Hour Parking 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 30”.
It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next three to four weeks, weather and other factors permitting.
The new parking restrictions will be evaluated after three months of installation, including any community feedback.
Outcomes of the consultation were considered at the Traffic Committee meeting on 16 October 2020. View the report here.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 27 September 2020.North Sydney Council is currently reviewing the existing parking restrictions in Bent Street and Lower Bent Street, Neutral Bay from Yeo Street to Alfred Street North, in Resident Parking Area 30.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies may provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. On average, streets with timed parking have 1.4 times more vacant parking spaces, and streets with metered parking have 2.4 times more vacant parking spaces than streets with unrestricted parking.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If you’d prefer to fill out a paper survey:
a. You can download from the Document Library - Current Surveys
b. Contact our Customer Services desk on 02 9936 8100. Provide your name and postal address and request that the “Resident Parking Survey for Area 30 Bent Street and Lower Bent Street” be mailed to your address.
c. Alternatively, drop in to Council’s Customer Services desk at 200 Miller Street North Sydney and request a paper survey for Area 30 Bent Street and Lower Bent Street.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Section on 9936 8100 or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share Area 30 - Bent Street and Lower Bent Street - Resident Parking Survey on Facebook Share Area 30 - Bent Street and Lower Bent Street - Resident Parking Survey on Twitter Share Area 30 - Bent Street and Lower Bent Street - Resident Parking Survey on Linkedin Email Area 30 - Bent Street and Lower Bent Street - Resident Parking Survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Update March 2021:
The loading zone was reviewed 6 months after installation and outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020 where the following recommendation was made, and Council subsequently resolved:
1. THAT the ‘Loading Zone 5am-7am Monday to Saturday’ in front of 11-17 Broughton Street, Kirribilli be retained.
View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.
Submissions close midnight Sunday 13 September 2020 (extended)
Council received representations concerning deliveries to Woolworths Metro, Kirribilli. Following further investigation and consultation with local businesses and residents (see expired surveys/submission forms), the North Sydney Traffic Committee at its meeting on 22 November 2019, approved the installation of 18 metres of Loading Zone 5am-7am Monday to Saturday in front of 11-19 Broughton Street for a 6-month trial period.
The parking changes were implemented in February 2020. Click here to view the approved plan.
The loading zone will be reviewed 6 months after installation. This matter was discussed at the North Sydney Traffic Committee meeting held 24 July 2020 where it was decided to extend the feedback period for an extra month, with a further report to the October 2020 Traffic Committee meeting.
For further information contact Council’s Manager Traffic & Transport Operations on 9936 8243 or
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE 30 AUGUST 2021
In June 2021 a six month review of the parking restriction changes installed in December 2020 was conducted. The results of the review recommended:
THAT the parking restrictions installed in North Sydney and Neutral Bay Resident Parking Area 1 in December 2020, remain
The recommendation was reported to the Traffic Committee on 23 July 2021 and was adopted at Council's meeting on 23 August 2021.
Click here to view the six month review report item 5.05
UPDATE 8 DECEMBER 2020Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendations for Resident Parking Area 1:
1. THAT Council change the one (1) existing “1/2 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon – Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 1” parking space fronting property No. 19 Bray Street, North Sydney, to “2 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon – Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 1”.
2. THAT Council remove the ‘mobility permit’ limitation from the opening sign for the two (2) parking spaces fronting property no. 62 Clark Road, North Sydney, to match the closing sign “2 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon – Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 1”.
3. THAT Council change the six (6) existing “2 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon – Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 1” parking spaces between property no. 1 and 4 Margaret Street, North Sydney, on the southern side of Margaret Street Reserve, to “1/2 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon – Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 1”.
4. THAT Council change the three (3) unrestricted parking spaces in The Avenue at the south eastern boundary of no. 32 Whaling Road, North Sydney, to “4 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon – Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 1”.
5. THAT Council notify the residents before installing the parking restriction changes in North Sydney and Neutral Bay Parking Area 1.
6. THAT Parking changes be implemented under delegation to the Manager Traffic & Transport Operations.
7. THAT the new parking restrictions be reviewed six (6) months after the date of installation in North Sydney and Neutral Bay Parking Area 1. The recommendations impact the parking in the streets overleaf.
Click here to view the notification letter including a table and map of changes (available in the Document Library).
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 18 October 2020.Council is reviewing the existing parking restrictions in the Neutral Bay and North Sydney Residential Parking Area 1, including Alfred Street North, Bray Street, Clark Road, Darley Street, Doris Street, High Street, Kurraba Road, Little Alfred Street, Margaret Street, Neutral Street, Ormiston Street, Rawson Street and Whaling Road (map available in the Document Library - Current Surveys).
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies may provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. On average, streets with timed parking have 1.4 times more vacant parking spaces, and streets with metered parking have 2.4 times more vacant parking spaces than streets with unrestricted parking.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020.
If you’d prefer to fill out a paper survey:
a. You can download from the Document Library - Current Surveys
b. Contact our Customer Services desk on 02 9936 8100. Provide your name and postal address and request that the “Resident Parking Survey for Area 1 - Neutral Bay and North Sydney” be mailed to your address.
c. Alternatively, drop in to Council’s Customer Services desk at 200 Miller Street North Sydney and request a paper survey for "Resident Parking Survey - Area 1 - Neutral Bay and North Sydney "
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Section on 9936 8100 or INFORMATION
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Update March 2021
The outcomes of the community consultation were reported to the Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020 where the following recommendations were made:
1. THAT the survey results for Waverton & Wollstonecraft Parking Area 11 be received.
2. THAT Council retain the existing parking restrictions for Waverton & Wollstonecraft Parking Area 11 and that it be received.
View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.(External link)
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 11 October 2020.North Sydney Council is currently reviewing the existing parking restrictions in the Waverton/ Wollstonecraft Residential Parking Area 11 including Belmont Avenue, Bridge End, Carr Street, Crows Nest Road, Gas Works Road, Hazelbank Road, Ivy Lane, Ivy Street, King Lane, King Street, Mckye Street, Morton Street, Newlands Street, Rocklands Road and Shirley Road.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies may provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. On average, streets with timed parking have 1.4 times more vacant parking spaces, and streets with metered parking have 2.4 times more vacant parking spaces than streets with unrestricted parking.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If you’d prefer to fill out a paper survey:
a. You can download from the Document Library - Current Surveys
b. Contact our Customer Services desk on 02 9936 8100. Provide your name and postal address and request that the “Resident Parking Survey for Area 11 - Waverton/Wollstonecraft” be mailed to your address.
c. Alternatively, drop in to Council’s Customer Services desk at 200 Miller Street North Sydney and request a paper survey for Area 11 - Waverton/Wollstonecraftt.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Section on 9936 8100 or INFORMATION
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The community consultation outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 11 June 2021. The recommendations of the Traffic Committee were considered at the Council meeting on 28 June 2021 where Council resolved (view Council report):
- THAT Council, as part of the 2021/22 LATM Program, installs a concrete median and landscaped kerb extension in Union Street at the bend near Euroka Street, upgrade the road line marking and retain the existing garden bed at Bank Street as shown in the attached plan (Option 3).
- THAT there be as much landscaping and softening as possible with minimal amounts of concrete.
Feedback closed 11.59pm, Wednesday 5 May 2021.
The issue of speeding motorists in Union Street was raised at the 519th Traffic Committee on 7 September 2018 and again at the 525th Traffic Committee on 14 June 2019. The full details of these reports and their resolutions can be found on Council’s website at
Consequently, Council engaged Transport & Urban Planning to prepare a Road Safety Audit of Union Street. This report was presented to the Traffic Committee on 7 February 2020 and it was resolved to recommend:
- THAT based on the finding of the Road Safety Audit and safety issues stated in the report, installation of speed cushions not to proceed.
- THAT other alternate treatments be investigated by Council’s Traffic Engineer to resolve the speeding issues and report back to Traffic Committee.”
The matter was investigated further by Council’s Traffic Engineer for alternate solutions in Union Street. Three options were considered and presented to Union Precinct Committee and are now ready for public exhibition.
If there is general community support for any of the above proposed options, it is intended that works will be completed in the 2021-2022 financial year.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share Union Street, McMahons Point - Alternate Options to Speed Cushions on Facebook Share Union Street, McMahons Point - Alternate Options to Speed Cushions on Twitter Share Union Street, McMahons Point - Alternate Options to Speed Cushions on Linkedin Email Union Street, McMahons Point - Alternate Options to Speed Cushions link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At its meeting of the 27 November 2020 the North Sydney Traffic Committee considered Item 4.7 Various Streets - No Parking Waste Collection Days - Survey Results and resolved to recommend:
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the southern side of Bariston Avenue between HNo.1 Bariston Avenue and HNo.60 Macpherson Street.
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Tuesdays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the eastern side of Wallaringa Ave (outside 2B Wallaringa Ave), Kurraba Point.
- THAT the affected residents be notified prior to the implementation of the above parking changes.
- THAT due to objections from affect residents, the proposed parking restrictions on waste collection days do not proceed in Ellalong Road, Davidson Parade and MacArthur Avenue.
- THAT these arrangements be reviewed in 6 months’ time and reported back the Committee.
The recommendations were endorsed by Council at its meeting of 22 February 2021.
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.Council’s Waste Management team has raised concerns that, garbage trucks are experiencing difficulties accessing the street due to vehicles parked on the eastern side of the street.
Following investigations, Council has proposed parking restriction on the western side of street as follows:
- “No Parking 6:00am – 10:00am Tuesdays” (waste collection days only)
A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closes 11.59pm 9 May 2021
Council was successful in gaining funding for the Federal Government's Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure), to upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing on Carter Street between Bellevue Street and Colin Street, Cammeray.
As part of the proposal, kerb extensions will be built on both sides of the pedestrian crossing and on the corners of Carter Street and Colin Street which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. The proposal will not result in any parking loss. The concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closes 11.59pm Thursday 1 April 2021
As part of the 2020/2021 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to convert the existing marked foot crossing on Clark Road at Margaret Street to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing (STAGE 1) incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions, which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance.
Proposed footpath and kerb ramps at Margaret Street (STAGE 2) will be constructed at a later time, subject to future funding. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE AUGUST 2021
Works were completed in August 2021. The project involved the construction of a new raised pedestrian crossing over Ben Boyd Road to replace the existing raised crossing, together with stormwater drainage and kerb extensions. The works were funded under the Federal Government Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure).
Feedback closed 11.59pm Thursday 1 April 2021
As part of the 2020/2021 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to convert the existing marked foot crossing on Ben Boyd Road at Hardie Street to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions, which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share Ben Boyd Road - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Facebook Share Ben Boyd Road - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Twitter Share Ben Boyd Road - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Linkedin Email Ben Boyd Road - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 10 January 2021
Council has been successful in gaining funding under the 2020/21 Australian Government Black Spot Program to upgrade the existing intersection at Morton St and Hazelbank Rd with Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection.
The proposal incorporates construction of refuge islands at all four legs and kerb build out at the four corners of intersection which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share Morton Street at Hazelbank - Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs on Facebook Share Morton Street at Hazelbank - Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs on Twitter Share Morton Street at Hazelbank - Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs on Linkedin Email Morton Street at Hazelbank - Refuge Islands and Kerb Build Outs link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 10 January 2021
As part of the 2020/2021 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to convert the existing marked foot crossing on Carabella Street at Fitzroy Street to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions, which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share Carabella Street - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Facebook Share Carabella Street - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Twitter Share Carabella Street - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing on Linkedin Email Carabella Street - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2021
The community consultation outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 5 February 2021. The recommendations of the Traffic Committee were considered at the Council meeting on 22 February 2021 where Council resolved (view Council report):
1. THAT before the proposal for a refuge island and kerb build outs in Russell Street at River Road proceeds confirmation be provided to the Committee that appropriate vegetation will be used rather than concrete, and the advance warning signs requested by TfNSW be included, and turn paths for the design vehicle be provided to TfNSW to verify safe turning movements can be achieved.
Construction was completed 10 July 2021.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 10 January 2021
As part of the 2020/2021 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to reconstruct the existing Refuge Island in River Road and construct a refuge Island and kerb build out in Russell St.
The proposed works will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 10 January 2021
As part of North Sydney Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, Council is proposing to construct a bike path on the corner of Harrison Street and Rangers Road, Cremorne.
The proposed bike “slip lane” will allow cyclists to enter Harrison Street from Rangers Road without interfering with oncoming traffic. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 10 January 2021
Council has been successful in gaining funding under the 2020/21 Australian Government Black Spot Program to convert the existing marked foot crossing on Lavender Street at Walker Street to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions, which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closes midnight Sunday 6 December 2020.
As part of North Sydney Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, Council is proposing to install a pedestrian refuge island and speed cushions at the intersection of Abbott Street and Palmer Street.The proposed refuge island on the western side of the intersection will make crossing the road easier for pedestrians by allowing them to cross in two stages and deal with one direction of traffic flow at a time. The proposed speed cushions will further reduce vehicle speeds and improve traffic and pedestrian safety at this location. Refer to the concept plan available in the document library.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before 30 June 2021.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 6 December 2020.
Council has received funding under the 2020/21 Australian Government Black Spot Program to convert the existing marked foot crossing on Kurraba Road, between Hayes Street and Thrupp Street, to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance.
The outcomes of the community consultation were considered by Council’s Traffic & Transport Engineer and reported to the North Sydney Traffic Committee recommending:
THAT Council, as part of the 2020/21 Black Spot Program, convert the existing marked foot crossing on Kurraba Road between Hayes Street and Thrupp Street to a raised pedestrian crossing as shown on the attached plan.
The recommendation was subsequently supported by the Traffic Committee.
The community engagement outcomes report and final plan are available in the document library.
Works are expected to commence shortly and will be completed by 30 June 2021. A construction notification will be issued to affected residents prior to commencement.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2021
The community consultation outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 19 March 2021. The recommendations of the Traffic Committee were considered at the Council meeting on 26 April 2021 where Council resolved (view Council report):
- THAT the matter of speed humps on Ben Boyd Road be deferred to the next Traffic Committee meeting in June 2021.
- THAT the submitters in this matter be notified
The matter was resubmitted to the Traffic Committee at its meeting on Friday 11 June 2021 where the Traffic Committee resolved to recommend
- THAT Council upgrade as a matter of priority the pedestrian refuge on the corner of Ben Boyd Road and Phillips Street.
- THAT Council’s Manager Traffic and Transport Operations action the intent of this Committee with wanting to progress a raised traffic calming device opposite Vintage Cellars, with the most efficient and effective way to resolve to erect a raised crossing, where the current pedestrian refuge is, making it a traffic calming device with no loss of parking.
External link)
The recommendations of the June Traffic Committee were subsequently adopted by Council at its meeting of 28 June 2021.
Find out more about the North Sydney Traffic Committee here or click here to access the reports/minutes.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 6 December 2020.Council was successful in gaining funding under the 2020/21 Australian Government Black Spot Program to install speed humps along Ben Boyd Road between Yeo Street and Kurraba Road to improve traffic and pedestrian safety.
The proposed speed humps will extend to the full width of the road to prevent vehicles attempting to avoid the device by travelling through the gaps or onto the wrong side of the road. A concept plan is available in the document library.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before 30 June 2021.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.This matter was presented to the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 5 February 2021 as being given approval under delegated authority to the Manager Traffic & Transport Operations. Approval was given subject to concurrence of Transport for NSW, the NSW Police and the local State Members (Item 4.01) with the recommendation.
1. THAT Council install a speed cushion on Yeo Lane between Yeo Street and Olive Lane approximately 1.5 metres south of the side entry door to 12 Yeo Street as shown on the attached plan
Feedback closes midnight Sunday 8 November 2020.
As part of the 2020/21 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to install a traffic calming device in Yeo Lane, Neutral Bay.
A speed cushion is proposed on Yeo Lane between Yeo Street and Olive Lane to improve pedestrian safety and slow vehicle speeds on approach to side doors at adjacent properties exiting onto the laneway. A speed cushion is similar to a speed hump, but does not extend the full width of the roadway. The proposed speed cushion is approximately 75mm high.
If there is general community support for the proposal, it is intended that works will be finalised by the end of November 2020. Any comments you may have regarding the proposal will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Yeo Lane.
A plan of the proposal is available in the document library.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.This matter was presented to the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 5 February 2021 as being given approval under delegated authority to the Manager Traffic & Transport Operations. Approval was given subject to concurrence of Transport for NSW, the NSW Police and the local State Members (Item 4.01) with the recommendation.
1. THAT Council reconstructs the existing Refuge Island in River Rd at Christie St Wollstonecraft to comply with the current Australian Standard, after the affected properties are notified by letterbox delivery
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.As part of the 2020/2021 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to reconstruct the existing Refuge Island in River Road at Christie Street to comply with the current Australian Standard. A plan of the proposal is available in the document library.
Should any objection be received, the matter will be referred to the next available Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020 following community consultation.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations department on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At its meeting of the 27 November 2020 the North Sydney Traffic Committee considered Item 4.7 Various Streets - No Parking Waste Collection Days - Survey Results and resolved to recommend:
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the southern side of Bariston Avenue between HNo.1 Bariston Avenue and HNo.60 Macpherson Street.
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Tuesdays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the eastern side of Wallaringa Ave (outside 2B Wallaringa Ave), Kurraba Point.
- THAT the affected residents be notified prior to the implementation of the above parking changes.
- THAT due to objections from affect residents, the proposed parking restrictions on waste collection days do not proceed in Ellalong Road, Davidson Parade and MacArthur Avenue.
- THAT these arrangements be reviewed in 6 months’ time and reported back the Committee.
The recommendations were endorsed by Council at its meeting of 22 February 2021.
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.Council’s Waste Management team has raised concerns that, garbage trucks are experiencing difficulties accessing the street due to vehicles parked on western side of the street.
Following investigations, Council has proposed parking restriction on the western side of street as follows:
“No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only)A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
The proposal will have a minimal impact on the overall available parking spaces in Ellalong Road.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE 8 DECMEBER 2020
Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following parking changes in Crescent Place, Kirribilli.
1. THAT Council convert the parking space on Crescent Place between the garages of 74 and 76 Carabella Street to “No Parking”, but that this be reviewed on a yearly basis.
2. THAT no extra signage be installed and the existing ‘No Parking (L)’ sign outside 76 Carabella Street be relocated to the power pole outside 74 Carabella Street to cover this location, and the changes be implemented under delegated authority to the Manager Traffic and Transport Operations prior to Christmas 2020.
Click here to view the notification letter and for a plan of the proposed parking changes (available in the Document Library). The changes are scheduled for December 2020, subject to the weather and any other unforeseen delays. In the event that this timeframe cannot be met, signs will be installed by early to mid-January 2021 at the latest.
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.
The issue of vehicles parking in the Crescent Place between the garages of 74 and 76 Carabella Street has been raised with Council.
This matter was considered at the North Sydney Local Traffic Committee Meeting on 20 March 2020. Subsequently, Council resolved to survey the community on the conversion of the existing parking space in Crescent Place, between the garages of 74 and 76 Carabella Street to Motorbike Parking.
Minutes of the Traffic Committee Meeting is available on Council website at
A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Should any objection be received, the matter will be referred to the next available Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020 following community consultation.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed Monday 28 March 2022
Council was successful in gaining funding from the Federal Government Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure) to reconstruct the existing refuge island on King Street at the Hazelbank Road ‘T’ intersection.
The proposed refuge island incorporates a raised median with a crossing gap and kerb extensions on both sides, which will reduce the crossing distance and increase the safety for pedestrians and slow down traffic. The proposal will not result in any parking loss, additionally, one parking space will be gained in the existing 2P restricted parking area on the southern side of Hazelbank Road.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed by the end of June 2022.
The results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Feedback Form: King Street, Wollstonecraft - Proposed Refuge Island Reconstruction on Facebook Share Feedback Form: King Street, Wollstonecraft - Proposed Refuge Island Reconstruction on Twitter Share Feedback Form: King Street, Wollstonecraft - Proposed Refuge Island Reconstruction on Linkedin Email Feedback Form: King Street, Wollstonecraft - Proposed Refuge Island Reconstruction link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 13 March 2022
Council was successful in gaining funding for the Federal Government Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure) to upgrade the existing marked foot pedestrian crossing on Morton Street between Newlands Street and Hazelbank Road to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions on both sides, which will increase the visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. The proposal will not result in any parking loss. The proposed concept is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed by the end of June 2022.
The results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Feedback Form: Morton Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Facebook Share Feedback Form: Morton Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Twitter Share Feedback Form: Morton Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade on Linkedin Email Feedback Form: Morton Street Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The development application for 147 Kurraba Road, Kurraba Point proposes the location of the future basement parking entry/exit driveway at the site of the existing disability parking at 145 Kurraba Road. Therefore, Council is preparing to relocate the existing disability parking space in front of 145 Kurraba Road, Kurraba Point.
It is proposed to relocate the existing disability parking space further north to 143 Kurraba Road. The disability parking space will replace the first 2 Hour Parking space to the north of 143 Kurraba Road’s driveway. A plan of the proposed change available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
It is expected that the results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee in March 2022.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the proposed parking arrangements. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Feedback closes 11.59pm, Sunday 13 February 2022
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Feedback Form, Kurraba Road - Proposed Disability Parking Space Relocation on Facebook Share Feedback Form, Kurraba Road - Proposed Disability Parking Space Relocation on Twitter Share Feedback Form, Kurraba Road - Proposed Disability Parking Space Relocation on Linkedin Email Feedback Form, Kurraba Road - Proposed Disability Parking Space Relocation link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At its meeting of the 27 November 2020 the North Sydney Traffic Committee considered Item 4.7 Various Streets - No Parking Waste Collection Days - Survey Results and resolved to recommend:
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the southern side of Bariston Avenue between HNo.1 Bariston Avenue and HNo.60 Macpherson Street.
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Tuesdays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the eastern side of Wallaringa Ave (outside 2B Wallaringa Ave), Kurraba Point.
- THAT the affected residents be notified prior to the implementation of the above parking changes.
- THAT due to objections from affect residents, the proposed parking restrictions on waste collection days do not proceed in Ellalong Road, Davidson Parade and MacArthur Avenue.
- THAT these arrangements be reviewed in 6 months’ time and reported back the Committee.
The recommendations were endorsed by Council at its meeting of 22 February 2021.
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.Council’s Waste Management team has raised concerns that, garbage trucks are experiencing difficulties accessing the street due to vehicles parked on both sides of the street. Following investigations, Council has proposed parking restriction on the southern side of street as follows:- “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only)
A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
The proposal will have a minimal impact on the overall available parking spaces in Davidson Parade.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The outcome of community consultation indicated that majority of the respondents supported 45-degree angle parking over 90-degree angle parking.
Consequently, 45-degree angle parking has been proposed and approved by the North Sydney Local Traffic Committee. Council will notify the residents of Reserve Street and proceed to install the signage as soon as practical.
Feedback closes 11.59pm Sunday 19 September 2021
Council has received requests from residents of Reserve Street formalise angle parking spaces in the eastern section of Reserve Street, Neutral Bay.
Site investigations found that one side of Reserve Street can be converted to angle parking based on the road width according to the Australian Standards, and the southern side is preferred for angle parking to maximise the parking provision in the street.
Therefore, Council is proposing to change the existing parallel parking on the southern side of Reserve Street to sign posted angle parking with options for either 45-degree angle parking or 90-degree angle parking (90-degree angle parking will enable parking for up to 4 additional vehicles but reduces the travel lane space by approximately 0.2m compared to 45-degree angle parking). The northern side would remain as parallel parking without sign posting. A plan of the proposed changes is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
It is expected that the results of this consultation will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee in October 2021. To follow the progress of this matter please revisit this webpage.
The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking arrangements proposed. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
Share Reserve Street (East), Neutral Bay - Proposed Angle Parking on Facebook Share Reserve Street (East), Neutral Bay - Proposed Angle Parking on Twitter Share Reserve Street (East), Neutral Bay - Proposed Angle Parking on Linkedin Email Reserve Street (East), Neutral Bay - Proposed Angle Parking link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 11.59pm Sunday 29 August 2021
Note: This survey was incorrectly marked as being extended
Council has received Federal Government Stimulus Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure) funding, to upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing on Burton Street at Humphrey Place, Kirribilli. The proposal is to raise the pedestrian crossing to footpath level and install kerb extensions on both sides of the pedestrian crossing to increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. The proposal will result in the loss of one parking space on the southern side of Burton Street to comply with TfNSW safety requirements (view the plan in the Document Library).
In addition, St Aloysius College has requested Council to provide additional pick up/drop off spaces in Burton Street and extend the drop off hours from 7am during school times. Council is proposing to:
- change the drop off (No Parking) time to commence at 7am (currently 8am) on the southern side of Burton Street;
- change the “1/2 Hour Parking” commence at 9am (currently 8.30am) on the northern side of Burton Street and;
- install new drop-off “No Parking 7am-9am, 2:30pm-4pm Mon-Fri” on the northern side of Burton Street.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed by the end of December 2021.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information (including progress updates) visit the webpage above or contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes 11.59pm Tuesday 29 June 2021
As part of the drainage work improvement North Sydney Council is proposing to construct a continuous footpath at the intersection of Gerard Street and Langley Avenue, Cremorne. The footpath continuation is proposed to keep stormwater flowing down Gerard Street rather than flowing into Langley Ave. The proposal will improve pedestrian safety at the intersection as it will slow cars entering Langley Ave from Gerard St. A concept plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library Gerard St at Langley Ave.pdf
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will commence and complete in the 2021-2022 financial year
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information (including progress updates) visit the webpage above or contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.At its meeting of 27 November 2020 the North Sydney Local Traffic Committee resolved to recommend:
1. THAT Council install No Stopping signs on the south-western side of Gerard Lane between the driveway of H/No.81 Gerard Lane and the 90-degree bend.
2. THAT Council notify the affected residents prior to the installation of No Stopping signs in Gerard Lane. 3.THAT Council trim any trees inhibiting safe pedestrian access
The minutes of the Traffic Committee were endorsed at Council's meeting of 22 February 2021.
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.At the 531st North Sydney Local Traffic Committee meeting on 20 March 2020 the issue of parking on the north-western frontage of 81 Gerard Lane was discussed. Subsequently, Council resolved to survey the community about the installation of No Stopping signs in Gerard Lane.
The full report can be found on Council’s website - Item 4.02 Minor Parking Restrictions.
A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.Update 15 March 2021
Following community consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has resolved to adopt the following recommendation:
1. THAT the existing parking arrangement in Vernon Street, Cammeray remains unchanged.
2. THAT Council Rangers continue to patrol and enforce boat trailers parking in Vernon Street, Cammeray.
Outcomes of the consultation were considered at the Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020. View the report here.
Feedback closes midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.At the 531st North Sydney Local Traffic Committee meeting on 20 March 2020 the issue of trailer parking in Vernon Street was discussed. Subsequently, Council resolved to survey to residents of Vernon Street for a trial of ‘No Parking Motor Vehicles Excepted’.
The full report can be found on Council’s website under Minutes.
A plan of the proposal is available in the document library.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. It is expected the result of this survey will be considered by the Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Mr Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share Vernon Street, Cammeray - Boat and Trailer Parking on Facebook Share Vernon Street, Cammeray - Boat and Trailer Parking on Twitter Share Vernon Street, Cammeray - Boat and Trailer Parking on Linkedin Email Vernon Street, Cammeray - Boat and Trailer Parking link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At its meeting of the 27 November 2020 the North Sydney Traffic Committee considered Item 4.7 Various Streets - No Parking Waste Collection Days - Survey Results and resolved to recommend:
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the southern side of Bariston Avenue between HNo.1 Bariston Avenue and HNo.60 Macpherson Street.
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Tuesdays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the eastern side of Wallaringa Ave (outside 2B Wallaringa Ave), Kurraba Point.
- THAT the affected residents be notified prior to the implementation of the above parking changes.
- THAT due to objections from affect residents, the proposed parking restrictions on waste collection days do not proceed in Ellalong Road, Davidson Parade and MacArthur Avenue.
- THAT these arrangements be reviewed in 6 months’ time and reported back the Committee.
The recommendations were endorsed by Council at its meeting of 22 February 2021.
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.Council’s Waste Management team has raised concerns that, garbage trucks are experiencing difficulties accessing the street due to vehicles parked on both sides of the street. Following investigations, Council has proposed parking restriction on the eastern side of street as follows:- “No Parking 6:00am – 10:00am Wednesdays” (waste collection days only)
A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Iman Mohammadi of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
Share MacArthur Avenue, Crows Nest - Proposed Parking Changes on Facebook Share MacArthur Avenue, Crows Nest - Proposed Parking Changes on Twitter Share MacArthur Avenue, Crows Nest - Proposed Parking Changes on Linkedin Email MacArthur Avenue, Crows Nest - Proposed Parking Changes link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At its meeting of the 27 November 2020 the North Sydney Traffic Committee considered Item 4.7 Various Streets - No Parking Waste Collection Days - Survey Results and resolved to recommend:
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the southern side of Bariston Avenue between HNo.1 Bariston Avenue and HNo.60 Macpherson Street.
- THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Tuesdays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the eastern side of Wallaringa Ave (outside 2B Wallaringa Ave), Kurraba Point.
- THAT the affected residents be notified prior to the implementation of the above parking changes.
- THAT due to objections from affect residents, the proposed parking restrictions on waste collection days do not proceed in Ellalong Road, Davidson Parade and MacArthur Avenue.
- THAT these arrangements be reviewed in 6 months’ time and reported back the Committee.
The recommendations were endorsed by Council at its meeting of 22 February 2021.
Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.Council’s Waste Management team has raised concerns that, garbage trucks are experiencing difficulties accessing the street due to vehicles parked on both sides of the street. Following investigations, Council has proposed parking restriction on the southern side of street as follows:- “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only)
A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.
The proposal will have a minimal impact on the overall available parking spaces in Bariston Avenue.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Submissions closed midnight 2 February 2020 (extended)
At its meeting held 25 February 2019, Council resolved to install 'speed' cushions' in one (1) location on Murdoch Street and three (3) locations on Bannerman Street for a trial period.
Speed cushions have been installed for an initial period of three months. Council will monitor traffic conditions during this period.
Due to the community feedback on these speed cushions to date, Council has decided to bring forward the matter to the first available traffic committee for this year, which is Friday 7 February 2020. This meeting is scheduled to occur in the Supper Room at Council Chambers, at 10am.
The report is available on Council’s website.
While all members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and address the Committee, there are limited spaces for the public at this meeting for emergency egress reasons. Individuals or groups wishing to attend the Traffic Committee on this particular item, must register before 5pm Wednesday, 5 February 2020 by contacting Council's Traffic Operations Officer, Maria Coyne, on 9936 8244. If you leave a voice message please provide your full name, contact number and indicate whether you are generally in favour or opposed to the recommendation.
Any discussion on this item will be restricted to one speaker for those in favour of the recommendation and one speaker for those against the recommendation. Groups, or persons wishing to present similar points of view, should nominate a spokesperson and not address the Traffic Committee individually. Each speaker will be limited to 3 minutes.
Recommendations of the Traffic Committee are normally presented to the next available Council meeting. Please note that all recommendations made by the Traffic Committee have to be formally adopted by a full meeting of Council prior to implementation. If you wish to discover Council’s decision regarding this matter, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100, after Wednesday 25 March 2020 or visit Council’s website
UPDATE DECEMBER 2019 - Based on initial feedback, Council has removed the set of speed cushions on Murdoch Street to the north of the roundabout. The rest of the speed cushions will remain in place until after the trial ends on 2 February 2020.
Speed cushions are raised areas which cover part of a lane within the road as opposed to a raised threshold or ‘speed hump’ which covers the full lane. A diagram showing the speed cushion dimensions and typical layout is available in the document library. In other locations where speed cushions have been installed, these have led to measurable reductions in vehicle speeds, which improves road safety for all road users.The cushions have been proposed in locations most likely to reduce speeds, while also taking into account the impact on driveway access and pedestrian and bicycle movements. The cushions would not impact on parking as vehicles can park over the top of speed cushions in the parking lane. Cushions would be made of rubber which reduces noise, allows for quick installation, and would allow for relocation/removal if required at the end of the trial period.Submissions received up to midnight 2 February 2020 will be taken into consideration as part of the three month review.For further information, contact Stella Stefan, Road Safety Coordinator on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Share Bannerman Street and Murdoch Street - Speed Cushions Trial on Facebook Share Bannerman Street and Murdoch Street - Speed Cushions Trial on Twitter Share Bannerman Street and Murdoch Street - Speed Cushions Trial on Linkedin Email Bannerman Street and Murdoch Street - Speed Cushions Trial link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed midnight Monday 18 November 2019.
The North Sydney Community Strategic Plan 2018 – 2028 identifies community demand for continued improvement to walking facilities in North Sydney. As part of the response to this demand, Council is proposing to undertake works at the intersection of Alfred Street North and Winter Avenue, Neutral Bay, to improve pedestrian access in the area. The proposed works include:
- Raising the existing pedestrian crossing over Alfred Street North above road level, to footpath height. This is proposed to encourage slower vehicle speeds and improve visibility at the pedestrian crossing, as both matters have been raised as issues by members of the local community. The raised crossing would be paved with charcoal coloured pavers to improve the quality of the public domain.
- Construction of a ‘continuous footpath treatment’ over Winter Avenue at the intersection with Alfred Street North. This treatment comprises a formal crossing point, raised to footpath height, that provides continuous level access for pedestrians through the intersection, and encourages reduced vehicle speeds. This area would be paved with charcoal coloured pavers to improve the quality of the public domain.
- The provision of a new ‘kerb ramp’ that allows people on bikes to access the existing walking and cycling bridge over the Warringah Freeway without having to use the pedestrian crossing.
- Minor stormwater system upgrades.
The proposed works will require the removal of one metered parking space to the immediate north of the pedestrian crossing.
A diagram showing the layout of the proposed works is available in the document library.
Note: that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
Should you require any further information, please contact Council’s Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator, Lindsay Menday on 9936 8251 or
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 8 September 2019.
Update June 2020
The results of the community survey were considered by Council's Traffic Engineer and the following recommendation was made:
1. THAT Council extend the existing “2P Meter 8.30am-10pm Mon-Sun Permit Holders Excepted Area 2” zone on the eastern side of Broughton Street north of Greenway Drive by 17.4m to create two new parking spaces as shown on Plan A.
2. THAT Council remove the traffic island on the western side of Broughton Street south of Greenway Drive, and extend the “4P Meter 8.30am-6pm Mon- Fri” zone by 6m to create one new parking space as shown on Plan B.
The above recommendations were forwarded to Transport for NSW, the NSW Police and the local State Member and subsequently received no objection. The parking changes will be implemented shortly.
The summary of the consultation outcomes can be viewed in the Document Library.
Council has identified opportunities to increase parking supply by up to 3 spaces in Broughton Street, Kirribilli by replacing potentially redundant No Stopping zones on both sides of Broughton Street near Greenway Drive. This matter was considered at the 524th Traffic Committee meeting on 3 May 2019, where it was resolved to survey the community to ascertain if there is support to reduce the existing “No Stopping” zone to create two spaces on the eastern side of Broughton Street, and/or remove the existing traffic island to create one space on the western side of Broughton Street. The full report can be found on Council’s website under item 4.02 Minor Parking Restrictions.Plan A - Reduce 17.2 metres of No Stopping to 5.2 metres before the kerbside traffic island north of Greenway Drive, to create two spaces of “2P meter 8.30am-10pm Mon-Sun Permit Holders Excepted Area 2”.
Plan B - Demolish the existing 7.4 metre traffic island and create one space of “4P meter 8.30am-6.00pm Mon-Fri” on the western side of Broughton Street, south of Greenway Drive.
A plan of the two proposals is available in the document library. Any comments you have regarding the proposals will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Broughton Street near Greenway Drive.
If there is general community support for these proposals, it is intended that works will be constructed by the end of December 2019.
All comments received by Sunday 8 September 2019 will be considered when the matter is determined, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
To obtain a paper version of the survey contact Council’s Traffic Operations Manager, Michaela Kemp on 9936 8243 or visit the Customer Service Desk.For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Manager on 9936 8243 or Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
On 2 July 2021 Council submitted a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to approve the conversion of Ben Boyd Lane (between Belgrave Street to Grosvenor Street) to a southbound one-way street. The TMP was approved by TfNSW on 30 March 2022.
Subsequently, this proposal has been approved by the Local Traffic Committee on 10 June 2022 and adopted at the Council Meeting on 27 June 2022.
It is anticipated that the new signs will be installed by Council’s Works section as soon as practical.
The outcome of the community consultation indicated that majority of survey respondents supported converting Ben Boyd Lane to one-way and the preferred direction from the majority of those respondents was southbound.
Consequently, Council has submitted a Traffic Management Plan to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for approval to convert Ben Boyd Lane between Belgrave Street and Grosvenor Street into one-way traffic southbound. Once Council has received approval from TfNSW, the one-way traffic arrangement in Ben Boyd Lane will be implemented as soon as practical.
Feedback closes midnight Sunday 9 August 2020
The issue of pedestrian safety in Ben Boyd Lane between Grosvenor Street and Belgrave Street, Cremorne has been raised with Council.
This matter was considered at the North Sydney Local Traffic Committee Meeting on 20 March 2020. Subsequently, Council resolved to survey the community on the introduction of one-way traffic flow along Ben Boyd Lane between Grosvenor Street and Belgrave Street.
A plan/map of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys. Any comments you may have regarding the proposal will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Ben Boyd Lane between Grosvenor Street and Belgrave Street.
If there is general community support for the one-way proposal, a Traffic Management Plan will be prepared and submitted to TfNSW for approval.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Engineer on 9936 8247 or
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes midnight Sunday 8 September 2019.
Council has received representations concerning deliveries to Woolworths Metro, Kirribilli. The matter was considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee at its meeting on 8 February 2019 where it was recommended that Council investigate a suitable location for a loading zone between 4am and 7.30am, for a trial period of 6 months, including consultation with local businesses.
Council received further representations from Woolworths and members of the community suggesting that 4am may be too early due to noise concerns. In response to these representations, Council is proposing to install a 11.4 metre Loading Zone 6am to 9am Monday to Saturday in front of 11-17 Broughton Street (TerryWhite Chemmart and Thai Fusion). In selecting the location, Council’s Traffic Engineers have taken into consideration the size of the delivery trucks, proximity to Woolworths and existing parking restrictions.
Council is seeking feedback from the community regarding this proposal before determining this matter. If Council proceeds with installation of a loading zone Council, will review the matter after 6 months.
All comments received by Sunday 8 September 2019 will be considered when the matter is determined, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
To obtain a paper version of the survey contact Council’s Traffic Operations Manager, Michaela Kemp on 9936 8243 or visit the Customer Service Desk.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Manager on 9936 8243 or
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes midnight Sunday 21 July 2019
A new pedestrian crossing was installed in Bannerman Street, Cremorne, near to the intersection with Murdoch Street, in 2018. Council is now seeking community feedback on two potential amendments to the crossing as follows:
- Raising the existing crossing above road level, or;
- Constructing a new crossing (raised above road level) approximately 10m west (i.e. towards Claude Avenue) of the current location.
A concept plan with diagrams of these options can be found in the document library. More detailed plans, and an accompanying report discussing this matter, can be accessed in the minutes of the Council meeting held 19 November 2018.Raising the crossing above road level is likely to increase pedestrian visibility and reduce vehicle speeds. The option to relocate the crossing (option 2) would require the removal of three (3) parking spaces. The estimated cost and impact on parking of the two pedestrian crossing options is;
Option 1. Raised pedestrian crossing in current location; Cost estimate: $50,000 to $65,000; Impact on parking: Nil
Option 2. Raised pedestrian crossing approx. 10m west of existing location; Cost estimate: $80,000 to $105,000; Impact on parking: Loss of three (3) parking spaces
Complete the survey question to indicate if you support the proposed changes to the pedestrian crossing.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Lindsay Menday, Council’s Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator on 9936 8151.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Update 1 June 2021
The Traffic Committee at its 529 meeting dated 22 November 2019 considered the survey results of a community consultation for Resident Parking Area 19 – Crows Nest. The following recommendations were made to the Traffic Committee which were subsequently resolved to recommend changes to some of the parking restrictions
1. THAT Council adopt the attached parking restriction recommendations for Crows Nest Parking Area 19 (East).
2. THAT Council notify the residents before installing the parking restriction changes.
3. THAT the new parking restrictions be reviewed in three (3) months and again in six (6) months after the date of installation in Crows Nest Parking Area 19.
4. THAT Council installs the statutory 10m “No Stopping” restrictions adjacent to the new residential parking zone at the intersections that lack this restriction.
The detailed report to the Traffic Committee with the outcomes and list of changes can be accessed through the following link – Report to Traffic Committee 22/11/2019
Council delayed implementation of these parking changes while restrictive COVID-19 public health orders were in place. As the public health orders are progressively relaxed and more people return to workplaces, Council recommenced implementation of the adopted parking changes and a notification was distributed to affected properties on 14 October 2020.
Therefore, the new signage is now due for review.
1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 19 - Crows Nest in October 2020, remain.
Traffic committee unanimously resolved to recommend:
1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 19 - Crows Nest in October 2020, remain.
- Parking changes will retain existing ‘resident parking permit holders excepted - Area 19’, if the existing restriction has ‘resident parking permit holders excepted - Area 19’ wording on the signs.
- Loading zones, Taxi Zones, Bus zones, Car Share Spaces, 5 minute parking restrictions and Motor Bike spaces are excluded from this survey and will remain unchanged.
North Sydney Council is undertaking a review of the existing parking restrictions in the Crows Nest area - Parking Area 19 which includes Alexander Lane, Alexander Street, Atchison Street, Bernard Lane, Brook Street, Burlington Street, Chandos Lane, Chandos Street, Devonshire Street, Donnelly Road, Edwin Street, Ernest Street, Holtermann Street, Huntington Street, Jenkins Lane, Macarthur Avenue, Matthew Lane, Matthew Street, Metcalfe Street, Miller Street, Rodborough Street, Rosalind Street, Sophia Street, Thomas Lane, Trafalgar Street, West Street and Wheatleigh Street. See map in Document Library - Current Surveys with highlighted roads indicating the area being reviewed.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and thus improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If you’d prefer to fill out a paper survey:
a. You can download from the Document Library - Current Surveysb. Contact our Customer Services desk on 02 9936 8100. Provide your name and postal address and request that the “Residential Parking Survey for Area 19’ be mailed to your address.c. Alternatively, drop in to Council’s Customer Services desk at 200 Miller Street North Sydney and request a paper survey for Residential Parking Area 9.Feedback closes midnight Sunday 6 October 2019.For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Section on 9936 8100 or Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
UPDATED 3 June 2021:
In April 2021, a review of the parking restriction changes in resident parking area 12 was conducted six months after the restriction changes were implemented in October 2021, and reported to the Traffic Committee on 30 April 2021. At its meeting on 24 May 2021, Council resolved to recommend:
1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 12 - Wollstonecraft and Waverton in October 2020, remain.
View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.
Note: parking changes will retain existing ‘resident parking permit holders excepted - Area 12’
North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the Crows Nest/Wollstonecraft Residential Parking Area 12 on Bruce Street, Sinclair Street, Shirley Road, Gillies Street, Morton Street, Hazelbank Road, Rocklands Road and Crows Nest Road.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and thus improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. For example, residents in North Sydney have reported significant improvement in finding parking due to improved turnover, after parking meters were installed in Edward Street and Lord Street last year.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If you’d prefer to fill out a paper survey:
a. You can download from the Document Library - Current Surveysb. Contact our Customer Services desk on 02 9936 8100. Provide your name and postal address and request that the “Residential Parking Survey for Area 12’ be mailed to your address.c. Alternatively, drop in to Council’s Customer Services desk at 200 Miller Street North Sydney and request a paper survey for Residential Parking Area 12.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 22 September 2019.For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Section on 9936 8100 or
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
UPDATED 3 June 2021:
In April 2021, a review of the parking restriction changes in resident parking area 12 was conducted six months after the restriction changes were implemented in October 2021, and reported to the Traffic Committee on 30 April 2021. At its meeting on 24 May 2021, Council resolved to recommend:
1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 13 - Wollstonecraft and Crows Nest in October 2020, remain.
View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.
Note: parking changes will retain existing ‘resident parking permit holders excepted - Area 13’
North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the Crows Nest/Wollstonecraft Residential Parking Area 13 on Christie Street, Hume Street, River Lane, Lamont Street, Lithgow Street, Nicholson Street and Oxley Street.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and thus improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. For example, residents in North Sydney have reported significant improvement in finding parking due to improved turnover, after parking meters were installed in Edward Street and Lord Street last year.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If you’d prefer to fill out a paper survey:
a. You can download from the Document Library - Current Surveysb. Contact our Customer Services desk on 02 9936 8100. Provide your name and postal address and request that the “Residential Parking Survey for Area 13’ be mailed to your address.c. Alternatively, drop in to Council’s Customer Services desk at 200 Miller Street North Sydney and request a paper survey for Residential Parking Area 13.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 22 September 2019.For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Section on 9936 8100 or
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes midnight Sunday 21 July 2019
Recently parking in front of businesses on Military Road, Cremorne between Spencer Road and Winnie Street was permanently removed of as part of the Transport for NSW B-Line project and changes to the tidal flow system. Council has received representations on behalf of Cremorne businesses to provide facilities for loading and short-term parking in Parraween Street which previously occurred from Military Road.
In response to these representations, the following parking changes are proposed on the southern side of Parraween Street, to the west of the pedestrian crossing at Paling Street, adjacent to Cremorne Garden Plaza (330-338 Military Road):
Replace 6 spaces of 2 Hour Meter 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat Permit Holders Excepted Area 27 with:
- 4 spaces of 1 Hour Parking 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat and
- 2 spaces (11.4m) of Loading Zone 6am-6pm Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.30pm Sat
Note – exemptions for resident permit holders will no longer apply to these 6 spaces and parking meters will be removed from these 6 spaces.
Please refer to the plan in the Document Library.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes midnight Sunday 28 July 2019
Council has received correspondence from residents concerned with the use of the existing Loading Zone in Zig Zag Lane, Crows Nest. Residents have advised that the Loading Zone is used 24 hours a day and these activities are creating excessive noise especially at night time. It was suggested to remove the Loading Zone and install No Stopping to prevent vehicles accessing this area.
As the Loading Zone is used by businesses on daily basis and cannot be removed. In order to assist residents with the issue and maintain the Loading Zone facility, Council is proposing to restrict the loading Zone times. Following consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendation for changes in the existing Loading Zone arrangement in Zig Zag Lane, Crows Nest:
THAT the existing Loading Zone on the northern side of Zig Zag Lan between Willoughby Lane and Zig Zag Lane be restricted to “7am-5pm Mon-Fri, 8am-12:30pm Sat” with additional “No Stopping other times” to alleviate the issue, subject to consultation with the residents and business.
The purpose of this survey is to determine if the majority of the residents and businesses wish to retain the existing Loading Zone or introduce the time restriction. The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the restriction proposed. If there is no support for the proposed changes to the Loading Zone restriction, then it will not occur.
For further information contact Iman Mohammadi Council’s Traffic and Transport Engineer on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 16 June 2019
North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Area 10 on McHatton Street; Doohat Avenue; Doohat Lane; Priory Road; Toongarah Road and Bay Road between Edward and Harriott Streets. Refer to the map in the document library indicating the parking zones under review.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and thus improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. For example, residents have recently reported significant improvement in finding parking due to improved turnover, after parking meters were installed in Edward Street and Lord Street last year.
Please note: under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on Friday 26 July 2019.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey. Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
At its meeting held Monday 24 August 2020, Council resolved to endorse the minutes of the North Sydney Traffic Committee held 24 July 2020 (in part)
THAT the existing two to three “Unrestricted Parking” spaces on the western side of Cassins Lane, North Sydney be converted to “4 Hour Parking 8:30am ‐ 6pm Mon‐Fri, Permit Holders Excepted Area 21” parking spaces. (4.5)
Feedback closed midnight Monday 29 June 2020
In 2019 Council reviewed the parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Area 21 on Carlow Street; Tucker Street; Cassins Avenue and Cassins Lane. It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors were experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand.
Subsequently, at its meeting of 26 August 2019, Council resolved that the new parking restrictions be reviewed six months after the date of installation in Parking Area 21. The new signs were installed on 11 October 2019. Based on feedback gathered over the last six months, and review of the occupancy rates in Cassins Lane, Council is proposing that the existing three spaces of "Unrestricted Parking" on the western side of Cassins Lane, near the intersection of Carlow Street, be converted to "2P 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted Area 21" parking spaces. (a diagram of the proposed change is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys).
Any feedback received by Monday 29 June 2020 will be taken into consideration when the matter is considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on Friday 24 July 2020.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 16 June 2019
In 2019 Council reviewed the parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Area 21 on Carlow Street; Tucker Street; Cassins Avenue and Cassins Lane. As It was Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors were experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand.
Subsequently, at its meeting of 26 August 2019, Council resolved that the new parking restrictions be reviewed six months after the date of installation in Parking Area 21. The new signs were installed on 11 October 2019.
Based on feedback gathered over the last six months, Council reviewed the occupancy rates in Cassins Lane, Council is proposing that the existing three spaces of "Unrestricted Parking" on the western side of Cassins Lane, near the intersection of Carlow Street, be converted to "2P 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted Area 21" view further information here
BACKGROUNDSince Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and thus improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. For example, residents have recently reported significant improvement in finding parking due to improved turnover, after parking meters were installed in Edward St and Lord St last year.
Please note: under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on Friday 26 July 2019.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey. Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Following community consultation, new concrete footpath has been installed at Rowlison Parade, Cammeray.The new footpath greatly improves pedestrian access, safety and connectivity. Minor landscaping was included to improve the look of the new works, along with renewal of the timber fence and road line marking.Feedback closed midnight Sunday 16 June 2019
The footpath on the eastern side of Rowlison Parade, Cammeray linking to the northern footpath in The Boulevarde was closed approximately 15 years ago due to accessibility concerns, safety and lighting issues.
In order to reinstate a footpath in this location, an alternate proposal has been formulated to construct a footpath at road level, connecting the missing link between the footpaths on either side of the above location.
The proposal will require the construction of kerb and gutter, a new concrete footpath, reconstruction of approximately 10m of the existing retaining wall to the new alignment, installation of a new fence on top of the retaining wall, realignment of the centreline marking and the installation of a section of pedestrian safety fence on the road side of the footpath at the corner of The Boulevarde.
This layout will allow the footpath to be accessible for the mobility-impaired, prams, etc; be illuminated by the existing road lighting and not direct users to the driveway of No. 49 The Boulevarde. It will, however require the deletion of approximately 15m of parking in this section of Rowlison Parade.
Refer to plans in the document library.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be included in the 2018/9 footpath construction program.
Any comments you may have regarding the proposals will assist in determining the desired pedestrian facilities at this location. If a change in the existing footpath facilities is not considered warranted by the community then this proposal may not proceed.
Note: all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Nathan Wu, Traffic & Transport Engineer on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Council received 37 response (29.3% response rate). Of the responses received 25 (67.6%) were in favour of the proposal and 12 (32.4%) were in favour of retaining the existing conditions.
Based on the community feedback, the recommendation that Council proceed with the implementation of the proposed raised pedestrian crossing was forwarded to Roads and Maritime Services, NSW Police and the local State Member as members of the North Sydney Traffic Committee and subsequently received no objection.
Council's contractor, Ezy Pave will undertake the works involving the installation of a raised pedestrian crossing and associated kerb and gutter and drainage and will commence 25 July 2019. It is expected to take 3-4 weeks to complete.
Feedback closes Monday 4 March 2019.
As part of Council’s commitment to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, it is proposed to install a raised pedestrian crossing on the northern side of the intersection of Abbott Street and Palmer Street.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distances. A plan of the proposal is available in the document library.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be finalised by the end of June 2019.
Any comments you may have regarding the proposals will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements at the intersection and Abbott Street and Palmer Street. If a change in the existing traffic arrangements is not considered warranted by the community then this proposal may not proceed.
All comments regarding the proposal should be received in writing by Monday 4 March 2019.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Mr Nathan Wu, Traffic & Transport Engineer on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendations:
1. THAT the existing No Stopping (L) sign on the eastern side of Young Street south of Belgrave Street be relocated 5 metres to the south.
1. THAT the existing loading zone and 15-minute parking on the northern side of Grosvenor Lane east of Young Street be relocated 5 metres to the east.
2. THAT Seven (7) 15-minute parking spaces be installed on the northern side of the proposed Grosvenor Lane shared zone east of Young Lane.
It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next three weeks. All enquiries regarding this work should be directed to Council’s Traffic Section on telephone 9936 8100. Council appreciates your co-operation in this matter.
Feedback closed Sunday 30 June 2019
Following consultation carried out in July 2018, Council has progressed design of the Shared Zone in Grosvenor Lane between Ben Boyd Road and Young Street.
To improve pedestrian safety and public domain outcomes intended for the Shared Zone, Council has negotiated alternative truck routes for deliveries to Woolworths to minimise heavy vehicle movements along the new Shared Zone in Grosvenor Lane.
Woolworths delivery trucks will travel via Ben Boyd Road, Belgrave Street, Young Street and Grosvenor Lane. To allow for these movements, the following changes to parking are required:
- Remove one (1) parking space on Young Street south of Belgrave Street.
- Relocate loading zone and 15-minute parking on Grosvenor Lane east of Young Street.
In order to offset the loss of parking resulting from the proposed Woolworths delivery route, the Shared Zone design has been amended to include seven (7) short-stay (15-minute parking) spaces on the northern side of Grosvenor Lane between Young Lane and Young Street. Refer to plan in the document library for further details.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
Should you wish to complete a paper version of the survey, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Engineer, Nathan Wu on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes Thursday 18 April 2019
The North Sydney Community Strategic Plan 2018 - 2028 identifies community demand for continued improvement to walking facilities in North Sydney.
As part of Council’s response to this demand, we are proposing to install new kerb extensions at the intersection between Atchison Street and Oxley Street, St Leonards. The intent of the works is to improve access, amenity and safety for people walking in the area.
The proposed changes at this intersection include:
- New kerb extensions on Atchison Street. These will shorten pedestrian crossing distances and provide improved visibility to/from pedestrian and road areas.
- Expanded pedestrian/footpath areas.
- New garden beds and landscaping.
A concept plan showing the proposed changes is available in the document library.
The changes will include the removal of the existing central traffic islands on Atchison Street, which do not meet contemporary minimum width requirements for a pedestrian refuge.
The proposal will not reduce the number of parking spaces in the area.
If there is general community support for the proposed kerb extensions, it is intended that construction will be undertaken prior to the end of June 2019.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Lindsay Menday, Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes Monday 10 April
As part of the 2018/2019 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to install traffic calming devices in Union Street, McMahons Point.
The proposed speed cushions will increase safety by slowing vehicle speeds. A speed cushion is similar to a speed hump, except that it does not extend the full width of the roadway. The proposed speed cushions will be 75mm high to ensure minimal noise generation and allow buses to traverse without mounting the device. A plan of the proposal is shown overleaf
If there is general community support for the proposal, it is intended that works will be finalised by the end of June 2019.
Any comments you may have regarding the proposal will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Union Street. If a change in the existing traffic arrangements in Union Street is not considered warranted by the community, then this proposal may not proceed.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Iman Mohammadi, Traffic & Transport Engineer on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes Monday 10 April
As part of the 2018/2019 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to install traffic calming devices in Russell Street, Wollstonecraft.
The proposed speed cushions will increase safety by slowing vehicle speeds. A speed cushion is similar to a speed hump, except that it does not extend the full width of the roadway. The proposed speed cushions will be 75mm high to ensure minimal noise generation. A plan of the proposal is shown in the document library.
Any comments you may have regarding the proposal will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Russell Street. If a change in the existing traffic arrangements in Russell Street is not considered warranted by the community, then this proposal may not proceed.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Iman Mohammadi, Traffic & Transport Engineer on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 1 March 2019.
The North Sydney Community Strategic Plan 2018 – 2028 identifies community demand for continued improvement to walking facilities in North Sydney. As part of Council’s response to this demand, a concept design has been prepared for new pedestrian crossings at the intersection between Albany Street and Oxley Street, St Leonards. The intent of the works is to improve access, amenity and safety for people walking in the area.
Council has received prior community feedback about it being difficult to cross at the intersection, and pedestrian activity in this area will continue to grow as nearby developments are completed and with the opening of the Crows Nest Metro Station.
The proposed changes at this intersection include:
- a new raised pedestrian crossing on each approach to the intersection. These would be level with footpaths
- expanded pedestrian/footpath areas
- new garden beds and landscaping
- reconstruction of the internal roundabout circle
Note: The changes would require the removal of car parking spaces on approach to the intersection to ensure statutory setbacks to the new pedestrian crossings are provided. The setbacks are to ensure visibility to and from pedestrian crossing areas. The spaces required for each of the crossings are shown in red on the plan. The plan can be found in the document library.
The project includes the expansion and landscaping of pedestrian areas around the intersection, including the installation of new garden beds. Some trees may be impacted by the works, however, should this occur, these will be replaced with new plantings.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
Should you require any further information, contact Lindsay Menday, Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendations:
1. THAT the existing three (3) unrestricted parking spaces on the western side of Spruson Street between Holdsworth Road and Phillips Street be changed to “No Parking”.
2. THAT the existing unrestricted parking spaces on the eastern side of Spruson Street between Holdsworth Road and Phillips Street be changed to ‘2 Hour 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 30’.
3. THAT the existing unrestricted parking spaces on both sides of Spruson Street between Phillips Street and Colindia Avenue be changed to ‘2 Hour 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 30’.
1. THAT half of the existing unrestricted parking spaces (approx. 8 car spaces) on the southern side of Phillips Street between Spruson Street and Ben Boyd Road be changed to ‘2 Hour 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 30 and 31’.
2. THAT the existing ‘2 Hour 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 31’ restrictions (approx. 3 car spaces) on the northern side of Phillips Street between No.4A and No.10 Phillips Street be changed to include Area 30 & Area 31 permits.
It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next three weeks.
Feedback closed 5pm Monday 18 February 2019
It is Council’s understanding that buses are experiencing difficulties negotiating the narrow section of Spruson Street between Holdsworth Road and Phillips Street. With cars parked on both sides of the narrow section, bus operator has advised that this has caused difficulties when inbound and outbound services meet at the intersection and may result in potential collision with parked vehicles.
Council at its meeting on 27 August 2018 considered the matter and resolved to survey the residents of Spruson Street and surrounding streets with regard to the removal of three (3) parking spaces on the western side of Spruson Street between Holdsworth Road and Phillips Street to improve bus access and road safety.
As part of the proposal, it was found that there is an opportunity to compensate the parking loss by installing 90-degree angle parking on Spruson Street between property no. 50 and 68 where the road width is approximately 12.8m. Considering there are more driveways on the eastern side than the western side of the subject road section, it is proposed to install 90-degree angle parking on the western side to maximise parking (net increase of 13 spaces) and No Parking restrictions on the eastern side to maintain two-way traffic flow.
Further at its meeting on 7 September 2018, Council resolved to include an additional alternative option in the Spruson Street survey to install 2-hour timed parking on the eastern side of Spruson Street between Holdsworth Road and Phillips Street and in Phillips Street between Ben Boyd Road and Spruson Street to offset the proposed loss of 3 parking spaces in Spruson Street. Additionally, it is proposed to extend the 2-hour parking restrictions in Spruson Street to Colindia Avenue.
The use of 2-hour parking restrictions will prevent the long-term parking of commuters and businesses while still providing some flexibility for local residents and their visitors. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy some residents may not be eligible for a permit and there is a cost in obtaining a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of this survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or change existing parking restrictions and configurations. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking arrangements proposed in your street.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on Friday, 22 March 2019. All members of the community are welcome to attend this meeting.
Please refer to the plan in the Document Library.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
UPDATE 26/3/19
The outcomes of the community engagement and recommendations were reported to the Traffic Committee under delegated authority on 14 March 2019. The following recommendation was subsequently approved under delegated authority on 18 March 2019:
THAT Council implement the parking arrangements in Mount Street, North Sydney as per the attached plan Proposed Parking Configurations dated January 2019 (Proposal 1B)
For further details on the changes please refer to the report and plan in the Mount Street document library.
The parking changes will be implemented on completion of the streetscape works at 100 Mount Street.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 10 February 2019.
Council undertook consultation in July 2018 with regard to streetscape upgrades in Mount Street between Denison Street and Walker Street. The streetscape works on the northern side of Mount Street are currently being carried out as part of the re-development of 100 Mount Street. Based on the community consultation feedback, Council has proposed changes to the parking restrictions to provide more loading facilities for local businesses.
The proposed parking restrictions include:
4 x Loading Zone 5am-6pm Mon-Fri; 2 Hour Meter 6pm-midnight Mon-Fri; 1P 8.30am-12.30pm Sat, including one space on the southern side
1 x 5-minute parking 5am-11am Mon-Fri adjacent to the Australia Post box
Conversion of former angle parking on northern side of Mount Street to parallel parking
7 x 1 Hour Meter 8.30am-midnight Mon-Fri; 1 Hour 8.30am-12.30pm Sat on the northern side.
6 x 1 Hour Meter 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri; 2 Hour Meter 6pm-midnight Mon-Fri; 1 Hour 8.30am-12.30pm Sat on the southern side.
Please refer to the plan in the Document Library
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Update March 2021:
The parking restrictions installed in Area 26 was reviewed 6 months after installation and outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020 where the following recommendation was made, and Council subsequently resolved:
1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 26 - Cremorne that were completed on 18 March 2020 remain.
View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.
Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendation for Resident Parking Area 26:
- THAT Council adopt the attached parking restriction recommendations for Cremorne Parking Area 26.
- THAT Council notify the residents before installing the parking restriction changes in Cremorne Parking Area 26.
- THAT the new parking restrictions be reviewed six (6) months after the date of installation in Cremorne Parking Area 26.
The abovementioned recommendation impacts the parking in the following streets. (Click here to see map for location of changes)
No of spaces
Current Restrictions
Council Approved Changes
Ben Boyd Lane
Unrestricted Parking
2 Hour 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri
Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Ben Boyd Road
Unrestricted Parking
2 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon-Fri
Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Ben Boyd Road
Unrestricted Parking
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Ben Boyd Road
2 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Earle Street
Unrestricted Parking
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Grasmere Road
Unrestricted Parking
2 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Grasmere Road
Unrestricted Parking
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Grasmere Road
Unrestricted Parking
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Grasmere Road
2 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Park Avenue
Between Grasmere Rd & Sutherland St
8 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted area 26
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Park Avenue
8 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
4 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Park Avenue
Opposite 41-43
2 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri
'No Parking 4:30–7:00pm, 2 Hour 8:30am–4:30pm
Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Park Avenue
Between Sutherland St & Earle St
8 Hour 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
4 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Sutherland Lane
Rear of 41-45 Sutherland St
1 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
2 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Sutherland Street
38 Sutherland St to 232 Ben Boyd Road
Unrestricted Parking
4 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Sutherland Street
Unrestricted Parking
4 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Sutherland Street
Between 9 Sutherland St & Ben Boyd Rd
Unrestricted Parking
2 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Sutherland Street
Between Ben Boyd Rd & Young St
Unrestricted Parking
2 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Sutherland Street
Between Ben Boyd Rd & Young St
Unrestricted Parking
2 Hour 8.30am - 6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 26
Additionally, No Stopping signs will be attached to all proposed parking restrictions that end at an intersection to designate the statutory 10m No Stopping zone from unsignalised intersections according to Australian Road Rules.
It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next 3 weeks.
Further information can be found on Council’s website or by contacting Council on 9936 8100 or email Council appreciates your co-operation in this matter.
Feedback closed midnight Sunday 3 February 2019.
North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Area 26 within the boarder of Oak Avenue, Park Avenue, Ernest Street, Young Street and Belgrave Street. Please refer to the attached map indicating the parking zones under review.It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, introduce parking meters and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.The purpose of the attached survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee under Traffic Delegated Authority. To follow up on the progress, please visit Council website via the link above.All comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.For further information, contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes 29 March 2019.
Amendments were made to the intersection between Young Street and Grasmere Road in 2017.
Following the completion of the works, Council received feedback from members of the community raising concern about some aspects on the new design. The most common issues raised were:
- concerns that speeds had increased in Grasmere Road as a result of the intersection changes.
- concerns that drivers were confused over who has priority at the intersection.
- concerns about insufficient visibility to and from the pedestrian crossing point over Young Street to the south of Grasmere Road.
In response to these concerns, Council conducted a review of the intersection and engaged Transport and Urban Planning Pty Ltd to conduct an independent Road Safety Audit. The Road Safety Audit recommended a number of signage and linemarking changes to improve safety, which will be made early in 2019. Further details regarding the review, and a full version of the Road Safety Audit, are available in the Council report in the document library.
Before and after speed counts for the intersection were collected as part of the review, and are provided in notification letter in the document library.
Have Your Say - Potential Amendments to the IntersectionCouncil is seeking community feedback on two possible amendments to the intersection as shown on the plan in the document library.
Should you require any further information, contact Lindsay Menday, Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes Wednesday 27 February 2019.
As part of Council’s commitment to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, it is proposed to install a raised pedestrian crossing on Yeo Street, on the western side of the intersection with Watson Street.
The proposed pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance. A copy of the plan is available in the document library.
Please note: the proposal will result in a loss of three on-street parking spaces in order to be compliant with Australian Standards and RMS guidelines.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be finalised by the end of June 2019.
Any comments you may have regarding the proposals will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Yeo Street. If a change in the existing traffic arrangements in Yeo Street is not considered warranted by the community then this proposal may not proceed.
All comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.For further information, contact Mr Nathan Wu, Traffic & Transport Engineer on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Following a 6-month review, Council, through the North Sydney Traffic Committee has approved further changes in Milray Avenue.
1. On the northern side of Milray Ave, the existing 3 unrestricted parking spaces in front of H.No.84 Milray Avenue, be converted back to “4P 8:30am‐6pm Mon‐Fri, Permit Holders Excepted Area 15”.
2. On the western side of Milray Ave, the existing 2 unrestricted parking spaces in front of H.No.20 Milray Avenue, be converted to “4P 8:30am‐6pm Mon‐Fri, Permit Holders Excepted Area 15”.
Following public consultation and a 3-month review, Council, through the North Sydney Traffic Committee has approved further changes in Shirley Road, Milray Avenue and Tryon Avenue.
A map and a copy of notification letters is available in the document library.
Feedback closed 4 January 2019.
A summary of the Area 15 (Wollstonecraft) survey results are available in the Completed Survey Document Library. The recommendations of Council’s Traffic Engineer were referred the external Traffic Committee members on 5 June 2019 under delegated authority and subsequently approved on the 8 July 2019.
Notifications letters will be distributed to affected residents informing them of the parking changes by Friday 26 July 2019. Signage will be installed shortly thereafter.
North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the Wollstonecraft Parking Area 15 on Boronia Street, Cable Street, Milray Avenue, Russell Street, Shirley Road, Telopea Street and Tryon Avenue. See map in document library map with highlighted roads indicating the area being reviewed.It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing increasing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, it is proposed to introduce a number of parking strategies which will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, and/or install parking meters and make them resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council also operates a Visitor Parking Permit scheme. Vehicles that display the permit are able to park in residential zones and are not subject to the time restrictions. Each residential property is entitled to 30 Visitor Permits per year, and each permit is valid for one day. For further information, including fees, visit Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee under Traffic Delegated Authority. To follow up on the progress, please visit Council’s website via the link above.Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.For further information, contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Update March 2021:
The parking restrictions installed in Area 2 was reviewed 6 months after installation and outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020 where the following recommendation was made, and Council subsequently resolved:
1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 2 - Kirribilli that were completed on 17 June 2020 remain..
View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.
UPDATE 6 April 2020: Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendation for Resident Parking Area 2:
- THAT Council adopt the attached parking restriction recommendations for Parking Area 2.
- THAT Council notify the residents before installing the parking restriction changes in Parking Area 2.
- THAT the new parking restrictions be reviewed six (6) months after the date of installation in Parking Area 2.
The abovementioned recommendation impacts the parking in the following streets.
Bradly Avenue
- On the northern side, the existing ‘1 Hour Parking 8.30am-10pm Mon-Sun Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’ (21 spaces) will be changed to ‘1 Hour Meter Parking 8.30am-10pm Mon-Sun Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’
High Street
- On the northern side between Clark Road and Hipwood Street, the existing unrestricted parking (1 space) will be changed to ‘2 Hour Parking 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’
- On the southern side, the existing unrestricted parking (2 spaces) outside 171 High Street will be changed to ‘2 Hour Parking 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’
Hipwood Street
- On the western side, the existing ‘2 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’ (2 spaces) outside 32 Hipwood Street will be changed to ‘4 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’
McDougall Street
- On the northern side, the existing 2 Hour parallel parking (16 spaces) between Clark Road and the cul-de-sac will be changed to 45-degree angle parking.
See map for location of changes on Council's website.(External link)
It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next 3 weeks.
Further information can be found on Council’s website or by contacting Council on 9936 8100 or email Council appreciates your co-operation in this matter.
Feedback closes 4 January 2019.
North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Area 2 within the boarder of Ennis Road, High Street, Clark Road, Adderstone Avenue, Stannards Place, Bradly Avenue, Hipwood Street, McDougall Street, and Broughton Street. Please refer to the attached map indicating the parking zones under review.It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, introduce parking meters and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.The purpose of the survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee under Traffic Delegated Authority. To follow up on the progress, please visit Council’s website via the link above.Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.For further information, contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.UPDATE 25 January 2019: On 10 December 2018, Council approved the recommended Traffic Committee parking changes within Areas 22 for the following areas:1. RIDGE ST on the southern side between Elliot Street and Walker Street:FROM: Unrestricted ParkingTO: 2 Hour Parking 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted Area 22.2. RIDGE ST between Walker Street and Ridge Street cul-de-sac:FROM: No ParkingTO: 2 Hour Parking 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri, Permit Holders Excepted Area 22.It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next three weeks.Minutes of the Traffic Committee meeting held on 10 December regarding this matter are available on Council website at or by contacting Council on 9936 8100. Council appreciates your co-operation in this matter.Feedback closed 12 October 2018.North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Area 22 on Walker Street between Ridge Street and McLaren Street and on the southern side of Ridge Street between Miller Street and the Cul-de-sac. Refer to the map in the document library indicating the parking zones under review.It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, introduce parking meters and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space.Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.The purpose of this survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
All comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
UPDATE: Following community consultation, the North Sydney Traffic Committee approved the proposed relocation of the Mail Zone outside 34-40 Union Street, McMahons Point as per the plan available in the Closed/Expired Document Library.
It is expected the changes will be implemented by 9 November 2018. Relocation of the Street Posting Boxes will be undertaken by Australia Post. Motorists are advised to always check signs before parking.
Feedback closed 5pm Friday 17 August 2018.
Council has received representations regarding sight issues exiting the driveway of 34-40 Union Street, McMahons Point due to vehicles parked to the west of the driveway. While it has been the longstanding position of Council not to remove parking adjacent to driveways, there may be an opportunity to adjust the current parking arrangements to improve visibility at the driveway, while retaining the on-street parking provisions.
It is proposed to relocate the Mail Zone, currently positioned to the east of the driveway, to the western side of the driveway. This will restrict vehicles from parking within up to 7.5 metres west of the driveway, when the Mail Zone is not in use. 2 spaces of ½ Hour Parking which currently extends either side of the driveway will be retained by shifting the entire zone to the eastern side of the driveway. In addition, Australia Post will relocate the existing red street posting box and the green distribution box to the proposed Mail Zone location. A plan of the proposed changes is in the Document Library.
Council is seeking feedback on the proposal and will use this feedback to progress to implementation. The attached survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the proposed changes.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. You can follow the progress of this matter at the above webpage.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Michaela Kemp on 9936 8100.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendation in Wilson Street:
1. THAT No Stopping (full time) be installed on the western side of Wilson Street at the pinch point near the telegraph pole outside No. 8A Carter Street (approx. 1 parking space)
2. THAT No Stopping “6am-1pm Mondays and Fridays” be installed opposite property No.14 Wilson Street (14 metres long).
3. THAT this matter be reported back to traffic committee in 6 months with regard to any feedback received.
It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next three weeks.
All enquiries regarding this work should be directed to Council’s Traffic Section on telephone 9936 8100. Council appreciates your co-operation in this matter.
The results of the resident parking survey were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 7 September 2018, including proposed changes to on-street parking.
For further information visit link)
Feedback closed 5pm Monday, 13 August 2018.
Council has received correspondence from a number of residents in Wilson Street concerning traffic and parking issues at the entry/exit of Wilson Street during the morning peak. Concerns have also been raised that, garbage trucks are experiencing difficulties accessing the street due to vehicles parked on both sides of the street at narrow sections.
Following investigations, Council has proposed two options to address the concerns being raised. Prior to completing the survey, please review the proposed plan in the document library.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
UPDATE: The results of the resident parking survey were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 4 May 2018, including proposed changes to on-street parking. Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting. The minutes were subsequently adopted at Council’s meeting on 28 May 2018. Notifications of proposed changes can be found here.
Feedback closed Friday 13 April 2018.
Council is seeking feedback to determine if the majority of the residents wish to retain the existing unrestricted parking or introduce 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions in Spruson Street and the other streets listed on the survey. There will be another survey later in the year to include the other streets in Area 30.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. If there is no support for the proposed changes to the parking restrictions, then they will not occur.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 5pm Friday 13 July 2018
Council undertook public exhibition of the North Sydney CBD Laneways concept plan (Laneways Masterplan) between November 2017 and January 2018. The community’s response was largely positive with some concerns being raised around the need to provide sufficient areas for business servicing activities within the precinct. In March 2018, Council resolved to endorse the concept masterplan, noting the need to resolve more detailed design matters.
The re-development of 100 Mount Street and required streetscape works represents an opportunity to implement an early stage of the concept plan by improving the pedestrian environment and revising the parking layout along its Mount Street frontage. Pedestrian activity in the Mount Street area is expected to increase considerably over the next few years with nearby major developments bringing significant growth in the area.
What's proposed?
The plan has been prepared to implement the first stage of the endorsed Laneways Masterplan. It can be viewed in the document library. The plan further proposes to deliver improvements as part of a comprehensive streetscape upgrade that will expand and improve public space with increased footpath/public domain space, and new high quality paving.
The improvements are proposed on the northern side of Mount Street between Denison Street and Walker Street and include:
- Changes to kerb alignment to achieve acceptable footpath levels for pedestrians
- Widening of the footpath to improve public domain, pedestrian amenity and to accommodate for increased pedestrian foot traffic in the near future
- Conversion of former angle parking (currently Work Zone for 100 Mount Street) to parallel parking
- Changes to parking restrictions to accommodate loading activities between 5am-10am Mon-Fri; and 1 Hour Metered Parking from 10am-midnight Mon-Fri and 8.30am-12.30pm Saturdays
No changes are proposed to the kerb or parking on the southern side of Mount Street.
On 15 June 2018, Council’s Traffic Committee considered the proposed changes and recommended consultation be undertaken prior to any further implementation. The streetscape works would likely be undertaken in October/November 2018.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The results of this consultation were considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 18 October 2019. The minutes of this meeting were subsequently endorsed by Council on 28 October 2019.
It was resolved;
1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 20 - Cammeray on 25 February 2018 remain.
Feedback closed 27 August 2018.
Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the Cammeray Parking Area 20 affecting Anzac Avenue, Cammeray Avenue, Ernest Street, Lillis Street, Lytton Street, Moodie Street and Rosalind Street. Refer to map in 'Document Library'.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing increasing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, it is proposed to introduce a number of parking strategies which will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, introduce parking meters and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy (refer to 'Important Links' to view this Policy), including eligibility and fees.
Council also operates a Visitor Parking Permit Scheme. Vehicles that display the permit are able to park in residential zones and are not subject to the time restrictions. Each residential property is entitled to 30 Visitor Permits per year, and each permit is valid for one day. For further information, including fees, refer to 'Important Links'.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
All comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information, contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed Friday 11 May 2018.
Council has received an application from FDC Construction (NSW) Pty Ltd to change parking restrictions on Edward Street between Mount Street and the cul-de-sac during upcoming construction of the Shore School Physical Education Centre (SPEC). Prior to submitting feedback ensure you have read the stakeholder letter and parking plan in the document library.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
UPDATE: The results of the resident parking survey were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 4 May 2018.It was resolved:
1. THAT the existing parking arrangement in Rangers Road between Murdoch Street and Spofforth Street be retained.
2. THAT Council installs ‘Motorbike Only’ signs on the small kerb space between the driveways of 56 and 58 Rangers Road.For further information visit
Feedback closed 20 March 2018 (extended). Council is seeking feedback on the expansion of 2-hour parking restrictions with permit holders exempt in Rangers Road, Cremorne (between Murdoch Street and Spofforth Street).
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. If there is no support for the proposed changes to the parking restrictions, then they will not occur.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closes 23 February 2018. Council is seeking feedback on walking and cycling improvements proposed in Merlin Street, Neutral Bay (between Ernest Street and Military Road). Landscaping and public domain improvements are also proposed as part of these works.
Before completing the feedback survey please refer to the Concept Plans and FAQs available in the 'Document Library'.
For further information contact Council’s Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator, Lindsay Menday on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Survey closes 01 December 2017. Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the Crows Nest Parking Area 19 bounded by Chandos Street, Alexander Street, Albany Street and Oxley Street. Refer to map in 'Document Library' - red lines indicating the approximate scope of proposed changes.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing increasing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, it is proposed to introduce a number of parking strategies which will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, introduce parking meters and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy (refer to 'Important Links' to view this Policy), including eligibility and fees.
Please note that restrictions in Willoughby Road will not include resident parking.
Council also operates a Visitor Parking Permit Scheme. Vehicles that display the permit are able to park in residential zones and are not subject to the time restrictions. Each residential property is entitled to 30 Visitor Permits per year, and each permit is valid for one day. For further information, including fees, refer to 'Important Links'.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey. Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Share Area 19 Crows Nest North - Parking Restriction Review Survey. on Facebook Share Area 19 Crows Nest North - Parking Restriction Review Survey. on Twitter Share Area 19 Crows Nest North - Parking Restriction Review Survey. on Linkedin Email Area 19 Crows Nest North - Parking Restriction Review Survey. link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Survey closed 24 November 2017. Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Areas 9 and 10 on the west side of Pacific Highway affecting Bay Road, Edward Street and Lord Avenue. Refer to map in 'Document Library' showing the scope of proposed changes.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing increasing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, it is proposed to introduce a number of parking strategies which will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, introduce parking meters and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space. Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy (refer to 'Important Links' to view this Policy), including eligibility and fees.
Council also operates a Visitor Parking Permit Scheme. Vehicles that display the permit are able to park in residential zones and are not subject to the time restrictions. Each residential property is entitled to 30 Visitor Permits per year, and each permit is valid for one day. For further information, including fees, refer to 'Important Links'.
This survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
All comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 15 November 2017. Council has received concerns regarding parking arrangements in Shellcove Road hindering driveway and footpath access between Billong Street and Hollowforth Avenue, and it is Council’s understanding that the residents in Shellcove Road are experiencing increasing difficulties obtaining parking close to their property, due to increased demand, particularly from commuters.
This matter was considered at the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 5 May 2017 and at the Council meeting on 22 May 2017 where it was subsequently resolved that appropriate enforcement of the Road Rules be carried out, and that local residents be surveyed to ascertain their preferences for the ongoing parking arrangements in Shellcove Road.
Council has proposed three options (Options 1, 2 or 3) to address this matter as well as an Option 4 to maintain the status quo (i.e. no change).
Additionally, Council seeks residents’ opinion with regard to the introduction of 2 Hour parking restrictions in Shellcove Road between Billong Street and Hollowforth Avenue. Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy,
Before completing the feedback survey refer to the Options Diagram available from the 'Document Library' and Council's Resident Parking Permit Policy available under 'Important Links'.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
It is not intended to reply to individual respondents - the consultation findings will be made available on this project page.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 24 November 2017. All members of the community are welcome to attend this meeting.
For further information contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Engineer, Nathan Wu on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 3 November 2017. Council is seeking feedback on which option best responds to the needs of the local community. Options 1 to 3 would require the removal of car parking spaces in the area immediately adjacent to the pedestrian facility to allow for the minimum required sight distances. Council is also including a ‘do nothing’ option (option 4).
Before completing the feedback survey please refer to the Concept Plans available in the 'Document Library'.
For further information contact Council’s Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator, Lindsay Menday on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Share Bannerman St, Cremorne - Midblock Pedestrian Facilities Survey on Facebook Share Bannerman St, Cremorne - Midblock Pedestrian Facilities Survey on Twitter Share Bannerman St, Cremorne - Midblock Pedestrian Facilities Survey on Linkedin Email Bannerman St, Cremorne - Midblock Pedestrian Facilities Survey link -
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Feedback closed 3 November 2017. Council is seeking feedback on walking and cycling improvements proposed in Bent Street, Neutral Bay (between Winter Avenue and Yeo Street). Landscaping and public domain improvements are also proposed as part of these works.
Before completing the feedback survey please refer to the Concept Plans available in the 'Document Library'.
For further information contact Council’s Sustainable Transport Projects Coordinator, Lindsay Menday on 9936 8100.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Submissions closed 31 August
IMPORTANT NOTE: all comments received will be considered in the review of the project, however as there may be a significant number of submissions made, it is not intended to reply to individual responses.
The North Sydney Community Strategic Plan 2013-2023 identifies that improved walking and cycling connections are a key priority for the community, and feedback from the community consistently indicates that many more people will walk and cycle for transport when safer, more convenient and more attractive routes are available.
In response to this community demand, Council have prepared a concept plan for improved walking and cycling connections along Ridge Street, North Sydney (the Ridge Street Active Transport Upgrade Plan). The Plan proposes significant improvements to walking and cycling facilities such as expanded pedestrian areas, upgraded pedestrian crossings, and new separated cycling paths. The Plan further proposes to deliver these improvements as part of a comprehensive streetscape upgrade that will expand and improve public space with new landscaping and garden beds, additional street trees, new high quality paving, and public amenities such as new seating.
The improvements are proposed between Miller Street and West Street and include:
- Upgrade of two existing pedestrian crossings to substantially reduce the total crossing distances and provide access level with surrounding footpaths.
- Changes to intersections that will reduce crossing distances for pedestrians, make it easier to see to and from pedestrian crossing points and road areas, and encourage slower vehicle speeds around corners.
- An expanded pedestrian environment with large areas of new garden beds, new street trees, new areas of paving and new public facilities such as seating and bicycle parking.
- Changes to the Traffic Control Signals at the intersection between Miller Street and Ridge Street to improve pedestrian safety and provide a dedicated cycle crossing.
- A new ‘continuous footpath treatment’ at the intersection between Ridge Street and Cunningham Street, which is an area raised above road level so that pedestrian access across the intersections is level with footpaths.
- A new ‘in-lane’ bus stop catering for passenger set downs on Ridge Street and new signage allowing bus set downs and pick-ups in Miller Street.
- New bi-directional cycle path on the north side of Ridge Street that is separated from footpaths and road areas. These type of paths are demonstrated to make cycling accessible to a far broader range of people.
View the concept plan to see key features of the proposed design (in the Document Library).
The design/layout proposed is based on similar active transport/streetscape upgrade projects implemented successfully in other parts of Sydney and internationally.
Ridge Street does not need to be widened to accommodate the cycle path which fits within existing kerb lines.
The works will reduce the lane widths on Ridge Street which is expected to slow vehicle speeds and emphasise a pedestrian friendly/local road setting in Ridge Street. The lanes and layout have been designed with reference to relevant guidelines and standards.
The proposal has minimal impact on car parking provision in Ridge Street. The number of on-street car parking spaces is unchanged. The location of some spaces will change slightly to allow the works to take place. One loading zone space is proposed to be removed to ensure that set-backs to the traffic control signals on Miller Street are consistent with current standards/requirements for safe road operation.
For more information contact Council’s Sustainable Transport Project Coordinator, Lindsay Menday on 9936 8100.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Public Consultation – Warung Street, Mcmahons Point - Proposed Parking Changes in Area 7
Council has received correspondence from residents concerned about the availability of on-street parking for residents in Warung Street. Before taking this to the Traffic Committee, Council wishes to survey the residents in the area to ascertain if there is support to propose 2-hour parking restrictions with permit holder’s exemption on southern side of Warung Street.
The use of 2-hour parking restrictions will prevent the long-term parking of commuters and businesses while still providing some flexibility for local residents and their visitors. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy some residents may not be eligible for a permit and there is a cost in obtaining a permit.
Read Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, or by contacting Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if the majority of the residents wish to retain the existing unrestricted parking or introduce 2-hour parking restrictions in Warung Street.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If there is no support for the proposed changes to the parking restrictions, then they will not occur.
Closing Date & Next Steps
If you do wish to comment it would be appreciated if you could complete the survey by Saturday 30 September 2017.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 20 October 2017.
All members of the community are welcome to attend this meeting.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Public Consultation – West Street, Crows Nest - Proposed Parking Changes In Area 21
Council has received a request from Hayberry Precinct about availability of on-street parking for residents in West Street, between Hayberry Street and Falcon Street.
Before taking this to the Traffic Committee, Council wishes to survey the residents in the area to ascertain if there is support to convert the unrestricted parking to either 2 hour parking restrictions or 4 hour parking restrictions with permit holders exemption.
The use of 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions will prevent the long-term parking of commuters and businesses while still providing some flexibility for local residents and their visitors. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy some residents may not be eligible for a permit and there is a cost in obtaining a permit.
Read Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, or by contacting Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if the majority of the residents wish to retain the existing unrestricted parking or introduce 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions in West Street.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If there is no support for the proposed changes to the parking restrictions, then they will not occur.
Closing Date & Next Steps
If you do wish to comment it would be appreciated if you could complete the survey by Friday 1 September 2017.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 20 October 2017.
All members of the community are welcome to attend this meeting.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Ms Maria Coyne of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Public Consultation – Premier Street, Neutral Bay - Proposed Parking Changes In Area 30
Council has received correspondence from residents concerned about the availability of on-street parking for residents in Premier Street, between Ben Boyd Road and Lindsay Street.
Before taking this to the Traffic Committee, Council wishes to survey the residents in the area to ascertain if there is support to convert the unrestricted parking to either 2 hour parking restrictions or 4 hour parking restrictions with permit holders exemption.
The use of 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions will prevent the long-term parking of commuters and businesses while still providing some flexibility for local residents and their visitors. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy some residents may not be eligible for a permit and there is a cost in obtaining a permit.
Read Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, or by contacting Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if the majority of the residents wish to retain the existing unrestricted parking or introduce 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions in Premier Street.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If there is no support for the proposed changes to the parking restrictions, then they will not occur.
Closing Date & Next Steps
If you do wish to comment it would be appreciated if you could complete the survey by Friday 1 September 2017.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 20 October 2017.
All members of the community are welcome to attend this meeting.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Ms Maria Coyne of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Public Consultation – Horace Street, Waverton - Proposed Parking Changes In Area 16
Council has received requests from residents near Horace Street, Waverton requesting the existing unrestricted parking be converted to restricted parking with permit holder exceptions.
Before taking this to the Traffic Committee, Council wishes to survey the residents in the area to ascertain if there is support to convert the unrestricted parking to either 2 hour parking restrictions or 4 hour parking restrictions with permit holders exemption.
The use of 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions will prevent the long-term parking of commuters and businesses while still providing some flexibility for local residents and their visitors. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy some residents may not be eligible for a permit and there is a cost in obtaining a permit.
Read Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, or by contacting Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if the majority of the residents wish to retain the existing unrestricted parking or introduce 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions in Horace Street.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If there is no support for the proposed changes to the parking restrictions, then they will not occur.
Closing Date & Next Steps
If you do wish to comment it would be appreciated if you could complete the survey by Friday 1 September 2017.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 20 October 2017.
All members of the community are welcome to attend this meeting.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Ms Maria Coyne of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100.
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CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Public Consultation – Euroka Street, Waverton - Proposed Parking Changes In Area 9
Council has received correspondence from residents concerned about the availability of on-street parking for residents in Euroka Street.
Before taking this to the Traffic Committee, Council wishes to survey the residents in the area to ascertain if there is support to extend the existing 2 hour parking restrictions and/or introduce 4 hour parking restrictions with permit holders exemption in Euroka Street.
The use of 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions will prevent the long-term parking of commuters and businesses while still providing some flexibility for local residents and their visitors. Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy some residents may not be eligible for a permit and there is a cost in obtaining a permit.
Read Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, or by contacting Customer Service on 9936 8100.
The purpose of the survey is to determine if the majority of the residents wish to retain the existing unrestricted parking or introduce 2 hour or 4 hour parking restrictions in Euroka Street.
The survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If there is no support for the proposed changes to the parking restrictions, then they will not occur.
Closing Date & Next Steps
If you do wish to comment it would be appreciated if you could complete the survey by Friday 1 September 2017.
It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 20 October 2017.
All members of the community are welcome to attend this meeting.
Thank you for your assistance in completing this survey.
Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Ms Maria Coyne of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100
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Document Library - Current Survey(s)/Notifications
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