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Area 2 - Parking Restriction Survey

Update March 2021:

The parking restrictions installed in Area 2 was reviewed 6 months after installation and outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020 where the following recommendation was made, and Council subsequently resolved:

1. THAT the parking restrictions installed in Resident Parking Area 2 - Kirribilli that were completed on 17 June 2020 remain..

View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.

UPDATE 6 April 2020: Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendation for Resident Parking Area 2:

  • THAT Council adopt the attached parking restriction recommendations for Parking Area 2. 
  • THAT Council notify the residents before installing the parking restriction changes in Parking Area 2. 
  • THAT the new parking restrictions be reviewed six (6) months after the date of installation in Parking Area 2.

The abovementioned recommendation impacts the parking in the following streets. 

Bradly Avenue 

  • On the northern side, the existing ‘1 Hour Parking 8.30am-10pm Mon-Sun Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’ (21 spaces) will be changed to ‘1 Hour Meter Parking 8.30am-10pm Mon-Sun Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’

High Street 

  • On the northern side between Clark Road and Hipwood Street, the existing unrestricted parking (1 space) will be changed to ‘2 Hour Parking 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’
  • On the southern side, the existing unrestricted parking (2 spaces) outside 171 High Street will be changed to ‘2 Hour Parking 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’

Hipwood Street

  • On the western side, the existing ‘2 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’ (2 spaces) outside 32 Hipwood Street will be changed to ‘4 Hour Parking 8.30am - 6pm Mon - Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 2’

McDougall Street

  • On the northern side, the existing 2 Hour parallel parking (16 spaces) between Clark Road and the cul-de-sac will be changed to 45-degree angle parking. 

See map for location of changes on Council's website.(External link)

It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next 3 weeks. 

Further information can be found on Council’s website or by contacting Council on 9936 8100 or email Council appreciates your co-operation in this matter.

Feedback closes 4 January 2019.

North Sydney Council has recently reviewed the existing parking restrictions in the North Sydney Parking Area 2 within the boarder of Ennis Road, High Street, Clark Road, Adderstone Avenue, Stannards Place, Bradly Avenue, Hipwood Street, McDougall Street, and Broughton Street. Please refer to the attached map indicating the parking zones under review.

It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.

Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies will provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource.  In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.

The most effective way to manage commuter parking is to extend parking restrictions, introduce parking meters and make these areas resident exempt. Combined with enforcement, this ensures that there is a turnover of vehicles and improves the likelihood of finding a vacant parking space.  Please note however under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.

Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.   

The purpose of the survey is to determine if there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such, but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. 

It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee under Traffic Delegated Authority. To follow up on the progress, please visit Council’s website via the link above.   

Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. 

For further information, contact Council’s Traffic and Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100.

Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.

Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.