Burton Street Temporary Road Closure & Plaza
Consultation has concluded

At its meeting of 26 April 2022 considered the report of consultation outcomes (Item 8.12. Burton Street Temporary Road Closure and Plaza Community Feedback.pdf) and resolved:
1. THAT Council notes the community feedback received during the trial pedestrian plaza and road closure in Burton Street, Kirribilli.
2. THAT Council notes the results of the Traffic Study as well as the Human Movement Data Study that was undertaken during the trial pedestrian plaza and road closure in Burton Street, Kirribilli.
3. THAT Council proceeds with the permanent closure of Burton Street, between Humphrey Place and Broughton Street and the permanent transformation of Bligh Street into a Shared Zone, Kirribilli.
4. THAT the final designs for both the permanent closure of Burton Street and the transformation of Bligh Street be brought back to Council for endorsement before proceeding to detail design, tender and construction.
5. THAT the current Burton Street road closure and the Bligh Street Shared Zone remain in place until Council makes a decision to proceed with the permanent closure and shared zone designs.
6. THAT consultation be undertaken with the neighbouring businesses, residents and schools prior to construction.
Feedback closed 31 March 2022
Council received funding under the NSW Government’s “Streets as Shared Spaces Program” to implement a temporary plaza for six months. The plaza will create a central hub within the Kirribilli Village, providing a place where people can meet friends or sit for a quiet moment in the sun (Public Health Orders permitting). The additional open space is expected to attract both residents and visitors to the Kirribilli Village.
At the beginning of September 2021, Burton Street was closed to vehicular traffic for six months for the implementation of the temporary plaza. Vehicular traffic in Burton Street, between Broughton Street and Humphreys Place, will be diverted into surrounding streets during this time.
Council sought feedback about what the community liked about the plaza, what could be improved, and what might work well as part of a permanent plaza. Council will assess community feedback, use of the temporary plaza (with a visitation study) and the impact on traffic (through a traffic study) to determine whether the road should be closed permanently.
In February 2021, Council adopted the Kirribilli Village Centre Masterplan, which includes the creation of a permanent public plaza in Burton Street. The Masterplan was prepared and adopted following stakeholder feedback conducted between September to November 2020.
For more information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or yoursay@northsydney.nsw.gov.au