Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40km/h
Consultation has concluded

Feedback closed 27 September 2020
Council was successful in gaining funding under the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Safe Speeds in High Pedestrian Activity and Local Areas Program for the Kirribilli and Milsons Point 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area with traffic calming devices.
The project was split into two stages, see News Tab for further background and details. Stage 1 construction is complete. Works on Stage 2 pedestrian crossings commenced in April 2021. Construction on all the pedestrian crossings is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2021.
For further information contact Council’s Project Manager on 9936 8100.
Note: Submissions are considered open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In the interests of public transparency, submission in its entirety may be made available via Council’s website. Submitters are encouraged to read Council’s Information Sheet: Making a Submission to Council prior to making a submission. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
Feedback closed 27 September 2020
Council was successful in gaining funding under the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Safe Speeds in High Pedestrian Activity and Local Areas Program for the Kirribilli and Milsons Point 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area with traffic calming devices.
The project was split into two stages, see News Tab for further background and details. Stage 1 construction is complete. Works on Stage 2 pedestrian crossings commenced in April 2021. Construction on all the pedestrian crossings is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2021.
For further information contact Council’s Project Manager on 9936 8100.
Note: Submissions are considered open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In the interests of public transparency, submission in its entirety may be made available via Council’s website. Submitters are encouraged to read Council’s Information Sheet: Making a Submission to Council prior to making a submission. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
Share UPDATE MAY 2021 on Facebook Share UPDATE MAY 2021 on Twitter Share UPDATE MAY 2021 on Linkedin Email UPDATE MAY 2021 linkCouncil undertook a second round of community consultation from 27 August 2020 to 27 September 2020 regarding the proposed raised pedestrian crossings as part of Stage 2. All proposals generally received strong support from the community and were subsequently approved by the Traffic Committee. The community engagement outcomes report can be viewed here.
In addition, Council received additional funding in 2020/21 from Transport for NSW under the Federal Stimulus Road Safety Program to complete sites 18C and 20.
Works on Stage 2 pedestrian crossings commenced in April 2021. Construction on all the pedestrian crossings is scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2021.
Site ID
Description of treatment
View Plan
Clark Road at McDougall Street
Raised pedestrian crossing
Broughton Street at Willoughby Street
Raised pedestrian crossing
Fitzroy Street at Alfred Street South
Raised pedestrian crossing
Broughton Street at Kirribilli Avenue
Raised pedestrian crossing
Share BACKGROUND on Facebook Share BACKGROUND on Twitter Share BACKGROUND on Linkedin Email BACKGROUND linkCouncil secured significant grant funding in 2019/20 from Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)* for the design and implementation of a proposed 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area in Kirribilli and Milsons Point village centres. The works will improve amenity and safety for all road users, and particularly people walking in the area, which includes Broughton Street, Olympic Drive, Alfred Street South and McDougall Street.
This project complements Council’s Draft 40km/h and 10km/h Shared Zones Masterplan which was recently exhibited and is currently under review. To take advantage of the significant funding available, Council is proceeding with implementation in this area. The RMS funding conditions require works to be completed by 30 June 2020.
To distinguish the different driving conditions and create a self-enforcing maximum 40km/h speed environment within the village centres, the proposed concept includes the installation of road traffic calming treatments such as thresholds and pedestrian crossing facilities (refer to document library for area map, site register with sample images and detailed concept designs).
This concept design results in no parking loss, expanded pedestrian/footpath areas and additional gardens/landscaping. This will make the villages more attractive and safer for residents and visitors. Note that some trees might be impacted by the works, however, should this occur, they will be replaced with new plantings.
Benefits of 40km/h speed limits
- Travelling at lower speeds improves driver’s ability to stop at a safer distance to avoid crashes, otherwise reduce the severity of a crash.
- Statistics show that there was a 33% reduction in crashes causing serious injuries and deaths between 2005 and 2015 where 40km/h zones have been introduced. These zones include busy shopping precincts and neighbourhoods
*RMS is now known as Transport for NSW (TfNSW)
Share UPDATE APRIL 2020 on Facebook Share UPDATE APRIL 2020 on Twitter Share UPDATE APRIL 2020 on Linkedin Email UPDATE APRIL 2020 linkFollowing community consultation, Council resolved, at its meeting of Monday 23 March 2020 (held Monday 6 April 2020) to proceed with the detailed design and construction of this project with some changes to the overall scheme (see report and updated overall site plan available in the Document Library - Post Exhibition).
Due to RMS requirements to deliver this project by 30 June 2020 the scheme will be separated into two stages. Council will proceed with construction of Stage 1 and seek RMS approval and detailed designs for Stage 2.
Formal requests for quotation for construction works for Stage 1 will be released late April 2020. Stage 1 construction works will begin first week of June 2020. Notice of works will be circulated to the community prior to commencement of works.
The tender for Stage 2 is scheduled for June 2020, this includes new sites as per Council’s resolution.
Share UPDATE JUNE 2020 on Facebook Share UPDATE JUNE 2020 on Twitter Share UPDATE JUNE 2020 on Linkedin Email UPDATE JUNE 2020 linkThe funding agreement with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) was subject to the construction works for this project to be finalised by 30 June 2020, however due to the outcomes of the consultation requiring changes to the original scheme as endorsed by Council, the detailed design and tender process was delayed.
Council and TfNSW agreed to separate the project into two stages. The delivery date for Stage 1 was extended to 28 August 2020. Construction works for Stage 1 began 22 June 2020. Council is undertaking detailed design for Stage 2. Stage 2 construction will be undertaken after site specific community consultation is completed.
Stage 1:
Site ID
Description of treatment
Broughton Street
Raised threshold - full road width
Hipwood Street
Flush threshold treatment
McDougall Street
Flush threshold treatment
Burton Street
Raised pedestrian crossing
Bligh Street
Continuous footpath treatment
Pitt Street
Continuous footpath treatment
Paul Street
Continuous footpath treatment
Alfred Street South
Raised threshold - full road width
Alfred Street South
Flush threshold treatment
Lavender Street
Flush threshold treatment
Alfred Street South
Raised pedestrian crossing – To be constructed with Stage 2 works
Glen Street
Continuous footpath treatment
Stage 2:
Site ID
Description of treatment
Clark Road
Raised pedestrian crossing
Broughton Street
Raised pedestrian crossing
Fitzroy Street
Raised pedestrian crossing
Broughton Street
Raised pedestrian crossing
Share UPDATE AUGUST 2020 on Facebook Share UPDATE AUGUST 2020 on Twitter Share UPDATE AUGUST 2020 on Linkedin Email UPDATE AUGUST 2020 linkInitial consultation with TfNSW was undertaken for Stage 2. Some of the sites did not meet the TfNSW pedestrian crossing requirements due to low pedestrian numbers. However special consideration has been given to the proposed devices and consequently, TfNSW is willing to provide exemptions for the proposed raised pedestrian crossings at the following sites;
- Site 1 - Northern approach of the roundabout at Clark Road and McDougall Street
- Site 4 - Broughton Street south of Willoughby Street
- Site 20 - Broughton Street north of Kirribilli Avenue
- Site 18c - Eastern approach of Alfred Street South and Fitzroy Street roundabout
Note: the raised pedestrian crossing at site 18b (southern approach of the Alfred Street South/ Fitzroy Street) did not received an exemption and therefore is not supported. Site 18a was part of Stage 1 consultation.
Document Library - Stage 2
Stage 2 - Survey results: Kirribilli and Milsons Point HPAA.pdf (297 KB) (pdf)
Site 1 Plan - Clark Road and McDougall Street.pdf (260 KB) (pdf)
Site 4 Plan - Broughton St and Willoughby St.pdf (570 KB) (pdf)
Site 18C Plan - Fitzroy St and Alfred Street Sth.pdf (195 KB) (pdf)
Site 20 Plan - Broughton St and Kirribilli Ave.pdf (176 KB) (pdf)
Community Engagement Strategy - Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40kmh Aug.pdf (307 KB) (pdf)
Kirribilli Milsons Point HPAA updated concept plan 22 May 2020 - Stage 1 & 2.pdf (2.77 MB) (pdf)
Life Cycle
Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40km/h has finished this stageThis consultation is Open for contributions.
Under Review
Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40km/h has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. All submissions received will be collated, analysed and reported to Council.
Final report
Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40km/h is currently at this stageThe final outcomes of the consultation area available in the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Document Libraries.
Document Library - Public Exhibition, Stage 1
Area Map - Showing all sites - Kirribilli and Milsons Point HPAA 40kmh (11.7 MB) (pdf)
Proposed Treatment Locations and Examples of Treatment Types (1.35 MB) (pdf)
Detailed Concept Design - Kirribilli and Milsons Point HPAA (31.4 MB) (pdf)
Standard Flush Threshold Detail (47.6 KB) (pdf)
RMS Factsheet - 40kmh zones (1.79 MB) (pdf)
Consultation letter and Survey - Kirribilli and Milsons Point HPAA (7.95 MB) (pdf)
Community Engagement Strategy - Kirribilli and Milsons Point High Pedestrian Activity Area 40kmh (293 KB) (pdf)
Council Report 28 October 2019 - RMS Funding Offer - Kirribilli and Milsons Point 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (4.45 MB) (PDF)