Parking Area 11 - Waverton/Wollstonecraft Area
Update March 2021
The outcomes of the community consultation were reported to the Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020 where the following recommendations were made:
1. THAT the survey results for Waverton & Wollstonecraft Parking Area 11 be received.
2. THAT Council retain the existing parking restrictions for Waverton & Wollstonecraft Parking Area 11 and that it be received.
View the Traffic Committee report and minutes here.(External link)
North Sydney Council is currently reviewing the existing parking restrictions in the Waverton/ Wollstonecraft Residential Parking Area 11 including Belmont Avenue, Bridge End, Carr Street, Crows Nest Road, Gas Works Road, Hazelbank Road, Ivy Lane, Ivy Street, King Lane, King Street, Mckye Street, Morton Street, Newlands Street, Rocklands Road and Shirley Road.
It is Council’s understanding that residents and their visitors are experiencing difficulties in obtaining parking close to their property due to increased demand, particularly from commuters and visitors to the area.
Since Council is unable to increase the supply of on-street parking, introducing a number of parking strategies may provide a more equitable way to manage parking and give residents and their visitors fair access to the resource. In addition, the proposal is to rationalise the parking restriction variations to simplify the time limits.
Parking demand can be reduced in two ways: with time restrictions or through cost disincentives (paid parking).
The most effective way to manage commuter parking in high demand areas and enable improved parking opportunities for residents is to: extend parking restrictions, introduce paid parking, and make these areas resident exempt. On average, streets with timed parking have 1.4 times more vacant parking spaces, and streets with metered parking have 2.4 times more vacant parking spaces than streets with unrestricted parking.
Please note however, under Council’s Resident Parking Policy there is a cost in obtaining a permit, and some residents may not be eligible for a permit.
Information on Council’s Resident Parking Permit Policy, including eligibility and fees, can be found on Council’s website or contact Customer Service on 9936 8100.
Council is conducting a survey to determine whether there is support to retain existing restrictions or introduce additional metered and/or timed parking restrictions. The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street.
If you’d prefer to fill out a paper survey:
a. You can download from the Document Library - Current Surveys
b. Contact our Customer Services desk on 02 9936 8100. Provide your name and postal address and request that the “Resident Parking Survey for Area 11 - Waverton/Wollstonecraft” be mailed to your address.
c. Alternatively, drop in to Council’s Customer Services desk at 200 Miller Street North Sydney and request a paper survey for Area 11 - Waverton/Wollstonecraftt.
Any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy and published on our respective website. Council generally makes the submission, and the name of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website unless the submitter requests otherwise. Submissions may also be viewed in person at our Customer Service Centre, on request.
By lodging a submission online you acknowledge that you:
- have read and accept Council's Access to Information Policy.
- understand submission may still be released to members of public subject to provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. North Sydney Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. North Sydney Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and North Sydney Council’s Privacy Management Plan.