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Davidson Parade - Proposed Parking Changes

At its meeting of the 27 November 2020 the North Sydney Traffic Committee considered Item 4.7 Various Streets - No Parking Waste Collection Days - Survey Results and resolved to recommend:

  1. THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the southern side of Bariston Avenue between HNo.1 Bariston Avenue and HNo.60 Macpherson Street.
  2. THAT “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Tuesdays” (waste collection days only) be installed on the eastern side of Wallaringa Ave (outside 2B Wallaringa Ave), Kurraba Point.
  3. THAT the affected residents be notified prior to the implementation of the above parking changes.
  4. THAT due to objections from affect residents, the proposed parking restrictions on waste collection days do not proceed in Ellalong Road, Davidson Parade and MacArthur Avenue.
  5. THAT these arrangements be reviewed in 6 months’ time and reported back the Committee.

The recommendations were endorsed by Council at its meeting of 22 February 2021.

Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.

Council’s Waste Management team has raised concerns that, garbage trucks are experiencing difficulties accessing the street due to vehicles parked on both sides of the street. Following investigations, Council has proposed parking restriction on the southern side of street as follows:

  • “No Parking 6:00am - 10:00am Fridays” (waste collection days only)

A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys. 

The proposal will have a minimal impact on the overall available parking spaces in Davidson Parade.

This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Council will take all comments received into consideration in making a determination on this matter.

It is expected that the results of this survey will be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 27 November 2020. There will be no public gallery due to the COVID-19 government restrictions. All members of the community are welcome to address the Traffic Committee via Zoom (digital platform).  

If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or


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