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Crescent Place, Kirribilli - Motorbike Parking


Following public consultation and consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following parking changes in Crescent Place, Kirribilli. 

1. THAT Council convert the parking space on Crescent Place between the garages of 74 and 76 Carabella Street to “No Parking”, but that this be reviewed on a yearly basis. 

2. THAT no extra signage be installed and the existing ‘No Parking (L)’ sign outside 76 Carabella Street be relocated to the power pole outside 74 Carabella Street to cover this location, and the changes be implemented under delegated authority to the Manager Traffic and Transport Operations prior to Christmas 2020.

Click here to view the notification letter and for a plan of the proposed parking changes (available in the Document Library)The changes are scheduled for December 2020, subject to the weather and any other unforeseen delays. In the event that this timeframe cannot be met, signs will be installed by early to mid-January 2021 at the latest.

Feedback closed midnight Tuesday 27 October 2020.

The issue of vehicles parking in the Crescent Place between the garages of 74 and 76 Carabella Street has been raised with Council. 

This matter was considered at the North Sydney Local Traffic Committee Meeting on 20 March 2020. Subsequently, Council resolved to survey the community on the conversion of the existing parking space in Crescent Place, between the garages of 74 and 76 Carabella Street to Motorbike Parking. 

Minutes of the Traffic Committee Meeting is available on Council website at

A plan of the proposal is available in the Document Library - Current Surveys.

This survey is not a voting form as such, but it will assist in determining the support for the parking restrictions proposed for your street. Should any objection be received, the matter will be referred to the next available Traffic Committee meeting on 27 November 2020 following community consultation. 

If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Nathan Wu of Council’s Traffic Planning Section on 9936 8100 or or


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