Trailer Parking Restrictions
Consultation has concluded

At its meeting on 28 September 2020, Council considered to post exhibition report and resolved to adopt the Trailer Parking Policy; both documents are available in the Document Library - Final Policy and Post Exhibition Report)
Submissions closed 19 July 2020
In response to the increasing demand for trailer parking restrictions, Council has prepared a Draft Trailer Parking Policy.
The Draft Policy has been developed to provide guidance on how Council responds to and actions requests for trailer parking restrictions, to ensure that Council’s resources are appropriately managed.
The objectives of the Draft Policy are to:
- outline Council’s objectives in managing and restricting trailer parking on local streets and to provide a consistent set of guidelines for staff when actioning requests for trailer parking restrictions.
- ensure that access to on-street parking is effectively managed and maximum parking occupancy targets are achieved.
- enhance residential amenity by reducing opportunities for long term parking of trailers in high demand unrestricted parking areas.
- ensure that appropriate community engagement is undertaken where trailer parking restrictions are proposed and prevent consultation fatigue.
- ensure the effective management of Council’s resources.
At the Council meeting on 18 May 2020 it was resolved:
1. THAT the draft Trailer Parking Policy be placed on public exhibition for 42 days.
2. THAT should Council receive submissions, a further report be prepared for Council’s consideration. Should Council receive no submissions, Council consider the Trailer Parking Policy as adopted at the end of the closing period for submissions.
Copies of the Draft Trailer Parking Restrictions Policy can be viewed in the document library on this webpage or in hard copy at Council’s Customer Service Centre.
For further information call Council’s Manager Traffic & Transport Operations on 9936 8100 or read the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on this webpage.