September 2019 - Community Feedback & Council Resolution
The parking restrictions including community feedback were reviewed after 3 months and the outcomes were reported to the Traffic Committee meeting on 6 September 2019. The following recommendations of the Traffic Committee were adopted at the Council meeting on 23 September 2019.
1. THAT Council reinstate 12 unrestricted parking spaces in Montpelier Street between Holdsworth Street and Rawson Street, and replace the existing 12 unrestricted parking on Montpelier Street between Premier Street and HNo. 2 Montpelier Street with “No Parking - Motor Vehicles Excepted” following notification to affected residents and all submitters on the Trailer Parking Restrictions review.
2. THAT a draft policy for consideration of future requests for trailer parking restrictions including cost considerations and establishment of minimum criteria to manage such requests be prepared and referred to Council for consideration.
3. THAT all submitters to the Trailer Parking Restrictions Review be informed of Council’s decision.
4. THAT Council retain the restrictions in Fifth Avenue and Brothers Avenue.
The changes to the parking restrictions in Montpelier Street (Resolution No. 1) will be implemented shortly.
A Draft Trailer Parking policy has been prepared in accordance with Resolution No. 2 and was endorsed for public exhibition by Council at its meeting of 18 May 2020.
Consultation has concluded