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Yeo Lane - Proposed Speed Cushion

This matter was presented to the North Sydney Traffic Committee on 5 February 2021 as being given approval under delegated authority to the Manager Traffic & Transport Operations. Approval was given subject to concurrence of Transport for NSW, the NSW Police and the local State Members (Item 4.01) with the recommendation.

1. THAT Council install a speed cushion on Yeo Lane between Yeo Street and Olive Lane approximately 1.5 metres south of the side entry door to 12 Yeo Street as shown on the attached plan

Feedback closes midnight Sunday 8 November 2020.

As part of the 2020/21 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to install a traffic calming device in Yeo Lane, Neutral Bay.

A speed cushion is proposed on Yeo Lane between Yeo Street and Olive Lane to improve pedestrian safety and slow vehicle speeds on approach to side doors at adjacent properties exiting onto the laneway. A speed cushion is similar to a speed hump, but does not extend the full width of the roadway. The proposed speed cushion is approximately 75mm high.

If there is general community support for the proposal, it is intended that works will be finalised by the end of November 2020. Any comments you may have regarding the proposal will assist in determining the desired traffic arrangements in Yeo Lane.

A plan of the proposal is available in the document library.

Please note that all comments received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.  

If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, please contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations department on 9936 8100 or or


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