Ben Boyd Road - Proposed Raised Pedestrian Crossing
Works were completed in August 2021. The project involved the construction of a new raised pedestrian crossing over Ben Boyd Road to replace the existing raised crossing, together with stormwater drainage and kerb extensions. The works were funded under the Federal Government Stimulus Commitment Road Safety Program (School Zone Infrastructure).
Feedback closed 11.59pm Thursday 1 April 2021
As part of the 2020/2021 implementation of North Sydney Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans, it is proposed to convert the existing marked foot crossing on Ben Boyd Road at Hardie Street to a raised pedestrian crossing.
The proposed raised pedestrian crossing incorporates a flat top road hump and kerb extensions, which will increase visibility of approaching drivers, slow down traffic and reduce the crossing distance.
If there is general community support for this proposal, it is intended that works will be completed before the end of June 2021.
The survey is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining level of support for the proposed traffic and pedestrian arrangements for your street. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.
If you have any enquiries regarding the proposal, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or or
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