Draft Amendment to NSDCP 2013 - Ward Street Precinct Masterplan

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Consultation has concluded

As its meeting of 26 April 2022, Council considered a post-exhibition report with regard to a draft amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013 which sort to implement the outcomes of the Ward Street Precinct Masterplan.  Council resolved to adopt a revised version of the proposed amendment to NSDCP 2013, in response to the submissions made.  In particular, the following revisions were made: 

  • removal of site-specific controls relating to 45 McLaren Street and to deal with these matters in conjunction with the assessment of the Planning Proposal (PP6/20) for the site;
  • provide further clarity with respect to the overshadowing controls applying to the proposed new public squares within the Ward Street Precinct;
  • removal of redundant through site link controls;
  • revision of setback controls to the western side of Walker Street; and
  • clarify provisions or correct minor grammatic errors.

View a copy of the Council report and decision in the Document Library.

The adopted amendment came into effect on 2 May 2022, following its notification on Council’s website. The NSDCP 2013 as amended is available to view on Council’s website at:

Any queries about the adoption of the amendment can be directed to Ben Boyd of Council’s Strategic Planning Department.


In June 2016, North Sydney Council resolved to prepare a masterplan to guide the redevelopment of the Ward Street Precinct, which is generally bound by McLaren, Walker, Berry and Miller Streets, North Sydney. Following extensive community consultation, Council endorsed the finalised Ward Street Precinct Masterplan on 24 June 2019.

At its meeting on 22 March 2021, Council resolved to endorse a draft amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013 to give effect to the desired outcomes of the Ward Street Precinct Masterplan and place that draft amendment on public exhibition.

Additional documents relating to the commencement and evolution of the Ward Street Precinct Masterplan can be found on Council’s website.

The draft amendment to NSDCP 2013 was on public exhibition from Monday 19 April to Monday 17 May 2021. An electronic copy of the draft amendment to NSDCP 2013 and associated background reports are available in the Document Library.

As its meeting of 26 April 2022, Council considered a post-exhibition report with regard to a draft amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013 which sort to implement the outcomes of the Ward Street Precinct Masterplan.  Council resolved to adopt a revised version of the proposed amendment to NSDCP 2013, in response to the submissions made.  In particular, the following revisions were made: 

  • removal of site-specific controls relating to 45 McLaren Street and to deal with these matters in conjunction with the assessment of the Planning Proposal (PP6/20) for the site;
  • provide further clarity with respect to the overshadowing controls applying to the proposed new public squares within the Ward Street Precinct;
  • removal of redundant through site link controls;
  • revision of setback controls to the western side of Walker Street; and
  • clarify provisions or correct minor grammatic errors.

View a copy of the Council report and decision in the Document Library.

The adopted amendment came into effect on 2 May 2022, following its notification on Council’s website. The NSDCP 2013 as amended is available to view on Council’s website at:

Any queries about the adoption of the amendment can be directed to Ben Boyd of Council’s Strategic Planning Department.


In June 2016, North Sydney Council resolved to prepare a masterplan to guide the redevelopment of the Ward Street Precinct, which is generally bound by McLaren, Walker, Berry and Miller Streets, North Sydney. Following extensive community consultation, Council endorsed the finalised Ward Street Precinct Masterplan on 24 June 2019.

At its meeting on 22 March 2021, Council resolved to endorse a draft amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013 to give effect to the desired outcomes of the Ward Street Precinct Masterplan and place that draft amendment on public exhibition.

Additional documents relating to the commencement and evolution of the Ward Street Precinct Masterplan can be found on Council’s website.

The draft amendment to NSDCP 2013 was on public exhibition from Monday 19 April to Monday 17 May 2021. An electronic copy of the draft amendment to NSDCP 2013 and associated background reports are available in the Document Library.