North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Public Exhibition of Place Book
Consultation has concluded

On 29 October 2018, North Sydney Council resolved to exhibit the Stage 1 Public Domain Strategy (PDS) Place Book.
The preparation of a PDS for the CBD forms part of Council’s work to create a more engaging and resilient CBD that offers a greater range of activities and unique public spaces for workers, residents and visitors. The PDS will establish a vision for the centre’s public domain, identify a suite of short to long term projects and put in place a business plan for delivery. The PDS is being undertaken in two stages.
Stage 1 resulted in the development of a ‘Place Book’ and represents the ‘ideas phase’ that examines the potential of the North Sydney CBD public domain. It identifies the community’s needs, ideas and aspirations for the centre, opportunities to better align existing policies, provides a framework for future public domain upgrades, identifies short-medium term projects that address known issues as well as visionary longer term, place-making projects.
Initial ideas were developed based on what we have heard from the community about public domain during recent consultations. Ways to get involved and have your say included workshops and walkshops, submissions and an online survey. Further information on Stage 1, Phase 1 and Phase 2 can be found
Developing on the work completed under Phase 1 and Phase 2, the ‘Place Book’ was refined and edited to include ideas, design proposals, urban context and relevant historical information. The Place Book was on on public exhibition from Monday 19 November 2018 to Friday 8 February 2019.
View the post exhibition report in the document library.
Stage 2 involves developing the final strategy. This will ensure proposals are achievable, supported across Council and adequately funded. It will:
- Refine the Place Book (based on community feedback); and
- Provide governance, scheduling and budgeting details for implementation as well as
identifying implementation risks.
It is anticpated that the draft strategy will be reported to Council in February 2020. If endorsed, public exhibition will follow.
For further information, contact Jennifer Lawley, Senior Strategic Planner on 9936 8100.