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Consultation has concluded
Submissions closed 22 June 2020. Strategy adopted by Council 28 September 2020.
Council is working to create a more engaging and pedestrian focused CBD that offers a greater range of activities and unique public spaces for workers, residents, students and visitors. As part of this work, Council has developed the CBD Public Domain Strategy, (available in the Document Library - Post Exhibition). It will inform and guide any public domain works across the North Sydney CBD.
The Stage 1 Place Book outlined ideas and opportunities for the CBD and was endorsed by Council in May 2019 (available in the Document Library - Post Exhibition, see Related Projects for further information.
Stage 2 developed these ideas further and identifies a range of projects that will create a strong, connected network of public urban spaces in the CBD and outlines a timeline and framework to deliver these projects. Specifically, the strategy:
Outlines a vision and a series of urban design goals for the CBD
Recognises necessary access improvements that prioritise walking, public transport and cycling and moves regional traffic away from the centre
Establishes a strong pedestrian corridor from North Sydney Train Station to St Leonards Park and a series of east-west laneway connections
Identifies opportunities for new and upgraded public space within the CBD
Outlines the process, timeline, and funding arrangements to deliver the specified projects
The strategy identifies 19 projects that:
reinforce Miller Street as the main, civic spine of North Sydney
deliver over 17,000m2 of new parks and plazas
create a new and upgraded network of laneways and improve pedestrian safety and amenity within the CBD
Key projects include:
Miller Place: A new 7,450m2 public plaza outside the Victoria Cross Metro Station achieved through the closure of Miller Street between Berry Street and the Pacific Highway
Post Office Square: An intimate, new 1,675m2 plaza outside the iconic North Sydney Post Office
Tramway Park: Converting the under-utilised deck of the tramway viaduct near North Sydney Train Station into a 4,650m2 active recreation space
Central Laneways: Turning Denison, Mount, Hill, Spring and Little Spring Streets into pedestrian areas or shared zones
Warringah Land Bridge: An ambitious, long-term project that reconnects North Sydney over the Warringah Freeway and reclaims unused space for the community
For further information contact Pedro Garcia, Senior Strategic Planner on (02) 9936 8100.
Submissions closed 22 June 2020. Strategy adopted by Council 28 September 2020.
Council is working to create a more engaging and pedestrian focused CBD that offers a greater range of activities and unique public spaces for workers, residents, students and visitors. As part of this work, Council has developed the CBD Public Domain Strategy, (available in the Document Library - Post Exhibition). It will inform and guide any public domain works across the North Sydney CBD.
The Stage 1 Place Book outlined ideas and opportunities for the CBD and was endorsed by Council in May 2019 (available in the Document Library - Post Exhibition, see Related Projects for further information.
Stage 2 developed these ideas further and identifies a range of projects that will create a strong, connected network of public urban spaces in the CBD and outlines a timeline and framework to deliver these projects. Specifically, the strategy:
Outlines a vision and a series of urban design goals for the CBD
Recognises necessary access improvements that prioritise walking, public transport and cycling and moves regional traffic away from the centre
Establishes a strong pedestrian corridor from North Sydney Train Station to St Leonards Park and a series of east-west laneway connections
Identifies opportunities for new and upgraded public space within the CBD
Outlines the process, timeline, and funding arrangements to deliver the specified projects
The strategy identifies 19 projects that:
reinforce Miller Street as the main, civic spine of North Sydney
deliver over 17,000m2 of new parks and plazas
create a new and upgraded network of laneways and improve pedestrian safety and amenity within the CBD
Key projects include:
Miller Place: A new 7,450m2 public plaza outside the Victoria Cross Metro Station achieved through the closure of Miller Street between Berry Street and the Pacific Highway
Post Office Square: An intimate, new 1,675m2 plaza outside the iconic North Sydney Post Office
Tramway Park: Converting the under-utilised deck of the tramway viaduct near North Sydney Train Station into a 4,650m2 active recreation space
Central Laneways: Turning Denison, Mount, Hill, Spring and Little Spring Streets into pedestrian areas or shared zones
Warringah Land Bridge: An ambitious, long-term project that reconnects North Sydney over the Warringah Freeway and reclaims unused space for the community
Share How does the NSW Government’s Western Harbour Tunnel affect Council’s plans for the CBD? on FacebookShare How does the NSW Government’s Western Harbour Tunnel affect Council’s plans for the CBD? on TwitterShare How does the NSW Government’s Western Harbour Tunnel affect Council’s plans for the CBD? on LinkedinEmail How does the NSW Government’s Western Harbour Tunnel affect Council’s plans for the CBD? link
How does the NSW Government’s Western Harbour Tunnel affect Council’s plans for the CBD?
almost 5 years ago
The Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) represents a significant threat to some
of the projects identified in the Public Domain Strategy. If the WHT is delivered
as per exhibited Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) designs, many of the identified
PDS projects, including Miller Place, will not be able to be delivered. In
addition, CBD pedestrian amenity and safety would be compromised.For detailed information on the WHT project,
please check council’s response to the EIS here(External link),
or visit council’s
community campaign(External link).
Share Where will the buses go if you close Miller Street? on FacebookShare Where will the buses go if you close Miller Street? on TwitterShare Where will the buses go if you close Miller Street? on LinkedinEmail Where will the buses go if you close Miller Street? link
Where will the buses go if you close Miller Street?
almost 5 years ago
If Miller Street is
closed between Pacific Highway and Berry Street to implement Miller Place, bus
routes will need to be redirected in consultation with TfNSW, Sydney Buses and
other relevant state agencies.
Share Can I still access my basement or make deliveries in the CBD? on FacebookShare Can I still access my basement or make deliveries in the CBD? on TwitterShare Can I still access my basement or make deliveries in the CBD? on LinkedinEmail Can I still access my basement or make deliveries in the CBD? link
Can I still access my basement or make deliveries in the CBD?
almost 5 years ago
If the desired changes
to the traffic network occur, there will be continuous access to existing
basements, vehicular and service entries for buildings in the CBD. The proposed
laneways and pedestrian priority areas will continue to provide access to
residents and users of carparks. The areas will become shared zones but closed
to “through-traffic”.
Plazas and other
pedestrian areas will allow for service vehicles to access shops and loading
zones at designated times of the day.
Each area will be
studied further individually, and management plans will be put in place
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What changes are you proposing to traffic in the CBD?
almost 5 years ago
In order to deliver
the proposed public open space projects, changes are needed to the way vehicles
move around the CBD.Council prepared a
Transport Masterplan in 2018 to restrict regional traffic to the edges of the
city, allowing only local traffic to move around the centre. To achieve this, key
changes proposed are:
Freeway Transport Interchange (a one-way roundabout loop around High, Arthur, Mount and Alfred Streets)
of Arthur Street between Mount Street and Berry Street
Highway Upgrade
Berry Street
speed limits in the CBD
Section C of the
Public Domain Strategy deals with these changes, as promoted by the North
Sydney CBD Transport Masterplan. The Masterplan represents an important facilitator
of the positive changes advocated by the PDS.Council has been working with state agencies to realise the changes
advocated by that Masterplan, however, their delivery remains uncertain.
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How will you fund these projects?
almost 5 years ago
Projects will be
funded in a variety of ways, including “Section 7.11” developer contributions
and a mix of local, State and Federal funding depending on the project where
The availability of
funds will be dependent on Council’s standard budget processes.
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When will the plans identified in the Public Domain Strategy be delivered?
almost 5 years ago
The CBD Public Domain
Strategy (PDS) is a document that identifies a vision for North Sydney’s public
spaces to align private and public investment in future.No specific timelines are identified beyond the
priority level shown on the strategy, as this is not a construction plan.Some of the projects identified, like Miller
Place, are aspirational and will require cooperation and approvals from other NSW
Government agencies.Others, like Post
Office Square, are generally within Council’s control and will require funding
and detailed construction plans to be developed.The PDS, will serve as a guiding document to
future investment decisions and discussion with developers in the CBD.
Detailed designs will
be the subject of future consultation.
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2 has finished this stage
a) Review of existing
consultation activities and outcomes.
b) Consulting with
stakeholders to inform them and gather ideas, needs and aspirations.
Phase 1 of consultation closed Friday 18 May 2018.
Phase 2: Testing and refining with the community
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2 has finished this stage
Phase 2 of consulation closed Tuesday 26 June 2018.
Phase 3: Finalising Strategy(s)/Public Exhibition
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2 has finished this stage
Exhibition of Stage 1 Place Book
Submissions closed Friday 8 February 2019.
Phase 4: Post Exhibition Report
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2 has finished this stage
The Stage 1 Place Book was endorsed by Council in May 2019 (see related projects).
Phase 5: Public Domain Strategy Stage 2/Public Exhibition
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2 has finished this stage
The draft Public Domain Strategy 2020 was endorsed by Council for the purposes of Public Exhibition on 6 April 2020.
Submissions close 22 June 2020.
Phase 6: Post Exhibition Report
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2 has finished this stage
All feedback received will be collated, analysed and reported to Council on 28 September 2020 along with any recommended amendments as a result of the public exhibition. The report is available on Council's website. (External link)
Strategy Adopted
North Sydney CBD Public Domain Strategy - Stage 2 is currently at this stage
The strategy was adopted by Council at its meeting on 28 September 2020. The final strategy is available in the Document Library - Post Exhibition.