Military Road Corridor Planning Study - Stage 1
Consultation has concluded
Military Road Corridor Planning Study - Stage 1: Adopted 22 February 2021
On 22 February 2021, Council adopted the Stage 1 post-exhibition report including the amended Neutral Bay Town Centre - Future Directions Report (available in the Document Library - Neutral Bay Town Centre Future Directions Report: Post Exhibition).
The Planning Study provides a framework for ongoing discussion with local landowners about the future development of the Centre. It promotes managed jobs and housing growth, while maintaining the much-loved village atmosphere of the Neutral Bay Town Centre.
Future development will be supported by:
- public domain improvements including significant new public plazas
a 1,000m2 new Rangers Road Plaza
a 2,500 m2 new Grosvenor Lane Plaza
a 1,000m2 new Young Street Plaza
- relocation of the Grosvenor Lane car park underground
- A 1,000m2 community centre with accessible public amenities and family room
- a 600m2 creative makers art alley
- 28 regional secured commuter bicycle parking spaces
The future Grosvenor Lane Plaza is planned to remain in Council’s ownership. Any approach to utilise any aspect of this land by private interests, will be required to undergo a public expression of interest process.
As consultation has now concluded, any future updates on Stage 1 will be made to Council's website.
Overview of Feedback - Exhibition of Neutral Bay Town Centre Future Directions Report Planning Study
In 2020, the draft Future Direction Report was publicly exhibited as part of the development of the Military Road Corridor Planning Study.
What the 435 submissions told us:
- the most frequent issues raised were concerns relating to building height, public parking and other traffic issues - with most specifically related to the Grosvenor Lane car park request better access and more support of local shops without being compromised by the Grosvenor Lane supermarket.
- a smaller number of submissions supported modest height increases in acknowledgement of the potential associated public benefits, however, believe that the proposed building height of 12 storeys is inappropriate for the area.
- some submissions expressed concerns that the changes will impact on the character of the area.
- there was support for the proposed public domain and community facility improvements, with several in support of additional height.
The post exhibition report (available in the Document Library - Neutral Bay Town Centre Future Directions Report: Post Exhibition) recommended that this Study be adopted to provide a framework and guidance for ongoing discussion with local landowners about the future development of the Centre. The Study proposes to retain height increases on sites 1, 2 and 3 as previously exhibited (8 and 12 storeys) to strike a balance between the careful management of height to preserve character and enhance amenity whilst delivering on much needed public benefits for the centre. Sites 1 and 2 would benefit from the preparation of a collaborative masterplan, but the Study does not mandate this.
This balanced development uplift has the potential to deliver:
- public domain improvements including significant new public plazas
- relocation Grosvenor Lane car park to be less visually dominant
- regional secured commuter bicycle parking (28 spaces)
- new community centre with accessible toilet and family room (~1,000m2)
- new creative makers art alley (~600m2)
- increased employment floorspace
Submissions close 31 July 2020 (extended)
Council resolved at its meeting held of 23 March 2020 (held 6 April 2020) to place the draft Future Directions report on public exhibition. This is the third and final document of the draft Military Road Corridor Planning Study - Stage 1. View a copy of the report here.
Interactive Summary Map - draft Future Directions Report (refer to the Draft Future Direction report for full details)
Watch the presentation - provides an overview of the report, public benefits and keys sites (refer to the Draft Future Direction Report for full details)
Guiding change
The draft Future Directions Report (available in the document library) is an ongoing planning strategy to review existing planning controls along Military Road, to meet the current needs of the community and explore ways to guide and change future development and job growth in the area.
Stage 1 of the planning study focuses on Neutral Bay town centre. The boundary for this stage of the study is highlighted on the map with stage 2 located on either side of the town centre.
A growing town centre with a village feel
Neutral Bay town centre is a vibrant local centre with a valued village atmosphere. The centre is well connected to both Sydney and North Sydney CBDs, as well as the Northern Beaches, and has become a popular area for people to live, work and visit.
However, increasing pressures on public domain and community facilities could threaten to affect the vibrancy and diversity of the area. There is an increasing need for space for future jobs growth as well as new community facilities and open space areas.
This report aims to guide increasing development pressure in the area and ensure that future development meets the needs and expectations of the community.
Community benefits
A 2018 engagement survey identified the need for a range of new and improved community facilities within Neutral Bay.
Four key sites have been identified to potentially deliver on this demand. This would be achieved through in-kind contributions, where Council negotiates with landowners to deliver community benefits when assessing planning proposals. This is particularly valuable when evaluating planning proposals in the vicinity of existing community facilities.
These in-kind contributions not only provide funding and construction for new public facilities but also deliver community facilities in an area that is limited by space.
For further information, contact Tomas van der Meer of Council’s Strategic Planning Department on 9936 8100 or use the question and answer (Q&A) tab below.
Favourite Spot in Neutral Bay Town Centre
Use this map to show us your favourite place in the Neutral Bay Town Centre. You can use the plus and minus buttons in the bottom right hand corner of the screen to zoom in and out.