Car Share Applications

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Any new car share applications will be posted on this page. Information on past applications is available via Past Feedback Forms.

Council supports car share schemes to encourage sustainable transport. We are committed to balancing car share with the parking needs of the community and will consult residents and businesses in the vicinity of any new car share locations for feedback.

Benefits of Car Share

Car Share schemes provide a number of potential benefits to the community, not just scheme members as they can:

  • reduce the level of private vehicle ownership
  • reduce pressure on parking, as one car/space can cater for many residents
  • reduce traffic congestion caused by drivers who are traffic ‘cruising’ as they look for parking.

Car share schemes also provide a transport option for residents and community members who don't or can't own their own car.


The steps involved include:

  1. Application - the Car Share Provider applies to Council for a new car share parking location.
  2. Community Consultation - the community is provided opportunity to comment on the proposed car share location.
  3. Traffic Committee - the application and outcomes from the community consultation are taken to the North Sydney Traffic Committee for consideration.
  4. Installation - if approved, signage indicating the changes to parking are exhibited for at least 14 days after which car share parking signage is installed.

For further information contact Council’s Sustainable Transport Project Coordinator on 9936 8100 or email

Approving a new car share location is guided by Council’s Car Share Policy and the New Car Share Application Engagement Strategy (available in the document library).

Any new car share applications will be posted on this page. Information on past applications is available via Past Feedback Forms.

Council supports car share schemes to encourage sustainable transport. We are committed to balancing car share with the parking needs of the community and will consult residents and businesses in the vicinity of any new car share locations for feedback.

Benefits of Car Share

Car Share schemes provide a number of potential benefits to the community, not just scheme members as they can:

  • reduce the level of private vehicle ownership
  • reduce pressure on parking, as one car/space can cater for many residents
  • reduce traffic congestion caused by drivers who are traffic ‘cruising’ as they look for parking.

Car share schemes also provide a transport option for residents and community members who don't or can't own their own car.


The steps involved include:

  1. Application - the Car Share Provider applies to Council for a new car share parking location.
  2. Community Consultation - the community is provided opportunity to comment on the proposed car share location.
  3. Traffic Committee - the application and outcomes from the community consultation are taken to the North Sydney Traffic Committee for consideration.
  4. Installation - if approved, signage indicating the changes to parking are exhibited for at least 14 days after which car share parking signage is installed.

For further information contact Council’s Sustainable Transport Project Coordinator on 9936 8100 or email

Approving a new car share location is guided by Council’s Car Share Policy and the New Car Share Application Engagement Strategy (available in the document library).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission. 

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

    Share Angelo Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Angelo Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Angelo Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Angelo Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission. 

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

    Share Denison Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Denison Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Denison Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Denison Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission. 

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

    Share Blue Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Blue Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Blue Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Blue Street, North Sydney - Submission Form Car Share Application link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission. 

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

    Share Oxley Street, Crows Nest - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Oxley Street, Crows Nest - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Oxley Street, Crows Nest - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Oxley Street, Crows Nest - Submission Form Car Share Application link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission. 

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

    Share Dind Street, Milson Point - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Dind Street, Milson Point - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Dind Street, Milson Point - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Dind Street, Milson Point - Submission Form Car Share Application link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission. 

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

    Share Guthrie Avenue, Cremorne Point - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Guthrie Avenue, Cremorne Point - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Guthrie Avenue, Cremorne Point - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Guthrie Avenue, Cremorne Point - Submission Form Car Share Application link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission. 

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.

    Share Christie Street, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Christie Street, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Christie Street, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Christie Street, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Use this form to write your submission.

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise.

    Share Hazelbank Road, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application on Facebook Share Hazelbank Road, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application on Twitter Share Hazelbank Road, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application on Linkedin Email Hazelbank Road, Wollstonecraft - Submission Form Car Share Application link
Page last updated: 10 May 2023, 03:49 PM