Community Strategic Plan Review - Phase 1 submissions closed 25 March 2018

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Consultation has concluded

Phase 1 consultation has now concluded. To view the draft plan and supporting documents visit.

Voting has closed for #northsydneylife photo competition.


Following each council election, it's our responsibility to review the North Sydney Community Strategic Plan. This plan outlines the community's vision - your vision for us - and what our priorities over the next 10 years will be.

Council needs to adopt the revised North Sydney Community Strategic Plan by June 2018. The Community Strategic Plan must be prepared and delivered as a partnership between Council and the community stakeholders, including state agencies, community groups and individuals. To inform the review we undertook an extensive community engagement program to ensure all stakeholders have the opportunity to contribute.

The feedback we receive will also be used to prepare the following strategic documents for Council:

  • 3 year Delivery Program including financial estimates
  • 1 year Operational Plan and Budget (including Revenue Policy)
  • Resourcing Strategy made up of the three inter-related components - Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Strategy and Workforce Management Strategy

For further background read the Executive Summary in the document library.

During the first phase of consultation (December 2017 to March 2018) we provided many ways to share your long term vision for North Sydney:

  • Discussion Forum - Over 300 comments were posted across the three topics - What do you want North Sydney to be like in 10 years? (99 responses), What issues need to be addressed as a priority? (114 responses) and What is most important to you? (89 responses). Respondents could interact with posts showing whether they were in support of another person’s contribution or add a related comment. The issues raised were wide ranging. View comments below.
  • Submissions - 46 submissions were received, via a mix of formats including online forms, emails, letters as well as hard copy forms completed at the Information Stalls.
  • Mapping Tool - 58 pins were placed, inclusive of pins placed on the large scale hard copy map made available at the Information Stalls. View comments below.
  • Focus Groups - various themed sessions were held:
    - Families and Children: held 7 February and 13 February. More information.
    - Visitor Economy: held 8 March. More information.
    - Older Persons: held 20 March (Session 1) and 22 March (Session 2). More information.
    - Innovation/Smart Cities: held 22 March. More information.
    - Businesses: held Wednesday 28 March. More information.
  • Story sharing - Community members of all ages were are encouraged to share their stories and experiences via Facebook, Twitter or the online form. These were positive stories about the North Sydney area, what they liked most, favourite memory etc. Click here to see one of the stories that we turned into a video. View the other stories submitted below comments on the below.
  • #northsydneylife photo competition - We provided a chance to take a photo of your favourite location or feature in the North Sydney area and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #northsydneylife. Of the 57 entries, Council has chosen our top 10 which we have put to a peer vote for "favourite photo". Voting closed 15 June 2018. The winner will receive a $250 gift card.
  • Children's artwork - over 300 children (0-12 years) have visually depicted their vision for North Sydney's future on a supplied "window template" (see photo). Entries will be displayed at Stanton Library during July 2018.

Selected artworks, photos and stories will feature in the final Community Strategic Plan document.

More information: contact Jenny Gleeson, Manager Integrated Planning and Special Projects on 9936 8100.

Phase 1 consultation has now concluded. To view the draft plan and supporting documents visit.

Voting has closed for #northsydneylife photo competition.


Following each council election, it's our responsibility to review the North Sydney Community Strategic Plan. This plan outlines the community's vision - your vision for us - and what our priorities over the next 10 years will be.

Council needs to adopt the revised North Sydney Community Strategic Plan by June 2018. The Community Strategic Plan must be prepared and delivered as a partnership between Council and the community stakeholders, including state agencies, community groups and individuals. To inform the review we undertook an extensive community engagement program to ensure all stakeholders have the opportunity to contribute.

The feedback we receive will also be used to prepare the following strategic documents for Council:

  • 3 year Delivery Program including financial estimates
  • 1 year Operational Plan and Budget (including Revenue Policy)
  • Resourcing Strategy made up of the three inter-related components - Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Strategy and Workforce Management Strategy

For further background read the Executive Summary in the document library.

During the first phase of consultation (December 2017 to March 2018) we provided many ways to share your long term vision for North Sydney:

  • Discussion Forum - Over 300 comments were posted across the three topics - What do you want North Sydney to be like in 10 years? (99 responses), What issues need to be addressed as a priority? (114 responses) and What is most important to you? (89 responses). Respondents could interact with posts showing whether they were in support of another person’s contribution or add a related comment. The issues raised were wide ranging. View comments below.
  • Submissions - 46 submissions were received, via a mix of formats including online forms, emails, letters as well as hard copy forms completed at the Information Stalls.
  • Mapping Tool - 58 pins were placed, inclusive of pins placed on the large scale hard copy map made available at the Information Stalls. View comments below.
  • Focus Groups - various themed sessions were held:
    - Families and Children: held 7 February and 13 February. More information.
    - Visitor Economy: held 8 March. More information.
    - Older Persons: held 20 March (Session 1) and 22 March (Session 2). More information.
    - Innovation/Smart Cities: held 22 March. More information.
    - Businesses: held Wednesday 28 March. More information.
  • Story sharing - Community members of all ages were are encouraged to share their stories and experiences via Facebook, Twitter or the online form. These were positive stories about the North Sydney area, what they liked most, favourite memory etc. Click here to see one of the stories that we turned into a video. View the other stories submitted below comments on the below.
  • #northsydneylife photo competition - We provided a chance to take a photo of your favourite location or feature in the North Sydney area and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #northsydneylife. Of the 57 entries, Council has chosen our top 10 which we have put to a peer vote for "favourite photo". Voting closed 15 June 2018. The winner will receive a $250 gift card.
  • Children's artwork - over 300 children (0-12 years) have visually depicted their vision for North Sydney's future on a supplied "window template" (see photo). Entries will be displayed at Stanton Library during July 2018.

Selected artworks, photos and stories will feature in the final Community Strategic Plan document.

More information: contact Jenny Gleeson, Manager Integrated Planning and Special Projects on 9936 8100.

Tell your story

What do you value most about living in North Sydney? What’s your fondest memory of living, working or studying in North Sydney? What feature of the North Sydney area could you just not live without?

Community members of all ages are encouraged to share their stories and experiences about the North Sydney local government area. We ask that contributions be kept positive - this is a "positive online space", there are other feedback mechanisms for advising Council of areas for improvement, service requests etc. Please note: the stories that are shared will be available for other users to view.

Thank you for sharing your story as part of the North Sydney Community Strategic Plan review. Every story will be read.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share North Sydney area is my 2nd office on Facebook Share North Sydney area is my 2nd office on Twitter Share North Sydney area is my 2nd office on Linkedin Email North Sydney area is my 2nd office link

    North Sydney area is my 2nd office

    by Karen, over 6 years ago

    My name is Karen and I'm a professional photographer. I have so many wonderful memories of the North Sydney area. I frequently photograph around the North Sydney area, particularly around Kirribilli, North Sydney itself, Blues Point, McMahon's Pt, Cremorne Pt, etc. I'm also a regular stallholder at the Kirribilli markets. Because of this, I call this area my 2nd office. My favourite area. 

    I feel a big part of this community. I also swim at the North Sydney and McCallum pool. So thankful for those lovely pools and awesome harbour views. I have a desire to live around there. Keep... Continue reading

  • Share St Leonards Park on Facebook Share St Leonards Park on Twitter Share St Leonards Park on Linkedin Email St Leonards Park link

    St Leonards Park

    by Nicole, over 6 years ago

    To me, one of the greatest things about living in North Sydney is St Leonards Park.  It's such a rare privilege to have a beautiful and big park available right next to the city, and overlooking the harbour.  

    The park gives everyone living in high density housing a chance to get outside, to meet other people in the community, to have family events and walk their dogs.  It's briliant for mental health, exercise and sharing time with family and friends.

    I'm so thankful the park was granted heritiage protection and I urge the Council to protect the park from the... Continue reading