Planning Proposal 378-390 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest
Consultation has concluded

The Planning Proposal that applies to 378-390 Pacific Highway, North Sydney (PP-2021-5353) is on public exhibition from 10 February to 10 March 2023.
About the Planning Proposal
The site is located at 378-390 Pacific Highway, Crows (Lot 1, DP 577047; Lot 5, DP 4320 and Lot 1, DP 573543; Lot 4, DP 663560; and Lot 1, DP 177051). It is currently zoned B4 Mixed Use under the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 (NSLEP 2013). The subject site is located within the St Leonards and Crows Nest 2036 Planned Precinct.
Council resolved to refuse the Planning Proposal at its meeting on 26 April 2022 consistent with Council officer’s recommendation and that of the North Sydney Local Planning Panel.
The applicant subsequently lodged a rezoning review with the State Government which determined to allow the Planning Proposal to proceed to Gateway Determination contrary to Council’s endorsed position.
The Planning Proposal currently on exhibition seeks to facilitate the redevelopment of the site for 24 storey mixed-use development, with a 4-storey commercial podium, 4 levels of amenities/plant room at the podium level, 16 storeys of residential above comprising 72 apartments, and basement parking.
To achieve the intended outcome, the Planning proposal seeks to make following amendments to the NSLEP 2013:
- amend the maximum building height from 16m to RL 176 (24 storeys); and
- establish a maximum floor space ratio control of 7.2:1 (currently no maximum FSR applies to the site); and
- amend the minimum non-residential floor space ratio control from 1.5 to 2:1.
As the Planning Proposal is the result of a successful rezoning review, Council is not managing the plan making process. Submissions must be made to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment through the NSW Planning Portal - go to
The Planning Proposal may be viewed during the exhibition period at:
- DPE Planning Proposal -
- Service NSW - North Sydney Service Centre - 213 Miller Street, North Sydney (during business hours)
For further information about the Planning Proposal contact Adam Iskander, DPE on 02 9274 6357.
If you have a query regarding Council’s position, contact Neal McCarry, Team Leader - Policy on 02 9936 8100.