Ridge St Window Gallery Feedback

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Ridge street studio exterior

About the space

Ridge Street Window Gallery is a new initiative North Sydney Council located at 43 Ridge Street North Sydney. The Gallery opened in May 2023 with the key objectives to:

  • provide a diverse and engaging annual exhibition program that includes a mix of Council run exhibitions, local artists and art groups, and visiting and out-of-area artist exhibitions.
  • provide opportunities for the North Sydney community and its visitors to engage with contemporary art in the area and gallery public programs.
  • promote artists, arts groups and curators who are working across a range of media and are able to contribute to the unique cultural identity of the visual arts in North Sydney
  • support and develop public programs such as artist talks, educational activities, workshops and special events appropriate to the space and exhibitions.

About the space

Ridge Street Window Gallery is a new initiative North Sydney Council located at 43 Ridge Street North Sydney. The Gallery opened in May 2023 with the key objectives to:

  • provide a diverse and engaging annual exhibition program that includes a mix of Council run exhibitions, local artists and art groups, and visiting and out-of-area artist exhibitions.
  • provide opportunities for the North Sydney community and its visitors to engage with contemporary art in the area and gallery public programs.
  • promote artists, arts groups and curators who are working across a range of media and are able to contribute to the unique cultural identity of the visual arts in North Sydney
  • support and develop public programs such as artist talks, educational activities, workshops and special events appropriate to the space and exhibitions.
  • North Sydney Council welcomes community feedback on both this exhibition and the Ridge Street Window Gallery space. Your thoughts will help us enhance the experience for future visitors and shape our cultural life.

    Please complete the form below.  When you press 'Save & Continue', you will be taken to the final page of the form, it will be completed when you press 'Submit'.

    Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

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Page last updated: 22 Aug 2023, 12:45 PM