This consultation links to Council's proposed special rate variation (SRV) - refer here for more information
Council's current Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) suite of plans were adopted on 25 June 2018, at which time the Council resolved to adopt Scenario 3 as its 'preferred' financial scenario. Scenario 3 requires a SRV.
Council at its meeting of 29 October 2018 resolved:
1. THAT Council confirms its intent to apply to IPART for a SRV and minimum rate increase effective from 2019/20.
2. THAT the Amended Resourcing Strategy (inclusive of reduced SRV duration under Scenarios 2 and 3, from 7 to 5 years), the Amended Delivery Program and the Draft Revenue Policy 2019/20 be endorsed for public exhibition from 1 November 2018 to 16 January 2019.
3. THAT the Community Engagement Strategy be adopted, and the engagement period regarding the proposed SRV and minimum rate increase run from 1 November 2018 to 16 January 2019.
4. THAT the engagement outcomes be reported to the first Council meeting of 2019 (late January) and for Council to determine whether to proceed with submitting an application to IPART for a SRV and minimum rate increase effective from 2019/20.
The following documents are on public exhibition from 1 November to 16 January 2019, during which time submissions are invited:
Amended Resourcing Strategy 2018/19-2027/28
The Resourcing Strategy has been amended in response to the following:
- the 2019/20 rate peg has been set at 2.7% (originally modelled at 2.3%) and advice from the Office of Local Government (OLG) is that councils should assume a rate peg of 2.5% for future years
- reduced SRV duration (from 7 to 5 years per Scenarios 2 and 3) to gives more certainty to medium term planning, and enables the next term of Council to consider its options in the next IPR review cycle
- Council's confirmed intent to apply for a combined SRV application, inclusive of minimum rate increase i.e. the SRV will also apply to properties paying the minimum rate
- less conservative revenue forecasts e.g. greater revenue from hoarding permits and construction zone fees expected
- better than expected 2017/18 end of year result
- 2017/18 financial ratios
It is a statutory requirement that the Long Term Financial Plan component of the Resourcing Strategy be reviewed annually in conjunction with preparation of the Operational Plan.
The amended Resourcing Strategy shows all proposed amendments in italic font (for new) and strikethrough (for deletion). Refer to the related Council report GMO01 for a detailed summary of the amendments.
Amended Delivery Program 2018/19-2020/21
Amendments to the Delivery Program are required to reflect the amendments to the Resourcing Strategy and inclusive of the projects scheduled for 2019/20 i.e. the draft Operational Plan 2019/20.
The amended Delivery shows all proposed amendments in red italic font, including incomplete (carried over) projects from 2017/18 (see related Council report CIS01 for summary of carried over projects(External link)) and the projects to be funded by and SRV per Scenarios 2 and 3.
Draft Revenue Policy 2019/20
Whilst the OLG Guidelines state that councils do not have to adopt their Operational Plan for the coming year i.e. 2019/20 before applying to IPART for a special variation; the Draft Revenue Policy 2019/20 is an essential component of the Delivery Program/Operational Plan and has been prepared inclusive of all three financial scenarios.
The 2019/20 proposed amounts are shown in red italic font and the 2018/19 amounts in strikethrough for comparison. Pending the outcomes of the engagement regarding the proposed SRV, only the relevant scenario will be included in the post exhibition version. Note: the proposed amounts are indicative only and the rate in the dollar is to be reviewed in June/July 2019.
The documents can be viewed at:
- the Document Library (on right hand side)
- Council’s Customer Service Centre, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Stanton Library, 234 Miller Street, North Sydney, from 9am to 9pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 6pm on Friday and from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Use the submission form (see below) or alternatively, send submissions to:
Email -
Mail - General Manager
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12
For more information refer here for Information Sessions and Drop-in Information Kiosk dates, or contact Council's Manager Integrated Planning and Special Projects on 9936 8100.
This consultation links to Council's proposed special rate variation (SRV) - refer here for more information
Council's current Integrated Planning and Reporting (IPR) suite of plans were adopted on 25 June 2018, at which time the Council resolved to adopt Scenario 3 as its 'preferred' financial scenario. Scenario 3 requires a SRV.
Council at its meeting of 29 October 2018 resolved:
1. THAT Council confirms its intent to apply to IPART for a SRV and minimum rate increase effective from 2019/20.
2. THAT the Amended Resourcing Strategy (inclusive of reduced SRV duration under Scenarios 2 and 3, from 7 to 5 years), the Amended Delivery Program and the Draft Revenue Policy 2019/20 be endorsed for public exhibition from 1 November 2018 to 16 January 2019.
3. THAT the Community Engagement Strategy be adopted, and the engagement period regarding the proposed SRV and minimum rate increase run from 1 November 2018 to 16 January 2019.
4. THAT the engagement outcomes be reported to the first Council meeting of 2019 (late January) and for Council to determine whether to proceed with submitting an application to IPART for a SRV and minimum rate increase effective from 2019/20.
The following documents are on public exhibition from 1 November to 16 January 2019, during which time submissions are invited:
Amended Resourcing Strategy 2018/19-2027/28
The Resourcing Strategy has been amended in response to the following:
- the 2019/20 rate peg has been set at 2.7% (originally modelled at 2.3%) and advice from the Office of Local Government (OLG) is that councils should assume a rate peg of 2.5% for future years
- reduced SRV duration (from 7 to 5 years per Scenarios 2 and 3) to gives more certainty to medium term planning, and enables the next term of Council to consider its options in the next IPR review cycle
- Council's confirmed intent to apply for a combined SRV application, inclusive of minimum rate increase i.e. the SRV will also apply to properties paying the minimum rate
- less conservative revenue forecasts e.g. greater revenue from hoarding permits and construction zone fees expected
- better than expected 2017/18 end of year result
- 2017/18 financial ratios
It is a statutory requirement that the Long Term Financial Plan component of the Resourcing Strategy be reviewed annually in conjunction with preparation of the Operational Plan.
The amended Resourcing Strategy shows all proposed amendments in italic font (for new) and strikethrough (for deletion). Refer to the related Council report GMO01 for a detailed summary of the amendments.
Amended Delivery Program 2018/19-2020/21
Amendments to the Delivery Program are required to reflect the amendments to the Resourcing Strategy and inclusive of the projects scheduled for 2019/20 i.e. the draft Operational Plan 2019/20.
The amended Delivery shows all proposed amendments in red italic font, including incomplete (carried over) projects from 2017/18 (see related Council report CIS01 for summary of carried over projects(External link)) and the projects to be funded by and SRV per Scenarios 2 and 3.
Draft Revenue Policy 2019/20
Whilst the OLG Guidelines state that councils do not have to adopt their Operational Plan for the coming year i.e. 2019/20 before applying to IPART for a special variation; the Draft Revenue Policy 2019/20 is an essential component of the Delivery Program/Operational Plan and has been prepared inclusive of all three financial scenarios.
The 2019/20 proposed amounts are shown in red italic font and the 2018/19 amounts in strikethrough for comparison. Pending the outcomes of the engagement regarding the proposed SRV, only the relevant scenario will be included in the post exhibition version. Note: the proposed amounts are indicative only and the rate in the dollar is to be reviewed in June/July 2019.
The documents can be viewed at:
- the Document Library (on right hand side)
- Council’s Customer Service Centre, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
- Stanton Library, 234 Miller Street, North Sydney, from 9am to 9pm Monday to Thursday, 9am to 6pm on Friday and from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Use the submission form (see below) or alternatively, send submissions to:
Email -
Mail - General Manager
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12
For more information refer here for Information Sessions and Drop-in Information Kiosk dates, or contact Council's Manager Integrated Planning and Special Projects on 9936 8100.