Planning Proposal 1/17: 617-621 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards Centre
Consultation has concluded

North Sydney Local Environmental Plan (NSLEP) 2013 (Amendment No. 24) is now in force following its publication on the NSW legislation website on 28 June 2019. The amendment amends the planning controls under NSLEP 2013 as itrelates to land at 617-621 Pacific Highway, St Leonards as follows:
- Increasing the maximum building height from 49m to 180m;
- Imposing a maximum FSR of 25.4:1;
- Imposinga minimum non-residential FSR of 4.7:1;
- Incorporating an additional clause within Schedule 1 - Additional Permitted Uses such that“shop-top housing” is permissible with development consent on the subject site; and
- Imposing a new local clause which requires a contribution towards the delivery of State Public Infrastructure where increased residential development is provided onthe subject site.
The individual amendment can be found here.
A consolidated version of NSLEP 2013 (including this amendment) can be found here.
This planning proposal was also accompaniedby a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA), with an offer to dedicate toCouncil two entire fitted out floor levels within the podium of a future development on the site for the purposes of an Arts Centre. Council endorsed the intent of the VPA on 26 March 2018 and the VPA was finalised and executed on 25 June 2018 (i.e. the developer is now required to deliver this piece of community infrastructure. A copy of the executed VPA can be found on Council’s website here.
On 24 July 2017, Council resolved to forward a Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment to amend the planning controls relating to 617-621 Pacific Highway, St Leonards Centre under North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 (NSLEP 2013). In particular, the proposed amendments include:
- increasing the maximum building height from 49m to 180m;
- imposing a maximum floor space ratio (FSR) of 25.4:1;
- imposing a minimum non-residential FSR of 4.7:1; and
incorporating an additional clause within Schedule 1 - Additional Permitted Uses such that “shop top housing” is permissible with consent on the subject site.
Council also resolved to support an accompanying draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA), with an offer to dedicate to Council two entire fitted out floor levels within the podium of a future development on the site for the purposes of an Arts Centre.
The Planning Proposal and draft VPA are consistent with, and will help deliver, the built form and public domain outcomes envisaged by the St Leonards/Crows Nest Planning Study for Precincts 2 & 3, which has been formally adopted by Council.
On 25 October 2017, the Minister for Planning issued a Gateway Determination, permitting the Planning Proposal to be placed on public exhibition.
The Planning Proposal and Draft VPA will be on public exhibition for a period of 28 days from Thursday 16 November 2017 to Wednesday 13 December 2017 and comprises the following - refer to Important Links (right hand side) to view the Planning Proposal documents:
- Planning Proposal
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement
- Planning Proposal assessment - Council report 24 July 2017
- Gateway Determination
- Response to Gateway conditions
Submissions closed 13 December 2017
Use the online submission form (see below) or alternatively, send submissions to:
Email - link)
Mail - A/General Manager
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12
More information: contact Ben Boyd, Strategic Planning Department on 9936 8100.