North Sydney Smart City Strategy
Consultation has concluded

The smart city concept has been growing across the world for the past fifteen years. Smart cities are usually characterised by three key elements: new technology, data and innovation.
The North Sydney Smart City Strategy and Action Plan were developed in two stages:
- Stage 1 - preliminary feedback undertaken from December 2018 to February 2019; and
- Stage 2 - preparation of the Draft Strategy and Action Plan, and public exhibition from 25 July 2019 to 21 August 2019.
The Strategy sets out the vision, principles and priorities which will guide the local government area’s digital transformation. It is supported by a three-year Action Plan, which presents actions and performance measures, aligned to existing Council resources.
For more information and to view the Strategy and Action Plan, visit Council's website.
For further information contact James Marshall, Economic Development Coordinator on 9936 8100.
The smart city concept has been growing across the world for the past fifteen years. Smart cities are usually characterised by three key elements: new technology, data and innovation.
The North Sydney Smart City Strategy and Action Plan were developed in two stages:
- Stage 1 - preliminary feedback undertaken from December 2018 to February 2019; and
- Stage 2 - preparation of the Draft Strategy and Action Plan, and public exhibition from 25 July 2019 to 21 August 2019.
The Strategy sets out the vision, principles and priorities which will guide the local government area’s digital transformation. It is supported by a three-year Action Plan, which presents actions and performance measures, aligned to existing Council resources.
For more information and to view the Strategy and Action Plan, visit Council's website.
For further information contact James Marshall, Economic Development Coordinator on 9936 8100.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Prior to making a submission, review the Draft Smart City Strategy and Action Plan in the document library.
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Council invites general submissions during Stage 1. Feedback closes 22 February 2019.
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This survey is for North Sydney schools only.
Smart cities use digital technology, data and innovation to make our lives easier. Some of these smart technologies and ideas include:
Smart environmental meters (e.g. sensors that can detect when the oval needs to be watered)
Phone applications (e.g. smart phone applications showing up-to-date traffic conditions)
Real-time data and analytics (e.g. information about how many people attend a football match)
Open data (e.g. information about your local area - air quality, traffic conditions, humidity)
Smart street lighting (e.g. street lights that can turn themselves on when there is reduced light outside)
Drones (e.g. very small unmanned aircraft, which can deliver food)
Living labs (i.e. a small part of a local city used to trial and test new smart technology)
Innovation (e.g. the design and creation of a wind turbine to use wind power to make renewable electricity)
Co-design with citizens (e.g. engaging with the local community to plan how North Sydney can become a Smart City)
We welcome feedback from the school community, including teachers, students and parents.Note: please leave your contact details if you would like to enter the draw. By doing so, you are also giving permission to be contacted by Council.
All feedback received will be considered. However, it is not intended for Council to reply to individual respondents.Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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Note: please leave your contact details if you would like to enter the draw. By doing so, you are also giving your permission to be contacted by Council.All feedback received will be considered. However, it is not intended for Council to reply to individual respondents.
Privacy Statement: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.
Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
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This workshop provides a chance to explore aspects of what makes a smart city and identify priorities for North Sydney.
Date: Wednesday 13 February 2019
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm
Venue: North Sydney Council, Ros Crichton Pavilion (Civic Park), 200 Miller Street, North SydneyRegistration is essential.
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Related Documents Library
Life Cycle
Stage 1 Consultation
North Sydney Smart City Strategy has finished this stageInvolves stakeholder workshops, a survey and call for submissions - feedback closes 22 February 2019
Stage 1 Analysis
North Sydney Smart City Strategy has finished this stageAll feedback received collated and analysed
Stage 2 - Strategy Preparation and Council report - 22 July 2019
North Sydney Smart City Strategy has finished this stageDraft Strategy and Action Plan to be prepared and reported to Council for endorsement to place on exhibition
Council report - 22 July 2019
North Sydney Smart City Strategy has finished this stageOn 22 July 2019, Council considered a report recommending that the Draft North Sydney Smart City Strategy and Action Plan be endorsed for public exhibition in accordance with the Engagement Strategy.
Stage 2 - Public Exhibition
North Sydney Smart City Strategy has finished this stageThe draft Strategy and Action Plan to be exhibited for a minimum of 28 days
Stage 2 - Feedback Under Review
North Sydney Smart City Strategy has finished this stageFeedback received during the exhibition period is being will collated and analysed.
Stage 2 - Post Exhibition
North Sydney Smart City Strategy has finished this stageAll feedback received during the exhibition period will collated, analysed and reported to Council, for adoption of the final Strategy and Action Plan
Strategy adopted
North Sydney Smart City Strategy is currently at this stageCouncil considered the post exhibition report at its meeting held 23 September 2019 and resolved to adopt the North Sydney Smart City Strategy and Action Plan.