Proposal to make the North Sydney CBD smoke-free
Consultation has concluded

A smoking ban in the North Sydney CBD came into effect in October 2019 and includes both cigarettes and vaping.
Footpath decals have been installed advising people that smoking is prohibited in the CBD and around Ted Mack Civic Park and Stanton Library (see image in photo library).
The smoke-free area map (available in document library) has been updated to reflect part 4 of the Council resolution of 22 July 2019:
4. That the area where smoking is prohibited be extended to include the Council Chambers and the Civic Centre.
At its meeting on Monday 22 July 2019, Council voted unanimously to ban smoking in the North Sydney CBD, making it the first Sydney Council to do so.
The ban will be implemented in two stages. The first stage will focus on spreading awareness of the ban and self-regulation for a three month period. A further report will be provided to Council at the end of three-month period to review whether self-enforcement is working or enforcement of the prohibition is needed.
The report is available in the document library.
North Sydney Council has always had a progressive approach to creating a smoke-free environment for our residents, workers and visitors.
Cigarettes are not only bad for smokers - cigarette butts litter our streets and the second hand smoke is detrimental to everyone’s health. It is important that Council creates a safe environment for our community where everyone can enjoy our outdoor open spaces.
After the successful implementation of no smoking zones around the local government area, Council has resolved to continue these efforts and undertake public consultation to determine community support for making the whole of the North Sydney CBD smoke-free, therefore making North Sydney one of the first smoke-free CBDs in Australia. Note: the proposal does not relate to private property, it only relates to public domain that is owned/operated by North Sydney Council.
Brett Whiteley Place and Elizabeth Plaza, in the CBD, have both been self-regulated, smoke-free zones since July 2016 with great success. Ernest Place in the heart of Crows Nest has also been designated a no smoking zone.
This follows on from Council banning smoking in 2011 in several public sites around the LGA, including:
- within ten (10) metres of all children’s playgrounds and equipment;
- within ten (10) metres of the boundaries of sportsfields and recreation facilities when sports are being played;
- in all outdoor dining areas on Council owned land; and
- in covered bus shelters and taxi ranks.
In July 2015, the NSW Government implemented a statewide ban on smoking in outdoor dining areas and within four (4) metres of a pedestrian access point to a building.
For further background information read the Mayoral Minute (Council Paper) in the document library.
Feedback closed 5pm, 28 February 2019.