What is a 'Shared Zone'?
A Shared Zone is a road or network of roads where the road space is shared safely by vehicles and pedestrians. The maximum speed limit is always 10 km/h.
There may be no road lines, kerb or gutter in a Shared Zone to show that pedestrians and vehicles are equal. Drivers must give way to pedestrians at all times.
Vehicles can only stop in a Shared Zone if they obey the parking signs and park in marked bays, if they are provided.
Drivers travelling at a lower speed are better able to control their vehicles and safely avoid impact with other road users.
Shared zones are defined under Rule 24 in the NSW Road Rules (2008). A shared zone is a road or network of roads or a road related area where space is shared safely by vehicles and pedestrians and where pedestrian priority and quality of life take precedence over ease of vehicle movement.Shared zones employ a range of regulatory and non-regulatory treatments to indicate a change in environment and priority. Where parking is provided in a shared zone, it is only allowed in marked bays and must have the relevant signage provided.
What does pedestrianise mean?