Governance Strategy

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Feedback closes Friday 10 January 2025

How to get involved:


Evidence-based decision-making and transparent, accountable governance are fundamental to sustaining a well-functioning and strong community.

The Governance Strategy was instigated in February 2024 in response to ongoing issues associated with the North Sydney Olympic Pool project. It was prepared using insights from a workshop with Council’s Leadership Team, review of relevant legislation and research that included consideration of best practices within both the public and private sectors.

Keystrategic directions

The Governance Strategy outlines a clear framework to guide Council’s operations and decision-making processes. At the heart lies a commitment to transparency, accountability and community engagement, ensuring that every action we take aligns with our overarching outcome of building an effective, accountable and sustainable Council that serves the community.

To realise this outcome, this strategy includes the following strategic directions:

  • Develop clear goals, create a plan to achieve them, and track progress with transparency and honesty.

  • Put community needs at the core of everything we do and deliver excellent customer service.

  • Make it easy for our community to engage and participate in decision-making.

  • Manage risks and maintain independent oversight in business operations and decision-making.

  • Exercise regulatory compliance responsibilities diligently to protect the environment and support our community.

  • Commit to efficiency and value for money in service delivery.

  • Build a resilient, inclusive and empowered workforce that is committed to delivering community outcomes.

  • Manage Council’s finances through robust long-term planning and ongoing financial management.

The Governance Strategy is one of eight draft informing strategies that articulate the needs and priorities of North Sydney over the next ten years. Once adopted, these strategies will form the basis of our new 2025-2035 Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

Cost of delivering the Governance Strategy

Timing and delivery of new projects and initiatives will be dependent on availability of funding.

To deliver the essential system upgrades and new projects and initiatives detailed in the Governance Strategy, the estimated additional funding required from rates income is detailed in the table below:

Council is currently engaging with the community on a proposed special rate variation that presents four potential rate increase options. All options will facilitate delivery of the essential governance system improvements detailed in this strategy.

Using option 2b as an example, the average percentage of rates income that would be spent on new projects and initiatives identified in the Governance Strategy over the full ten year period is 2.0%.

This means that for every $100 of rates income received, an average of $2.00 would be spent on governance improvements.

Have your say

We are seeking your feedback on the draft Strategy to ensure that it appropriately reflects identified needs and aspirations.

Please provide your feedback by:

  • completing the submission form below, or

  • emailing or writing to us. Please include 'Draft Governance Strategy' in the subject line of all email or written feedback.

All submissions in their entirety are made publicly available in the Community Engagement Report. Personal identifying information, and content which is discriminatory, hateful or which may defame, offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate will be redacted.

If you need help accessing the Strategy or would like to view a hard copy version, please call 02 9936 8100.

Feedback closes Friday 10 January 2025

How to get involved:


Evidence-based decision-making and transparent, accountable governance are fundamental to sustaining a well-functioning and strong community.

The Governance Strategy was instigated in February 2024 in response to ongoing issues associated with the North Sydney Olympic Pool project. It was prepared using insights from a workshop with Council’s Leadership Team, review of relevant legislation and research that included consideration of best practices within both the public and private sectors.

Keystrategic directions

The Governance Strategy outlines a clear framework to guide Council’s operations and decision-making processes. At the heart lies a commitment to transparency, accountability and community engagement, ensuring that every action we take aligns with our overarching outcome of building an effective, accountable and sustainable Council that serves the community.

To realise this outcome, this strategy includes the following strategic directions:

  • Develop clear goals, create a plan to achieve them, and track progress with transparency and honesty.

  • Put community needs at the core of everything we do and deliver excellent customer service.

  • Make it easy for our community to engage and participate in decision-making.

  • Manage risks and maintain independent oversight in business operations and decision-making.

  • Exercise regulatory compliance responsibilities diligently to protect the environment and support our community.

  • Commit to efficiency and value for money in service delivery.

  • Build a resilient, inclusive and empowered workforce that is committed to delivering community outcomes.

  • Manage Council’s finances through robust long-term planning and ongoing financial management.

The Governance Strategy is one of eight draft informing strategies that articulate the needs and priorities of North Sydney over the next ten years. Once adopted, these strategies will form the basis of our new 2025-2035 Community Strategic Plan (CSP).

Cost of delivering the Governance Strategy

Timing and delivery of new projects and initiatives will be dependent on availability of funding.

To deliver the essential system upgrades and new projects and initiatives detailed in the Governance Strategy, the estimated additional funding required from rates income is detailed in the table below:

Council is currently engaging with the community on a proposed special rate variation that presents four potential rate increase options. All options will facilitate delivery of the essential governance system improvements detailed in this strategy.

Using option 2b as an example, the average percentage of rates income that would be spent on new projects and initiatives identified in the Governance Strategy over the full ten year period is 2.0%.

This means that for every $100 of rates income received, an average of $2.00 would be spent on governance improvements.

Have your say

We are seeking your feedback on the draft Strategy to ensure that it appropriately reflects identified needs and aspirations.

Please provide your feedback by:

  • completing the submission form below, or

  • emailing or writing to us. Please include 'Draft Governance Strategy' in the subject line of all email or written feedback.

All submissions in their entirety are made publicly available in the Community Engagement Report. Personal identifying information, and content which is discriminatory, hateful or which may defame, offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate will be redacted.

If you need help accessing the Strategy or would like to view a hard copy version, please call 02 9936 8100.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the form below.  When you press 'Save & Continue', you will be taken to the next page. On the final page, your submission will be completed when you press 'Submit'.

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Page last updated: 11 Jan 2025, 08:11 PM