Plans of Management for Crown Land

Our area has over 30 Crown reserves which are owned by the NSW Government and managed by Council.
The Crown Land Management Act 2016 which came into force in July 2018 imposes various requirements on councils, including a requirement that councils adopt Plans of Management for all Crown reserves for which they are the appointed Crown land manager and that are classified as community land under the Local Government Act 1993.
To meet these obligations, we will be preparing a new suite of Plans of Management that address relevant Crown reserves. Some of the required Plans will be entirely new while others will replace existing Council Plans of Management. Some Plans will cover multiple open space areas, others will address just one park or reserve.
We have created this page so you can:
- learn about how we are managing Crown lands
- stay up to date with our progress, and
- share your views on the new draft Plans of Management as they are prepared
When each new draft PoM is complete, public exhibition will occur and community comment will be sought. All feedback will be reported to Council and appropriate amendments based on this feedback will be made prior to adopting the final PoM.
The following Plans of Management were on exhibition from 6 October to 21 November 2021:
- New Draft Bushland Plan of Management
- New Draft Plan of Management for Cremorne Reserve
- New Draft Plan of Management for Neighbourhood Parks
- New Draft Playgrounds Plan of Management
Council’s project team is reviewing all submissions. A report to Council will outline the community’s responses to the draft PoM, and any changes needed to finalise the document resulting from the submissions. Once adopted, the document will replace Council’s existing Bushland PoM 2014.
The new Draft Plan of Management for St Leonards Park was exhibited from 30 October to 20 December 2020 and was adopted by Council on 22 March 2021.
- Foreshore Parks and Reserves (currently being drafted)
- Sportsgrounds Plan of Management
For further information call Megan White, Council's Landscape Planner on 9936 8100.