What is the purpose of this consultation?
To seek to determine community preference/sentiment regarding a merger of the current three Precinct areas (Neutral, Hayes and Kurraba), reactivation Hayes and Kurraba Precincts respectively or another option.
What is the proposed name of the merged Precinct area?
Should the merger proceed, the new name of the merged Precinct area is to be determined.
Will the new Precinct Committee have an AGM to elect its office bearers?
Yes. Should the merger proceed, interim office bearers will be appointed as the key contacts with Council and arrange the first few Precinct Committee meetings, including the formal election of office bearers. Council will assist the Precinct Committee to conduct an Annual General Meeting to elect office bearers.
Where will the new larger Precinct Committee meet?
Should the merger proceed, a regular meeting venue will be determined. Precinct Committees can also conduct some meetings online (except AGMs) as determined by the majority preference of participants.
Do Precinct Committees operated under set guidelines?
Yes. Precinct Committees, whilst independent of the Council, are under the auspice of Council. Council has a Precinct System Policy, Guidelines and Code of Conduct for Office Bearers and Members. Please note all three documents are under review. The current versions re available at https://www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/precinct-committees(External link)