Past Engagements

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You can view and search all projects that have been published on the Your Say North Sydney via this link.

This page lists all completed projects by year in which consultation commenced via links in the 'engagement archives'. Projects are listed by year in which consultation commenced.

A project is considered completed when it has progressed through all stages/phases outlined in the project-specific community engagement strategy.

Where an engagement is awaiting progression to a new stage/phase, it can be found in the ‘under review’ section from Your Say North Sydney homepage.

Note: This archive does not contain Council Policies and Traffic and Parking Surveys, these can be found via their project tiles on the Your Say North Sydney homepage.

You can view and search all projects that have been published on the Your Say North Sydney via this link.

This page lists all completed projects by year in which consultation commenced via links in the 'engagement archives'. Projects are listed by year in which consultation commenced.

A project is considered completed when it has progressed through all stages/phases outlined in the project-specific community engagement strategy.

Where an engagement is awaiting progression to a new stage/phase, it can be found in the ‘under review’ section from Your Say North Sydney homepage.

Note: This archive does not contain Council Policies and Traffic and Parking Surveys, these can be found via their project tiles on the Your Say North Sydney homepage.

Page last updated: 14 Apr 2022, 05:46 PM