Draft Community Strategic Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Stage 1 feedback closes 12 December 2021

Submissions closed 11.59pm, 8 June 2022

Stage 2 Engagement (Apr to Jun 2022)

The Draft North Sydney Community Strategic Plan was on public exhibition from 28 April to 8 June 2022. Click here to read the Draft Plan.

Following each Local Government election, it's Council's responsibility to lead a review of the North Sydney Community Strategic Plan in consultation with the community. This plan outlines the community's vision for the future of the North Sydney local government area, including our shared priorities for the next 10 years. It is part of our statutory Integrated Planning & Reporting (IP&R) suite which will guide the incoming term of Council. The plan must be prepared and delivered as a partnership between Council and its community stakeholders, including state agencies, community groups and individuals.

Council needs to prepare and adopt its revised IP&R documents, including the Community Strategic Plan, by 30 June 2022. Your feedback will also be used to prepare the following Council documents:

  • 4-year Delivery Program including financial estimates (and the annual Operational Plan & Budget)
  • 10-year Resourcing Strategy consisting of three inter-related components - Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Strategy and Workforce Management Strategy

Feedback collected via Stage 1 methods, together with the findings from the 2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey, the 2021 Liveability Census, and numerous recent consultations regarding a wide range of themes and services, including the North Sydney Local Strategic Planning Statement were used to inform the draft plan.

On 26 April 2022, the Council endorsed the draft plan for public exhibition for 42 days in accordance with the Community Engagement Strategy.

The draft North Sydney Community Strategic Plan - North Sydney Vision 2040:

  • includes a new community vision statement and guiding principles
  • consists of Outcomes and Strategies centered around five themes, known as Directions - 1. Our Living Environment, 2. Our Built Infrastructure, 3. Our Innovative City, 4. Our Social Vitality and 5. Our Civic Leadership
  • includes indicators to help us track whether we are making progress towards the community vision.

Stage 1 Engagement (Oct to Dec 2021)

There were various ways to participate in the first stage of consultation depending on your preferred level of involvement:

  • survey - prioritised the plan's current directions, outcomes and strategies, and identify new issues and priorities.
  • online map - dropping a pin on the online map to identify issues/concerns (and assign a category - value most, fondest memory or please improve).
  • story sharing - community members of all ages could share their stories and experiences about the North Sydney area using the Stories tool (see below) or via Instagram or Facebook.
  • photo album - share a photo of what you love most about the North Sydney LGA (e.g. favourite location, feature or experience) on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #mynorthsydney. Photos will be displayed during 2022. Selected photos will feature in the final plan.
  • children's artwork - children up to 12 years could visually depict their vision for the future of North Sydney on the provided template or any A4 format. Artworks will be displayed during 2022. Selected artworks will feature in the final plan.
  • round tables - peak bodies across a range of themes/services areas gathered online to identify emerging issues and priorities, and to discuss suggested solutions. Feedback will also be used to inform the development of Council's Community Development Strategy.
  • submissions - there was an online submission form or alternatively email and postal submissions were considered
  • market stalls - stalls were held at local markets providing the opportunity for face to face meeting

Note: the abovementioned consultation methods were chosen in accordance with the current Public Health Order restrictions concerning indoor/public gatherings as at September 2021 - should restrictions be relaxed, Council may offer additional feedback methods (time permitting under Stage 1).

Following exhibition, all submissions received will be collated, analysed and reported to Council seeking final adoption by 30 June 2022. The plan will commence from 1 July 2022.

To be kept updated about this project join the eNews here.

Submissions closed 11.59pm, 8 June 2022

Stage 2 Engagement (Apr to Jun 2022)

The Draft North Sydney Community Strategic Plan was on public exhibition from 28 April to 8 June 2022. Click here to read the Draft Plan.

Following each Local Government election, it's Council's responsibility to lead a review of the North Sydney Community Strategic Plan in consultation with the community. This plan outlines the community's vision for the future of the North Sydney local government area, including our shared priorities for the next 10 years. It is part of our statutory Integrated Planning & Reporting (IP&R) suite which will guide the incoming term of Council. The plan must be prepared and delivered as a partnership between Council and its community stakeholders, including state agencies, community groups and individuals.

Council needs to prepare and adopt its revised IP&R documents, including the Community Strategic Plan, by 30 June 2022. Your feedback will also be used to prepare the following Council documents:

  • 4-year Delivery Program including financial estimates (and the annual Operational Plan & Budget)
  • 10-year Resourcing Strategy consisting of three inter-related components - Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Strategy and Workforce Management Strategy

Feedback collected via Stage 1 methods, together with the findings from the 2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey, the 2021 Liveability Census, and numerous recent consultations regarding a wide range of themes and services, including the North Sydney Local Strategic Planning Statement were used to inform the draft plan.

On 26 April 2022, the Council endorsed the draft plan for public exhibition for 42 days in accordance with the Community Engagement Strategy.

The draft North Sydney Community Strategic Plan - North Sydney Vision 2040:

  • includes a new community vision statement and guiding principles
  • consists of Outcomes and Strategies centered around five themes, known as Directions - 1. Our Living Environment, 2. Our Built Infrastructure, 3. Our Innovative City, 4. Our Social Vitality and 5. Our Civic Leadership
  • includes indicators to help us track whether we are making progress towards the community vision.

Stage 1 Engagement (Oct to Dec 2021)

There were various ways to participate in the first stage of consultation depending on your preferred level of involvement:

  • survey - prioritised the plan's current directions, outcomes and strategies, and identify new issues and priorities.
  • online map - dropping a pin on the online map to identify issues/concerns (and assign a category - value most, fondest memory or please improve).
  • story sharing - community members of all ages could share their stories and experiences about the North Sydney area using the Stories tool (see below) or via Instagram or Facebook.
  • photo album - share a photo of what you love most about the North Sydney LGA (e.g. favourite location, feature or experience) on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #mynorthsydney. Photos will be displayed during 2022. Selected photos will feature in the final plan.
  • children's artwork - children up to 12 years could visually depict their vision for the future of North Sydney on the provided template or any A4 format. Artworks will be displayed during 2022. Selected artworks will feature in the final plan.
  • round tables - peak bodies across a range of themes/services areas gathered online to identify emerging issues and priorities, and to discuss suggested solutions. Feedback will also be used to inform the development of Council's Community Development Strategy.
  • submissions - there was an online submission form or alternatively email and postal submissions were considered
  • market stalls - stalls were held at local markets providing the opportunity for face to face meeting

Note: the abovementioned consultation methods were chosen in accordance with the current Public Health Order restrictions concerning indoor/public gatherings as at September 2021 - should restrictions be relaxed, Council may offer additional feedback methods (time permitting under Stage 1).

Following exhibition, all submissions received will be collated, analysed and reported to Council seeking final adoption by 30 June 2022. The plan will commence from 1 July 2022.

To be kept updated about this project join the eNews here.