Food Scraps Collection Trial: Post-trial survey
Consultation has concluded

Council trialed a six-month food scraps collection service with selected residents to decide if a permanent program should be rolled out to all households in our community. 400 properties were randomly selected to participate. The trial concludes 30 November 2022.
Post-trial Survey
The post-trial survey will help us understand your sentiment towards the trial and the configuration of your household. If you would prefer to a paper copy of the survey, contact us using the details below.
Keep informed list
Sign up to the keep informed list. There is also an option to be added to this list in the post-trial survey.
About the Trial (background information)
Food scraps make up almost 35% of the red lidded general waste bin which goes to landfill. By reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create nutrient rich compost.
The trial will help Council understand whether residents are supportive of a food waste collection service and it will provide us with insights on how such a service should be implemented to meet residents’ needs and aspirations if were to be rolled out across the whole local government area.
A random selection of 400 properties have been chosen and notified. Other properties cannot join the trial.
Participants received a benchtop kitchen caddy to separate their food waste from their general household waste. The caddy was emptied into a maroon-lidded wheelie bin which was collected once a week by Council's contractor.
Food scraps will be sent to a facility that processes food waste using open windrow composting and vermicomposting (worms). The food scraps are processed into compost, mulch and soil conditioners. This is a sustainable waste management option, which results in positive long term environmental outcomes.
Council has engaged an external consultant A Prince Consulting (APC) to assist with the trial.
More information
For further information contact Bo Karaula, Waste Management Coordinator on (02) 9936 8100 or