Ward Street Precinct Masterplan - Stage 2
Consultation has concluded

In order to deliver much needed public domain and amenity improvements to the North Sydney CBD and identify commercial growth opportunities, Council has been undertaking the Ward Street Precinct Masterplan project. The Ward Street site is bounded by Miller,McLaren, Walker and Berry streets.
There are a number of catalysts for the overall masterplan project:
- the return of the Ward Street car park to Council control in 2020;
- the planned Victoria Cross Metro Station;
- strong private development interest;
- the opportunity to set the direction for contemporary best practice planning; and
- the activation of the North Sydney CBD.
The project has been undertaken in two stages, with Stage 2 including two different masterplan options. The final masterplan reflects community feedback and the preferred masterplan Option 2, with a central civic precinct, additional open public space and green space for the CBD. The masterplan also includes new commercial developments that will deliver 5,000 additional jobs, a new knowledge and cultural hub, as well as fine-grain “eat streets”. All these elements will contribute to the emerging 18-hour economy in the heart of the CBD.
View the finalised Ward Street Masterplan in the document library.
Council at its meeting held 24 June 2019 resolved to endorse the finalised Ward Street Masterplan. Council will now start developing an implementation plan to take the project to the next stage. The plan will include rigorous financial and design analysis and a process for ensuring full Council transparency in any partnerships required to deliver the project.
View the Council report in the document library.
Council at its meeting held 25 June 2018 resolved to exhibit the draft Stage 2 Ward Street Precinct Masterplan. The draft Masterplan (Stage 2) is a response to the feedback received for Stage 1 (see related links) and sets out to deliver a more informed, comprehensive and realisable vision for the precinct.
The existing Ward Street precinct is a mix of commercial, mixed use and residentialdevelopments at the northern end of the North Sydney CBD. The draft Ward Street Precinct Masterplan project aims to significantly improve the public domainoffering of the CBD and carefully plan for its urban renewal.
The Stage 2 development process resulted in two masterplan options for consideration:
1. Option 01 - Miller St Square
2. Option 02 - Central Square
Both options seek to deliver transformative public domain amenity and significant community use benefits within the North Sydney CBD.
The draft Stage 2 Masterplan was on public exhibition from 7 August - 8 October 2018, as follows:
Masterplan summary brochure (9MB)
Ward St Precinct Masterplan (46MB)
Traffic & Parking advice (323KB) (ARUP)
Design Excellence Panel minutes (401KB)
For more information contact Jennifer Lawley, Strategic Planning Department on 9936 8100.