Milson Park Boat Ramp Upgrade Proposal
Consultation has concluded

On Saturday, 12 October North Sydney Council officially opened the newly upgraded boat ramp located on the waterfront at the foot of Milson Park, upon Sydney Harbour. The boat ramp positioned along the seawall adjacent to the Sydney Flying Squadron provides access to the water fornon-powered vessel users. The upgrade largely sponsored by RMS ($328,700) andNorth Sydney Council ($90,000) aimed to reduce the gradient of the old boatramp, extend it by over 5 m as well as improve safety at the toe of the ramp.Along with widening the ramp by 1 m to the NE, the addition of stepped accesson the side of the ramp was constructed.
The ramp also incorporates a compass rose and a memorialplaque to club’s former patron, Ian Kiernan. Ian has made an invaluable contributionto improving the environment through establishment of Clean Up Australia.
Submissions closed 12 December 2018
Milson Park is one of North Sydney Council’s (NSC) most historically significant parks. The boat ramp is located on the waterfront at Milson Park, McDougall St, Kirribilli, adjacent to the Sydney Flying Squadron (SFS) and provides access to the water. It is highly utilised by SFS during sailing season. The current ramp is steep and vessels are prone to damage.
In conjunction with Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), NSC proposes to upgrade the facility by extending the ramp into the water, widening the ramp and installing steps to assist with lowering vessels into the water. This will improve safety for both sailors and the general public.
A number of studies have already been undertaken to assess the impact on marine life and minimise contamination (see Review of Environmental Factors in document library). RMS, NSC and SFS have considered a number of design options and chosen a preferred option.
Construction will be undertaken after the 2018/19 sailing season (April 2019). Construction will see a section of the park closed for public access and traffic controls in place allowing access to construction equipment. Public access to areas outside the construction footprint will be maintained
A tender for construction will be advertised late January. Once the contract has been awarded further information on construction footprint and timeline will be made publicly available.
Council seeks feedback on the upgrade and any site specific access needs.
Fill in the online submission form (see below) or alternatively, send submissions to:
Email -
Mail - General Manager
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12
More information: contact Council’s Landscape Architect/Project Co-ordinator, Alicja Batorowicz on 9936 8100.