Housing Strategy Supplement

A comprehensive review of the North Sydney Local Housing Strategy (NSLHS) will be undertaken in 2025/26.
Until the review is undertaken the existing NSLHS will remain as Council’s adopted Housing Strategy with this Housing Strategy Supplement used to ensure ongoing relevance and to align the format of the Housing Strategy with Council’s other Informing Strategies.
North Sydney Council's can be found here Informing Strategies can be found here.
Key strategic directions
The Housing Strategy Supplement is consistent with the overarching goal of the existing North Sydney Local Housing Strategy (NSLHS) and seeks to deliver housing that meets the needs of a growing population through three key strategic directions:
Support the delivery of affordable and diverse housing.
Provide additional dwellings to meeting housing targets.
Protect the amenity of our Local Government Area (LGA) through design excellence and provision of appropriate infrastructure in growth areas.
The Housing Strategy is one of eight draft informing strategies that articulate the needs and priorities of North Sydney over the next ten years. Once adopted, these strategies will form the basis of our new 2025-2035 Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
Timing and delivery of new projects and initiatives articulated in this strategy will be dependent on funding availability. Please refer to the North Sydney Council Special Rate Variation (SRV) engagement page for more information on funding options.
About this consultation
Consultation for the review of the North Sydney Local Housing Strategy will be undertaken in 2025/26.
The Housing Strategy Supplement is provided for your information only.