North Sydney Men’s Shed Joint Strategic Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Submissions close Thursday 9 May 2019.

Council resolved at its meeting held 25 March 2019 to place the North Sydney Men’s Shed Joint Strategic Plan on public exhibition for 28 days from 11 April 2019 to 9 May 2019. View the report and plan in the document library.

The North Sydney Men’s Shed Joint Strategic Plan is a joint planning statement by North Sydney Council and North Sydney Men’s Shed. It is based on the Shed’s own Strategic Plan 2019 -2021, Council’s Community, Cultural and Recreational Facilities Policy and programme of works.

Community consultation plays and important role in the production of any Strategic Plan. It provides Council and the Centre with a sound understanding of the important issues for the community with regard to the important role community centres play in their lives.

Public involvement in community centre strategic plans combats misinformation and misunderstanding, and fosters support for Council’s and the centres’ programs and policies. The consent and co-operation of the user of the Shed facilitates management and lends weight to the status of the Strategic Plan.

Submissions give members of the public an opportunity to express their opinions, provide information and suggest alternatives to the proposed management strategies for North Sydney Men’s Shed.

To ensure submissions are as effective as possible:

  • List all points according to the sections and page number in the Strategic Plan
  • Briefly describe each subject or issue you wish to discuss
  • State the strategies you agree or disagree with, and give your reasons
  • Suggest alternatives to deal with any issue with which you disagree


Use the online submission form (see below) or alternatively, send submissions to:

Email -
Mail - General Manager
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12

For further information, contact Council’s Access and Inclusion Co-ordinator, Camelia Tobia on 9936 8195.

Submissions close Thursday 9 May 2019.

Council resolved at its meeting held 25 March 2019 to place the North Sydney Men’s Shed Joint Strategic Plan on public exhibition for 28 days from 11 April 2019 to 9 May 2019. View the report and plan in the document library.

The North Sydney Men’s Shed Joint Strategic Plan is a joint planning statement by North Sydney Council and North Sydney Men’s Shed. It is based on the Shed’s own Strategic Plan 2019 -2021, Council’s Community, Cultural and Recreational Facilities Policy and programme of works.

Community consultation plays and important role in the production of any Strategic Plan. It provides Council and the Centre with a sound understanding of the important issues for the community with regard to the important role community centres play in their lives.

Public involvement in community centre strategic plans combats misinformation and misunderstanding, and fosters support for Council’s and the centres’ programs and policies. The consent and co-operation of the user of the Shed facilitates management and lends weight to the status of the Strategic Plan.

Submissions give members of the public an opportunity to express their opinions, provide information and suggest alternatives to the proposed management strategies for North Sydney Men’s Shed.

To ensure submissions are as effective as possible:

  • List all points according to the sections and page number in the Strategic Plan
  • Briefly describe each subject or issue you wish to discuss
  • State the strategies you agree or disagree with, and give your reasons
  • Suggest alternatives to deal with any issue with which you disagree


Use the online submission form (see below) or alternatively, send submissions to:

Email -
Mail - General Manager
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12

For further information, contact Council’s Access and Inclusion Co-ordinator, Camelia Tobia on 9936 8195.

  • Thank you for making a submission North Sydney Men's Shed Joint Strategic Plan.

    Reminder: Any personal data captured in this submission will be stored by Council in accordance with its Privacy Statement, Privacy Management Plan, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and the Privacy and Personal Information and Protection Act 1998. Personal information captured will be used only for participation in this project and will not be disclosed to any third party without your written consent.

    Details of individual submissions may be made public in accordance with Part 3, Division 1, Clause 18(g) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. Personal information will only be made available by application in accordance with Part 2, Division 2 - Public interest considerations - of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.

    Consultation has concluded
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