Draft Neutral Bay Village Planning Study

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Consultation has concluded

"A vibrant local centre that meets the needs and aspirations of the community. A network of high amenity public open spaces, pedestrian-friendly laneways and community facilities will support residents, workers, students and visitors of all ages and ability to gather, rest, and socialise."
- Vision for Neutral Bay Town Centre

Project Update

At its meeting on 27 May 2024, Council considered a post-exhibition report on the Neutral Bay Village Planning Study (NBVPS).  
Council resolved (in part) to adopt the Neutral Bay Village Planning Study, with amendments, as the strategic development framework for the Neutral Bay local centre. The amendments: 

  •  set a maximum building height of six storeys across the centre;
  • delete specific figures to align with the Probity Plan for the Grosvenor Lane Car Parkand 
  • support the inclusion of affordable housing to be maintained in perpetuity in all new 6-storey developments. 

The full meeting minutes can be accessed here. 
To stay informed, please register your interest using the form below or click here. 

The draft Neutral Bay Town Centre Planning Study (recently renamed 'Neutral Bay Village Planning Study') has been prepared to guide future development and protect existing employment opportunities through managed height increases in the town centre; and deliver much-needed public domain improvements and community facilities.

The objectives of the draft study are to:

  1. address the decline of employment in the centre which results from Council’s current planning controls.
  2. facilitate carefully planned development including targeted modest increases in height and density while maintaining and enhancing the village atmosphere of the centre.
  3. secure a range of community benefits from planned and limited growth. 
  4. ensure that the scale of growth proposed, has a better balance between development height and the provision of additional public open space compared with the Military Road Corridor Planning Study, which was rescinded in 2022.

The draft study was on public exhibition from Tuesday 27 February 2024 to Tuesday 2 April 2024 inclusive.


Between 2018 and 2021, Council prepared a Planning Study for the Military Road Corridor (MRCPS) focusing on the Neutral Bay Town Centre. On 24 January 2022, Council resolved to rescind the Military Road Corridor Planning Study (2021) in response to community concerns and to prepare a revised NBTCPS to better balance development height and the provision of additional public open spaces and facilities.

The Council report of 23 May 2022 provides background to the revised Planning Study. The adopted engagement plan can be found in Council report of 12 December 2022.

We have also developed a Fact Sheet to help explain the preparation of the Planning Study (available in the Document Library). Hard copies are available at Council’s Customer Service Centre and Neutral Bay Community Centre during opening hours.

Key Features of the Draft Planning Study

New public spacesNew and upgraded community facilities
Improved access and road safety
Protected employmentBuilt form character and amenities
  • new 3,000m2 Grosvenor Plaza
  • new 1,000m2 Rangers Road Plaza
  • new laneways

  • new 1000m2 community centre
  • upgraded existing community centre

  • Underground Grosvenor Lane car park
  • through-site link upgrades
  • footpath widening at Military Road bus stops
  • Investigation into pedestrian crossing improvements
  • new cycleway and bicycle facilities
  • increased minimum non-residential floor space (FSR) control from 0.5:1 to 1.2:1 or 1.5:1

  • increased maximum height limit from 5 storeys to 6 storeys for most of the mixed-use zone
  • maximum 8 storeys for identified key sites
  • built form design guidelines

More Information 

Send feedback and questions to yoursay@northsydney.nsw.gov.au

"A vibrant local centre that meets the needs and aspirations of the community. A network of high amenity public open spaces, pedestrian-friendly laneways and community facilities will support residents, workers, students and visitors of all ages and ability to gather, rest, and socialise."
- Vision for Neutral Bay Town Centre

Project Update

At its meeting on 27 May 2024, Council considered a post-exhibition report on the Neutral Bay Village Planning Study (NBVPS).  
Council resolved (in part) to adopt the Neutral Bay Village Planning Study, with amendments, as the strategic development framework for the Neutral Bay local centre. The amendments: 

  •  set a maximum building height of six storeys across the centre;
  • delete specific figures to align with the Probity Plan for the Grosvenor Lane Car Parkand 
  • support the inclusion of affordable housing to be maintained in perpetuity in all new 6-storey developments. 

The full meeting minutes can be accessed here. 
To stay informed, please register your interest using the form below or click here. 

The draft Neutral Bay Town Centre Planning Study (recently renamed 'Neutral Bay Village Planning Study') has been prepared to guide future development and protect existing employment opportunities through managed height increases in the town centre; and deliver much-needed public domain improvements and community facilities.

The objectives of the draft study are to:

  1. address the decline of employment in the centre which results from Council’s current planning controls.
  2. facilitate carefully planned development including targeted modest increases in height and density while maintaining and enhancing the village atmosphere of the centre.
  3. secure a range of community benefits from planned and limited growth. 
  4. ensure that the scale of growth proposed, has a better balance between development height and the provision of additional public open space compared with the Military Road Corridor Planning Study, which was rescinded in 2022.

The draft study was on public exhibition from Tuesday 27 February 2024 to Tuesday 2 April 2024 inclusive.


Between 2018 and 2021, Council prepared a Planning Study for the Military Road Corridor (MRCPS) focusing on the Neutral Bay Town Centre. On 24 January 2022, Council resolved to rescind the Military Road Corridor Planning Study (2021) in response to community concerns and to prepare a revised NBTCPS to better balance development height and the provision of additional public open spaces and facilities.

The Council report of 23 May 2022 provides background to the revised Planning Study. The adopted engagement plan can be found in Council report of 12 December 2022.

We have also developed a Fact Sheet to help explain the preparation of the Planning Study (available in the Document Library). Hard copies are available at Council’s Customer Service Centre and Neutral Bay Community Centre during opening hours.

Key Features of the Draft Planning Study

New public spacesNew and upgraded community facilities
Improved access and road safety
Protected employmentBuilt form character and amenities
  • new 3,000m2 Grosvenor Plaza
  • new 1,000m2 Rangers Road Plaza
  • new laneways

  • new 1000m2 community centre
  • upgraded existing community centre

  • Underground Grosvenor Lane car park
  • through-site link upgrades
  • footpath widening at Military Road bus stops
  • Investigation into pedestrian crossing improvements
  • new cycleway and bicycle facilities
  • increased minimum non-residential floor space (FSR) control from 0.5:1 to 1.2:1 or 1.5:1

  • increased maximum height limit from 5 storeys to 6 storeys for most of the mixed-use zone
  • maximum 8 storeys for identified key sites
  • built form design guidelines

More Information 

Send feedback and questions to yoursay@northsydney.nsw.gov.au

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Council is preparing a Planning Study for the Neutral Bay Town Centre. The objective is to chart a future for the town centre that balances development and the need for additional public spaces and facilities. Complete this survey to provide feedback to inform the draft options.  

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Survey - Preliminary Engagement on Facebook Share Survey - Preliminary Engagement on Twitter Share Survey - Preliminary Engagement on Linkedin Email Survey - Preliminary Engagement link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Register your interest. In late May 2023, Council will be inviting a group of residents to participate in a workshop to discuss options for the future of the Neutral Bay Town Centre Planning Study. There will be a small monetary acknowledgement for those participating. 

    Consultation has concluded
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