LEP Review
Consultation has concluded

On 25 November 2019, Council considered three reports on the LEP Review:
Amendment to NSLEP 2013 - Council considered a report (refer to Background Document Library) on Planning Proposal (7/19) seeking to amend NSLEP 2013 to give effect to the relevant recommendations and actions of the LSPS and LHS and to incorporate a number of miscellaneous housekeeping amendments. Council resolved to endorse the Planning Proposal and forward to Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE) to obtain a Gateway Determination and enable the Planning Proposal to be placed on public exhibition. Following receipt of a Gateway Determination from the DPIE, Council placed the Planning Proposal on public exhibition from Monday 25 May 2020 to 22 June 2020.
Council considered the submissions made to the Planning Proposal at its meeting of 24 August 2020 (report located here) and resolved to forward the Planning Proposal with some minor amendments to the DPIE with a request to make an LEP amendment to NSLEP 2013 to give effect to the Planning Proposal.
The DPIE are currently finalising the plan making process.
For more information on the Planning Proposal, visit this webpage.
Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) - Council considered a report outlining the outcomes to the public exhibition of the LSPS and resolved to adopt the LSPS with an action to forward to the GSC for assurance. Following receipt of a Letter of Support from the GSC on 20 March 2020, Council has now finalised its LSPS. The LSPS can be viewed here.
Local Housing Strategy (LHS) - Council considered a report outlining the outcomes to the public exhibition of the LHS and resolved to adopt the LHS with an action to forward it to the (DPIE) for their approval and publication on the NSW Planning Portal (refer LHS Document Library - Post Exhibition).
BACKGROUND - Public Exhibition of LSPS and LHS
As part of its LEP Review - on 24 June 2019, Council resolved to place the Draft Local Strategic Planning Statement (refer to LSPS Document Library - Public Exhibition) and the Draft Local Housing Strategy (refer to LHS Document Library - Public Exhibition) on public exhibition for aminimum of 42 days.
Submissions closed 5pm, Thursday 15 August 2019.
Feedback was sought via the following:
- Submission form - online or hard copy. Participants had a chance to win one of five $50 gift card (terms and conditions available in the document library)
- Written submissions - email or post
- Drop-in information stalls were held at Northside Produce Market, Woolworths Shopping Centre, Crows Nest and Kirribilli Markets
In total:
- 47 submissions were received providing input into the draft LSPS (refer to LSPS Document Library - Public Exhibition)
- 54 submissions were received providing input into the draft LHS (refer to LHS Document Library - Public Exhibition)
North Sydney Council is progressing a detailed review of its Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to ensure Council’s existing planning framework and controls closely align with the planning priorities identified in the Greater Sydney Commission’s (GSC’s) Regional and District Plans.
New rules introduced by the NSW Government in March 2018, mean that all councils are required to prepare:
- LEP review
- Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS)
- Local Housing Strategy (LHS)
The LEP is the primary legal instrument councils use to guide planning decisions and control development. North Sydney Council last completed a comprehensive review of its LEP in 2013. The completion of these projects has resulted in the need to amend NSLEP 2013.
Amendment to NSLEP 2013
On 25 November 2019, Council considered a report with respect to a Planning Proposal (7/19) seeking to amend NSLEP 2013 to give effect to the relevant recommendations and actions of the LSPS and LHS and to incorporate a number of miscellaneous housekeeping amendments to ensure a clear, transparent and contemporary planning instrument is maintained.
Council subsequently resolved to endorse the Planning Proposal and forward it to the DPIE to obtain a Gateway Determination and enable the Planning Proposal to be placed on public exhibition. Following receipt of a Gateway Determination from the DPIE, Council has placed the Planning Proposal on public exhibition from Monday 25 May 2020 to 22 June 2020. For more information on the Planning Proposal, visit this webpage.
Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS)
On 24 March 2020, Council adopted the North Sydney LSPS. This followed receipt of a Letter of Support from the GSC on 20 March 2020.
On 25 November 2019, Council considered a report outlining the outcomes to the public exhibition of the LSPS and resolved to adopt the LSPS with an action to forward to the GSC for assurance.
The LSPS sets out Council’s land use vision, planning principles, priorities, and actions for the next 20 years. It outlines the desired future direction for housing, employment, transport,recreation, environment and infrastructure for North Sydney LGA.
The LSPS guides the content of Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) and supports Council’s consideration and determination of any proposed changes to the development standards under the LEP (via Planning Proposals).
The LSPS is required to be consistent with the GSC’s Greater Sydney Regional Plan (‘A Metropolis of Three Cities’) and North District Plan, and provide a clear line-of-sight between the key strategic priorities identified at the regional and district level and the local and neighbourhood level. The LSPS requires approval by the GSC.
Community feedback received during the development of North Sydney Community Strategic Plan2018-2028 (CSP), as well as a range of other established Council strategies and planning documents has helped inform the LSPS. The CSP, in particular, outlines the community’s aspirations for North Sydney, now and in the future.
Council engaged the community in this project and sought community feedback on the draft LSPS during the six-week public exhibition in July/August 2019
For more information contact Neal McCarry, Strategic Planning Department on 9936 8100.
Local Housing Strategy (LHS)
On 25 November 2019, Council considered a report outlining the outcomes to the public exhibition of the LHS and resolved to adopt the LHS with an action to forward it to the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE) for their approval and publication on the NSW Planning Portal.
The LHS establishes Council’s vision for housing in the LGA and provides a link between this vision and the housing objectives and targets set out in the GSC’s North District Plan.
The LHS details how and where housing will be provided in the North Sydney LGA, including consideration of demographic trends, local housing supply and demand, and local land-use opportunities and constraints. It also identifies areas of cultural, environmental, heritage or local character significance.
Council engaged the community in this project and sought community feedback on the draft LHS during the six-week public exhibition in July/August 2019.
For more information, contact Council's Strategic Planning Department, on 9936 8100.
Project updates will be made available via this website.
Initial review of NSLEP 2013
Following the release of the Greater Sydney Regional Plan (‘A Metropolis of Three Cities’) and North District Plan, all councils had a legal obligation under the EP&A Act 1979 to review their LEPs to ensure they align with the planning priorities identified in these Plans. This includes identifying priorities or gaps for further investigation.
On 19 November 2018, Council considered a report (refer to Background document library) identifying future projects that will form part of the wider LEP review. This report highlighted the legislative requirement for councils to prepare a LSPS to provide the basis for strategic planning in a council’s local government area (LGA). The LSPS informs any changes to a council’s local environmental planand/or other planning policies as part of the LEP Review process. Council also had to prepare a LHS which fulfils one of the actions of the LSPS.