Economic Development Study

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say on Economic Development and win $100!

Council would like your feedback on the future of economic development in North Sydney.

Please complete our Community Survey for your chance to win a $100 gift voucher.

How to get involved:

Other ways to get involved


North Sydney Council recognises the value of Economic Development in encouraging investment, creating employment opportunities and building vibrant centres. Council would like to know how we can support businesses, promote employment opportunities, attract investment and develop an economic development vision and strategy.

Key themes

To help guide the conversation, we have identified the following themes in the Economic Development Discussion Paper:

  1. Vibrant commercial centres and villages. Our villages and commercial centres play a key role in supporting our local economy and building communitieswhat do you love most about these and what could make them even better?
  2. A thriving business environment for North Sydney. How can we help existing businesses flourish and attract new businesses to diversify our economy?
  3. Increasing visitation and length of stay. A strong evening and night-time economy can support economic growth and help make an area a more vibrant place to live, work and visit – what do you want to see after 6pm and how can we attract more tourists?
  4. Environmental, social and governance. As we navigate the significant threats of climate change and other challenges, what will help our businesses become more environmentally and socially responsible?

If you need help accessing the Discussion Paper or would like to view a hard copy version, please call 02 9936 8100.

About this consultation

Council is seeking feedback on the Economic Development Discussion Paper via online surveys (open 12 May – 25 June) and a dedicated community forum.

The information we collect will help to identify the needs and aspirations of the North Sydney community and will be used to develop a series of strategies that will in turn inform our new 2025-2035 Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Programs and Operational Plans. They will determine our priorities and ensure that Council’s resources are focused on delivering outcomes needed and wanted by our community.

$100 prize draw

Everyone who provides feedback via our online surveys has the option to go into a prize draw to win a weekly $100 gift voucher. There are 4 x $100 gift vouchers available in total. The winners will be drawn at random each week from Tuesday 4 June – Tuesday 25 June inclusive and announced the same day. It is strictly one entry per person per focus area survey.

Have your say on Economic Development and win $100!

Council would like your feedback on the future of economic development in North Sydney.

Please complete our Community Survey for your chance to win a $100 gift voucher.

How to get involved:

Other ways to get involved


North Sydney Council recognises the value of Economic Development in encouraging investment, creating employment opportunities and building vibrant centres. Council would like to know how we can support businesses, promote employment opportunities, attract investment and develop an economic development vision and strategy.

Key themes

To help guide the conversation, we have identified the following themes in the Economic Development Discussion Paper:

  1. Vibrant commercial centres and villages. Our villages and commercial centres play a key role in supporting our local economy and building communitieswhat do you love most about these and what could make them even better?
  2. A thriving business environment for North Sydney. How can we help existing businesses flourish and attract new businesses to diversify our economy?
  3. Increasing visitation and length of stay. A strong evening and night-time economy can support economic growth and help make an area a more vibrant place to live, work and visit – what do you want to see after 6pm and how can we attract more tourists?
  4. Environmental, social and governance. As we navigate the significant threats of climate change and other challenges, what will help our businesses become more environmentally and socially responsible?

If you need help accessing the Discussion Paper or would like to view a hard copy version, please call 02 9936 8100.

About this consultation

Council is seeking feedback on the Economic Development Discussion Paper via online surveys (open 12 May – 25 June) and a dedicated community forum.

The information we collect will help to identify the needs and aspirations of the North Sydney community and will be used to develop a series of strategies that will in turn inform our new 2025-2035 Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Programs and Operational Plans. They will determine our priorities and ensure that Council’s resources are focused on delivering outcomes needed and wanted by our community.

$100 prize draw

Everyone who provides feedback via our online surveys has the option to go into a prize draw to win a weekly $100 gift voucher. There are 4 x $100 gift vouchers available in total. The winners will be drawn at random each week from Tuesday 4 June – Tuesday 25 June inclusive and announced the same day. It is strictly one entry per person per focus area survey.

  • Please read the Economic Development Discussion Paper before undertaking the Survey.

    Please complete the form below.  When you press 'Save & Continue', you will be taken to the next page. On the final page, your submission will be completed when you press 'Submit'

    Consultation has concluded
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  • Please complete the form below.  When you press 'Save & Continue', you will be taken to the next page. On the final page, your submission will be completed when you press 'Submit'.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • You may register your interest to participate in a business focus group (dates to be confirmed) if you work in one of the following sectors:

    • Tech and media
    • Financial, insurance, professional and technical services
    • Education, social services and health sectors
    • Tourism and night time sector 

    Note: These focus groups are limited to a maximum of 15 people to ensure that everyone can adequately input into the discussions.

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