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Rosalind Street, Cammeray - Proposed raised pedestrian crossings

Feedback closes 20 December 2024.

Council is considering a proposal to upgrade the existing pedestrian refuges at the intersection of Rosalind Street and Miller Street, Cammeray to raised pedestrian crossings. To comply with current technical directions and provide adequate visibility, four car parking spaces could be converted to “No Stopping”.

The proposal aims to improve safety for pedestrians crossing the street, reduce vehicle speeds, and provide visibility between approaching drivers and crossing pedestrians.

The proposed works would result in a net loss of two on-street parking spaces on Rosalind Street. Specifically, two spaces would be removed on Rosalind Street, west of Miller Street, and a further two spaces removed on the northern side of Rosalind Street, east of Miller Street. In addition, two spaces would be gained on the southern side, east of Miller Street.

The proposed change to convert three sections of on-street parking to “No Stopping” would prohibit vehicles from stopping at any point on the road or kerb in the direction of the arrow within the designated “No Stopping” areas. In addition, the conversion of a section of “No Stopping” to a “2P 8:30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 20” would limit any vehicle without a valid parking permit to parking for a maximum of two hours between 8.30am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

For further information contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or

Note: The feedback form is not a voting form as such but will assist in determining support for the proposed pedestrian crossing upgrade. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents. Refer to Council’s Access to Information Policy and Privacy Statement regarding management of personal information. For further information visit the above webpage, contact Council’s Traffic & Transport Operations Department on 9936 8100 or email


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