What is Street Play?

    Street play involves the temporary closure or streets/road areas to allow the area to be used for public or ‘play’ space.  The temporary closure of streets to vehicles to allow ‘opening and access to people’ already takes place across the world on a range of different scales, examples being the ‘Open Streets’ program in North America, ‘Ciclovia’ in South America which has been running since the mid 1970’s or the “Play Streets” program running in Victoria.  Activities can range from informal play to community art projects, sports or activities and take place at a range of scales from individual streets through to road closures over several kilometres.  

    What are the objectives of the Street Play Program?

    • Social Cohesion - Street Play attendees reporting feeling a sense of community.
    • Inclusion - encourage young people and older adults to attend Street Play events.
    • Safety - the majority of attendees are safe and report feeling safe.
    • Sustainable Transport - encourage attendees to walk, cycle or take another active mode of transport to the events; and  
    • Health and Wellbeing - increase opportunities for structured and incidental exercise. 

    What is the selection criteria for a potential Play Street?

    • Physical capacity to enable and/or facilitate “Street Play” opportunities. (e.g. level topography, accessibility and connectivity pedestrian/footpath network)
    • Amenity (e.g. provision of shade, ambient noise levels etc.)
    • Deliverability (e.g. likely to be endorsed by the traffic committee and other relevant authorities
    • Able to be delivered within the estimated budget estimates for the project)
    • Low/manageable impact on traffic, property access and public transport
    • Proximity to the target demographic – large densely populated residential areas with young families – predominantly areas with a higher density of apartments and unit blocks
    • Distance to existing open space options (i.e. ensuring sites first respond to unmet need/gaps in open space rather than in areas with high relative access to open space)
    • Links to other Council projects/initiatives i.e. proposed street closures, cycle routes, walking/cycling routes to school
    • Proximity to other complementary surrounding land-uses such as schools, Village Centres and or recreational facilities
    • Ensuring that there is an equitable spread of sites across different parts of the Local Government Area

    How many localities will selected in 2023?

    15 streets will be shortlisted from the entries, based on the suitability of the proposed location, and from the short list 7 streets will be selected for the Street Play 2023 Program.