What is a DIAP?
The NSW Disability Inclusion Act (2014)(External link) requires that Disability Inclusion Action Plans (DIAP) are developed by NSW government departments and local councils. The North Sydney Council DIAP is a public commitment by Council to create a more inclusive and accessible community. It details the actions to be taken by Council over the four year period 2022-2026, to build a strong community that is inclusive of people with disability. The updated DIAP will build upon previous actions taken by Council to improve access across the North Sydney LGA.
Why do we need a DIAP?
It is not usually the disability itself that stops people with disability doing things. People can often deal with the conditions associated with their disability.
DIAPs focus on the structural and attitudinal barriers that prevent people with disability gaining equal access to information, places, services, transport, housing, education, training, employment, and social opportunities. If you remove these barriers much of the disadvantage and loss of independence also disappear.
Who will it benefit?
This DIAP is about making our community more inclusive for people living, working and visiting in the North Sydney local government area.
The DIAP will not only benefit people with disability. It will make the North Sydney area a more connected and liveable place for carers, older people, those with a temporary disability and families with young children. It will promote diversity. The economic participation of people with disability will be good for business.
Who is developing this DIAP?
Judy Harwood from JC Harwood Consulting Pty Ltd has been engaged by Council to develop the DIAP. Judy is independent from government and has a background in working with both community and government issues.
Who will be consulted in this review?
People with disability and other key stakeholders will be consulted via a range of engagement methods.
How will you use my input?
Stakeholder input is critical to this review. JC Harwood Consulting respects the confidentiality of all participants and will ensure that their input is handled sensitively, appropriately and confidentially without revealing personal identities, unless specific consent has been given. Personal information will be collected and stored in accordance with Council’s Privacy Management Plan.