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Submission Form - Draft Community Strategic Plan

Use this form to write your submission. Be as specific as possible e.g. refer to which area of the plan your submission relates to or page number etc.

Note: In the interests of transparency, any submission you make is open to public scrutiny under North Sydney Council's Access to Information Policy. Council generally makes the submission, and the name and address of the person/organisation making the submission, publicly available on our website (or associated sites) unless the submitter requests otherwise. 

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Access to Information Policy

* required
Click on green text to access link to the Policy


* required
Click on green text to access link to the GIPA Act

Privacy Statement  

* required
Privacy Statement: North Sydney Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing a submission. The supply of personal information is entirely voluntary. If you elect not to provide or do not wish to provide your personal information, Council may not be able to act on or acknowledge your submission. Council shall be regarded as the agency that holds your personal information and access to your personal information by interested parties, may be released in line with Council policies. Council may publish any personal information included in a submission on a proposal or proposed development. You have a right to access your personal information held by Council. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected or amended by Council. Applications by members of the public to view Council’s records which are not in the public arena are subject to the provisions of Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and Council’s Privacy Management Plan.
In the interests of public transparency, submissions in their entirety will be made publicly available via Council's website (or associated sites - Your Say North Sydney or Application Tracking) and in some instances content from submissions will be included within Council Officer's reports. If you do not wish to have all or part of your submission published in this way, you must detail above your reasons for not wishing this information to be published.