Transport and Parking Consultation - Stage 1
Consultation has concluded
Between February and May 2016 Council conducted an extensive community engagement program (Stage 1) to inform the preparation of three inter-related projects involving transport, traffic and parking planning.
The North Sydney Transport Strategy and the North Sydney Parking Strategy is prepared by the City Strategy Division and the preparation of Traffic and Traffic and Parking Area Scheme (TAPAS) Action Plans for each of the seven (7) identified TAPAS Zones within the local government area prepared by the Engineering and Property Services Division. The Action Plans are the next step in implementing the North Sydney Integrated Traffic and Parking Strategy.
We received over 3,600 responses to this engagement program:
- 2,728 resident and 215 business survey responses
- 307 submissions
- 63 mapping pins
- 300 residents and 16 schools participated in workshops
The findings of the engagement program were reported to Council in July 2016. Refer to the Document Library to access the Stage 1 Engagement Outcomes Report.
North Sydney Transport Strategy - adopted
Council adopted the North Sydney Transport Strategy on 24 July 2017. The draft Strategy was publicly exhibited for 6 weeks, from 27 April 2017 to 7 June 2017. Development of the draft Strategy was informed by feedback to the Stage 1 consultation outcomes as well as the overarching principles outlined in the North Sydney Community Strategic Plan 2013-2023 and Ecologically Sustainable Development Best Practice Project: Transport (2013). We received 72 submissions during the public exhibition period, from residents, businesses, adjoining councils and transport advocacy groups.
The North Sydney Transport Strategy is Council’s guiding document for the delivery of its transport planning and management functions including strategic transport planning, delivery of local transport projects and transport advocacy.
The next step in implementing the Strategy is to develop Modal Action Plans.
Draft TAPAS Action Plans - currently on exhibition (Stage 2)
Council has prepared the Draft Traffic and Parking Area Scheme (TAPAS) Action Plans to manage traffic and parking across the 7 Zones. The Action Plans will be used to coordinate a program of works and projects over the next 10 years. The Action Plans will also be updated and reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure they are relevant and up-to-date.
The Draft TAPAS Action Plans are currently on public exhibition until the 9 October 2017. Council invites submissions during the exhibition period.
We are holding a series of drop-in information sessions, where you can discuss the plans with Council staff and provide feedback in person. Bookings are not required, you may attend any time during the sessions. The venue for all sessions is the Ros Crichton Pavilion, next to the Council Chambers, 200 Miller St, North Sydney. Session dates and times:
- Thursday 10 August - 12 Noon to 2pm
- Thursday 21 September - 12 Noon to 2pm
- Thursday 21 September - 5.45pm to 7.30pm
For more information refer to the Related Projects (right hand side).