Willoughby Road Streetscape Upgrade Keep Informed - Issue 1

Shade structures consultation update
Between 27 June and 6 September 2023, Council consulted with business operators on Willoughby Road regarding the potential replacement of umbrellas in the outdoor dining areas fronting the street.
All feedback has been received, collated and analysed, and will be reported to the Council meeting on 9 October 2023.
Construction timeline
Work will begin with trench investigation for the early electrical and drainage works.
To ensure that businesses are not impacted during the holiday trading period, works will pause from December to January.
Streetscape works will begin in the new year with new umbrellas being installed at the end of works which is projected to be June 2024.
Works commencing 25 September 2023
Council's appointed contractor, Garde Services Pty Ltd, will notify businesses and residents within proximity to the works. If you have any questions, please contact them on 02 9737 9062 or email community@garde.com.au.
Trench investigation work will begin on Monday 25 September, and is scheduled to be completed between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday. If there is any need for works outside of those times it will require third party approval and advance notice.
The trench investigation will see footpath closures and short delays, but we will do what we can to minimise the impact to businesses. Some parking will also be taken up by trucks and plant movements.
Further communications will be sent out regarding the staging of the new Ausgrid and Council infrastructure.

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