St Leonards Park is one of Council’s most significant and best-loved parks. Bounded by Miller, Ridge and Falcon Streets and the Warringah Expressway, this heritage-listed park has a distinctive Victorian character. Major park features include the Music Shell, the War Memorial and Tunks Fountain, along with North Sydney Oval, Bon Andrews Oval, netball courts and cricket nets. The Park features avenues of mature trees, scattered planting of specimen trees and large open lawn areas that lend themselves to unstructured recreation.
The draft Plan of Management for St Leonards Park is informed by the following 2 significant documents:
1 - St Leonards Park Conservation Management Plan (CMP) 2013
The St Leonards Park CMP was developed to provide a framework for the ongoing care and management of the Park’s heritage, and to guide decisions about its conservation, use and development in the future. It recognises that St Leonards Park is a place of considerable heritage significance in the context of North Sydney and New South Wales.
View the St Leonards Park Conservation Management Plan here
2 - St Leonards Park Landscape Master Plan (LMP) 2018
The St Leonards Park LMP was prepared to guide and direct future work in the Park. Drawing on information contained in the CMP and the PoM for St Leonards Park 2011, the low-intervention design plan considers the Park’s importance as a heritage asset, sporting destination and public open space and shows how the Park could look and function in the future. Implementing the LMP will enhance the park landscape, improve recreation opportunities for a range of park users, ensure the park is accessible to all and address circulation and access issues for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles in the Park
Consultation has concluded