Sawmillers Reserve-Small Watercraft Storage Strategy Implementation
Consultation has concluded

Submissions closed Tuesday 18 February 2020
Council’s Small Water Craft Storage Strategy was adopted in 2018 following community consultation. This Strategy highlighted problems caused by an excess of small water craft at the foreshore of Boatbuilders Walk and the northern end of Sawmillers Reserve, below Munro Street. Many of the water craft stored in these locations appear unused and unseaworthy, and some are stored in such a way that access to Boatbuilders Walk and the foreshore generally is compromised, and adjacent Council-owned garden beds are regularly damaged.
In 2019/20 Council allocated funds for investigations, consultation and design of small water storage facility and associated landscape upgrade to manage the storage of water craft on public land on the harbour foreshore in an effective and equitable manner, for the benefit of water craft owners and for the convenience and enjoyment of those who access and use Sawmillers Reserve for general recreation.
From 22 January to 18 February 2020 Council invited community feedback on two options (available in document libraries) for small watercraft storage in Sawmillers Reserve:
Option 1 - 10 dinghy storage racks adjacent to the existing boat ramp as well as 7 dinghy and 28 kayak racks on the southern side of the bridge
Option 2 - storage located on the southern side of the bridge and offered 16 dinghy racks and 32 kayak racks
Engagement Outcomes
Council received 27 submissions. The majority of submissions (93%) expressed support for the implementation of the permanent small water craft storage facility, with 44.4% preferring Option 1 and 29.6% preferring Option 2. 7% did not support construction of any small water craft storage in Sawmillers Reserve. 19% did support the proposal but had no preferred option. Based on the results of the public exhibition period Council will proceed to implement Option 1.
However, in response to feedback received from residents in Munro Street, concerned with the potential noise and visual amenity issues of the proposed racks outside their properties, changes to the final design of Option 1 will include a reduced number of dinghy racks (from 10 to 6) located outside of 16 Munro Street and the provision of additional vegetation screening in order to mitigate the noise and visual impact issues.
Installation of the new small watercraft storage arrangements will commence mid-March 2020.
For more information contact Alicja Batorowicz, Council’s Landscape Architect/Project Co-ordinator on 9936 8100.